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Posts posted by Lichcontract

  1. I feel like they can be solutions for cache hunting. You scan the lower level ones for 1 cache when injected, the mid tier ones for 2 caches and the combination one for all 3 caches when put into the sabotage point. It'll entice people into exploring for the plants, gives a use for scanning the plants, gives good rewards for doing the action and allows people to play the way they want(currently the anti toxins increase the defend time proportional to their tier).

  2. Honestly I'm hoping they make a Dragon Daikyu with only puncture damage and a 1 second charge time. That makes it so much better as a status weapon, gives a quality of life update(charge speed) and is just plain sexy(I love the way it looks especially with the ormalu skin).

  3. Can we get Carrier to carry and the warframes have a universal vacuum that's slightly smaller? I mean our warfames can bullet jump and stick to walls, surely they can activate an aura around them to pull in loot if they can make it so their entire body can stick to something.

  4. 21 hours ago, SaberSentinel said:

    Accomplishing something is the point, and with the way they've nerfed even experience gathering in the time it now takes to max frames, it becomes even harder to gain Focus. Most of my math was also given to me by the long-standing members in the clan I've joined, so I simply trusted their word on that and what I've experienced thus far in my mod leveling. Those players have been around for a long time, and remember the debacle that was Firefall, so they have experience with DE nerfing things into extinction. I simply don't want that to happen with a game I've fallen in love with.

    I apologize for not realizing they meant primed cores. Having not maxed any r10 yet, I made the assumption it was the same with any rank 10 mod. Clearly I was wrong there, but then you mention Heiracon as a viable alternative and seem to forget that it's on Pluto. With the navigation change new players have been hamstringed from reaching the tougher planets, and finishing all the challenges/missions for the junctions and whatnot becomes tedious without being ferried there. As a member of a clan, yes, it's possible, but others don't have that option.

    Okay fair enough, if you're a newer player and you don't have access to places like Heiracon but isn't that the entire point of progression?

    You should have to earn your way to easy farming (yeah they have been nerfed but they are still easier than regular star chart runs for credits/cores). I didn't get my first rank 10 mod(serration) until 2 years into this game lmao, I left the game early on because I couldn't pass mastery rank 0 test(now I've got enough mastery for MR21) then I started to play again and got better at constantly moving to dodge enemy fire so I could progress through the map.

    I even remember soloing most of the star chart with the standard burston and old super jump Xcal, selling other weapons so I could make space for slots and for me to gain MR ranks. When I finally got the Soma I didn't even have any crit mods, I had to fight my way through with aim and constant movement. At the end of the star chart I actually felt like it was a challenge (no nullies or cheese invulnerability phase enemies like manics) I overcame through my skill.

    It was only after that I could grind for exp and credits on Sechura if I want the easy way. If the player can't manage to do the star chart without being carried, do they really deserve to be able to get easy grind spots that others who genuinely built up the ability to solo the star chart with little to no mods did? Isn't that the reason DE removed the ability for taxis to unlock nodes? Is it so bad actually learning to play the game?

    If anything I feel like they should add separate nodes for different purposes (a couple nodes for corpus, infested, grineer credits and so on for cores and exp) which would give everyone a choice of what factions you want to fight and for what resources they need (The void should remain a place to challenge yourself all nodes just being at lvl 40 while Raids and Sorties add to it). Then remove the shared affinity range (been there a long time, people only complain now since it was given an icon and added to interceptions) since it kills the feeling of progression in games like survival (if you remember hall way heroes) and interception which encourages camping and power spam instead of continuous movement you used to have to do to not get hit.

    TL;DR New players should earn their way to easy mode and Old players should get choice in where they want to farm what and a place where they can challenge themselves.

  5. Pretty sure your math on the number of cores and credits is wrong for rank 10 mods lol its about 528 r5 cores and 1.7 mill credits for a primed mod so it's not really that bad. If you do sorties every day for 10 days and get all cores(25 pack) you'll max out an uncommon rank 10 mod like serration pretty easily especially if you mix it in with regular game-play.

    If you wanted to farm properly (I don't, I only have like 150 r5s just passively playing and don't particularly enjoy grinding for one purpose) then Heiracon exists. 15 minutes for 10r5s and a relic plus ~14k credits. If you wanted to max a primed mod that would be ~14 hours(assuming best case scenario) of engagement with the game. That's about 2 hours a day for a week or 1 hour a day per fortnight which is easily do-able since Baro comes once a fortnight.

