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Posts posted by Lickity-Split


    Actually, I'm wondering if you know what RNG means.



    EDIT: Just because this is pertinent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy

    Oh I do... Its why I don't use it as an excuse for not getting the loot I wanted...

    Because I know what Loot system is being run in the void... Not Ignorant or dismissive...


    Yes it may seem like RNG to you because lets face it you probably havnt been playing games very long.

    But if you look carefully the drop rates (Edit : In the Void) are factored by percentages... Not random at all.



    You seem to like Wikipedia so Click this

  2. Don't forget those who rush to the extraction point when everyone else is busy butchering the enemy.


    I do this on Purpose...

    Always have a second person with me on Mumble or TS3 too...

    If guys are running around miles away and killing all the mobs away from the group we extract... Dont have time for them.



    Only really play Survival & Defense.


    Tip : Solo Void Survival... Its easier than going with a group!

    The enemy will always come to your position and you can determine when to use the life supports.

    Plus you dont have to worry about what other people are doing or where all the mobs are being killed.

    You'll find that soloing 30min of T3S is actually really easy to do and rewarding... Its only after the 45min mark that things actually start becoming fun.



    On a side note has anyone else noticed that ODS is only dropping T1 keys lately. 

  3. I actually prefer when new players come to the forum and ask questions like this.

    Yeah they will eventually learn that there is a wiki and they can get all the information there, but until that time its nice to show them that we have a helpful and friendly community...


    Not just a bunch of douchebags that say "L2Google & Dont be lazy".

  4. While I do like the sound of the idea it would cause far too many balance issues and all frames in general would become far too strong for any of the difficulties the game currently has available. 

    (Still waiting for those Nightmare Mode Void Towers)


    My suggestion is you just use the ability you require the most and use forma's on the rest of the = slots.

  5. Shouldn't post things like this on the forum it brings out the worst in some people and you will begin to hate the community for their dumb replies...

    Not all of them though... Some will try relate and discuss it with you.


    Vauban helm alerts only appear between 1am-5am on work nights my time, very irritating but then I think about the Potato I got from this mornings alert and feel bad for the guys that missed it.

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