    If you want credits it's even less time since you would only run the mission for 5 minutes(around the time it takes to set a loadout, go through the starchart and select the node, wait for match making, travel through the tileset and finally extract) and it's ~10 hours to make 1.7 million but since you'll be running it for an extra 4 hours you're also able to buy and craft any new weapons released in the time frame proposed.

    While I acknowledge the fact that DE has messed up credit rewards (since the update) and high standards for Primed mods, it is entirely do-able if you are willing to engage with the game at least 1 hour a day on a particular node.

  6. I'd like it so that if you have a regular variant in your inventory you could choose to add that to the mixture of prime/other variant parts to keep the polarities and tater. That would allow you to keep old weapons and buy slots for a future benefit or sell the old weapons and just build prime/other variants on a case by case basis essentially it's a way to keep your investment in the original with variants but allows them to still make money on slots from collectors

  7. I'm feeling like they could do the sentinel revamp with the Nuki pet style thing where if we make it to the Tau system and get sentient tech we can put them into sentinels to upgrade them to Nuki like companions, killing 2 birds with 1 stone seeing as the community wanted pet Nukis and they were thinking of bipedal/quadruped robotic companions. This gives a use to our current sentinels while also providing progression.

  8. 1 hour ago, taiiat said:

    but that's just it - it doesn't. if you want to build the new thing right now perhaps, but you'll collect the Resources as you play eventually.
    people complain about say, upgrading Legendary Mods - but there's so many ways to get Fusion Cores that such a complaint is ridiculous. Players make incredible Fusion value progress as they play, at a very steady rate.




    Lmao you've played 3.3 times more than me and I get the way you play (I only have 60 ducats because I don't ducat farm and don't plan on doing it, plus I didn't really run void missions so whenever Baro came he'd take a lot of my inventory). I guess whenever new stuff comes it just kinda eats out my resources and since I don't usually farm it back up I just get left when I go about missions that aren't on nodes that drop that resource (used to always have over 10 mill before compound weapons like akjagaras and Kubrows were introduced).

    TL;DR I guess I just need to git gud and play a hell of a lot more 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Tantalus010 said:

    Anyway, I'd suggest they make the maps flippable.  Press a button and see our solar system, press the same button again and see Tau.

    While I like this idea, they could also do it keeping to the current solar map aesthetic. By that I mean they could just make the our system a node that can be clicked and expanded much like a planet, which, gives them even more room to venture into other systems other than Tau.

    Hell I think it'd actually be kinda cool to do it in the way Steve showed the first star chart 3.0 rework(which kinda ended up being the focus system map) where you can have certain systems be in the Naramon space, others in an Unairu space and so on with each system expandable into their planets and nodes. Now this would be hella work and might be kinda off putting to see so much content as a new player but it's just an idea that's functional and aesthetically pleasing(IMO) while keeping the current starchart 1.5 (also aesthetically pleasing IMO).

  10. 1 hour ago, DLVargas said:

    I guess, right now, the first thing we need is a reason to return to the Tau System. Then we can worry about a means to visit it. The only thing we're sure of is that a battle was fought there, nothing more.


    Well with the Orokin being what I think they are - beings of consciousness (shout out to DK and cephalon fragments for that). They would find a way back eventually from the Void where their consciousness has been shifted.

    At the same time the Sentients are in the Tau system trying to make their way to here with armies of fragments. They could succeed with overwhelming numbers of full sentients becoming fragments and being like Hunhow, however, given enough time fighting Tenno and their adaptability they could re-adapt to the Origin system getting stronger.

    There could be an eventual war seeing as we are in the Axi era now (speculation but Axi means cyclical/surface which could mean a war is bound to repeat itself, also could represent how the Orokin would always come back due to their immortality from being shifted consciousness in which case they'd come back possibly stronger) we'd go to Tau system to get sentient weapons to upgrade our fighting style/gear leading to Umbra frames or Umbra being a sentient we can give our current gear to, to be upgraded.)

  11. 40 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    you certainly could(if that's your thing), but i don't buy Boosters and infact when there's Weekends with Boosters i specifically avoid playing Warframe.

    Aight I just logged in to screenshot my resources. Oh lord I gotta ask even though you're a founder and been playing way longer than I have( Fusion Moa event was like U7 iirc) how many hours you have spent in game(I'm only sitting on around 980), I don't think I have nearly half the amount you do if you are just passively getting all these resources and credits lmao.


    Edit: To view the images right click and hit view image






  12. 22 minutes ago, DLVargas said:

    It'd make the most sense, probably.  Dark Sectors were supposed to be long-abandoned sections of the rails that went unused (or sealed off?) for centuries, full of mystery and danger and unlooted supplies/rewards. What horrors would we find there once we dared reopen them? What ancient tech would we discover? What history?

    Instead we got the same old infested enemies.

    I'm feeling the concept of finishing Pluto, get the dark sector nodes unlocked and once those are completed you get an assassination mission to fight some sentient fragment guards which unlock a junction leading to the Tau system

  13. 25 minutes ago, taiiat said:


    and ~23 Million Credits. i'd have more stockpiled but i blow tons of Credits on random Fusion and buying crap i don't need but w/e.


    most of my Alloy Plate came from earlier days when i spent almost all day playing Grineer Missions while people were AFKFarming in Infested Defense (you know the one).
    because Grineer Missions were much more challenging and interesting than Infested. Corpus ways played a good amount too, but since XP was something Players focused more on in those days, mostly Grineer since the XP rates are much better in Grineer of the 3 base Factions.

    I feel like this is why the Sibear costs 30,000 cryotic....I have like 200.... and I have like 100k credits. I've been playing on and off since the fusion moa event lmao. I think I might wanna buy the max level prime access next time so I can never run out of resources now

  14. I feel like instead of adding cheese enemies like nullifiers they really need to adapt the enemy AI to give more satisfaction for killing enemies that miss every shot(if not hit-scan) or aim-bot(if hit-scan) and then run around in circles when you come near them

  15. On 11/07/2016 at 11:17 PM, Arkinvas said:

    The problem is that they're kinda wrist blades, which doesn't make for a good stance the way sword/claws/etc do, since that sort of weapon is meant to be awkward to use more than in one swing.  Still, if I were designing a Bladestorm as a stance, I'd probably do stuff like LMB is shuriken instead of charge, hold E to teleport (using ash's teleport ability, similar to the way the twin basalt augment works.)

    You can just adjust the claws stances since the ripkas and venka are kinda wristblade-y

  16. 4 hours ago, (PS4)swamprat3 said:

    Umm yes and no he isnt a threat if you know how to handle him but not every one does but even if you know how hes always annoying and you should be rewarded for dealing with him in a meaningful way being rewarded with a dread and a heavy impact for the 50th time pisses players off like the OP im a vet ive been playing since ember prime access what was that 2-2 1/2 years ago? It took me a year to get all 3 of his weapons then thay added the broken war, war, and the landing craft engines i have all of them but the engines but every time he shows up its a let down because i keep getting mods that come from other places so i say ditch everything in his drop table but the BPs and the stance and have him force drop duckets (i probably spelled that wrong) this way even if you dont get what you want you get something useful and this makes it rewarding to fight him even if you have all his stuff. 

    Ayyy I've been playing since around those times as well and I haven't had him spawn in probably the last 4 months. I still haven't gotten the Despair yet, let alone any of the new things they put in his drop table. I remember the days he used to only show up when you had on low level new gear (does he still do that? I've been in the void too long and level everything in void defenses).

  17. I'd also love for them to change the Kuria icon on the minimap from a loot box to their waypoint symbol like the cephalon fragments. I feel like that'd get more people into the lore since I've been hunting down all of the fragments since I could actually find their symbols.

  18. Well there's been information found from pixel counting that radiant bumps your chances to around 35% if you have a full 4 man squad with the same relic at radiant. All you need is roughly 13 runs to get any part you really need at the end of the day, assuming you do the run 10 times for the 100 void traces. If you've not got it in the first 10 runs with a 4 man squad then the next 3 have the highest chances.

    I get that it'll be more annoying to farm the void relics to get those prime parts now though since we can't just key share. It's essentially farming the star chart, to farm the void, to farm the void.

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