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Posts posted by Dalawantahr

  1. Read a thread on feedbacks about exactly what you are saying, strangely I don't get nausea from it, I easily get motion sickness in games, especially FPS type. The shacking motion for me did a good job, I felt the power and speed. Maybe because I'm playing with a big enough screen. The energy shield tho shakes too much, can't use it I definitely going to have nausea from it.

  2. How about this, on the 4th got my part, extended another, host got dced, migration, continue on, the next host dced, migration again, this time I was alone. I wasn't gonna give up continues on until the end.....And....it was a first round reward. All previous reward gone.

  3. That being said, it might have made more sense to make it a trinity related ability.

    Indeed, would suit her like a glove.


    I love it, I intend to use it - even if I have to buy it from those hostile to the Veil.

    Hmm...ally downed, cast SotD to draw aggro, cast Terrify, and then Soul Punch. Yes yes doable. But I wonder the no shield will effect QT. Very risky move casting Soul Survivor.

  4. Description:

    Nekros: Soul Punch: Soul Survivor: Using Soul Punch on a downed ally will instantly revive the ally with % of health. Nekros's health will drop to % and all his shields and energy will be consumed.


    Was expecting something else for my Nekros, quite disappointed to be honest. I only see this useful when in a very tight situation (high level difficulty) when we really need to revive somebody ASAP. But with the hefty penalty I don't see this applicable. What do you guys think?


  5. Our base it's called a dojo, with decorations that comes from the the Japanese culture, the statues, stones and zen gardens, koei ponds, big gongs, etc. When I sit in the observatory room, I stay quite and meditate, practicing my zen. I feel like a Ninja.

  6. Yes, I still bring my dog, she helped me get off my Carrier addiction. I like her very much. On missions, she never once disappointed me, she's a very good companion. Sometimes when I lack skills she step up and murders everyone in sight. Amazing. We've bonded now, no turning back.

  7. Yeah kindda, been grinding MR to 14, maybe that's why I feel burn out doing the same things over and over again with stuff I don't even like. Thank god the last event gave exp booster.

    I often hang out in the recruiting channel wanted to see if there's something I can do or join, but was just not interested or my mood was just not there. The farming, grinding and RNG are becoming a turn off. Buy plat and trade it for prime parts? Sure I can, but it's not the same feel if you got it yourself from running void missions, but I just don't have the drive to do it constantly. For now I just do what fun is left for me in Warframe, killing things with melee with my dog.

  8. Pubs are okay most of the time, only failed 2 times, 1 because they rambo the wardens with underpowered weapons. And once because of host lag. But seriously, if you see an alert plz do check the f'ing difficulty, what faction you're up against, what level are they, mission type and set up your load out accordingly.

  9. No easy fix for your situation really, read about your tetherpro software and all it does is help you share your internet connection (using NAT) to many network devices that you might have. It does not say anything about being able to handle DNAT which is what really strict NAT is. Have a try with a rooted android device and install the necessary software for it to become a fully fledged router. There's maybe a how-to floating around somewhere in the net. But before you go that route, better check your carrier if it allows you the customer to perform DNAT (they usually block initial incoming connection to their customers).

  10. Or y'know, you can slice that sucker off the door with a flying slash. Which sounds cooler?

    ...until you miss it and goes flying through the magnetic field and drains your energy completely, not cool :p

    Btw how about those pesky zapper, last time I tried slashing it has no effect until I shoot it. Can we destroy them with melee?

  11. I just hit Level 3 and I am still using Mag. I have been collecting parts and mods for Nyx and Banshee but I dont have enough mods to really make them useful right now so I am just running the original gear from the prologue. Solo I can get in trouble but with 1-2 other people no matter their level I can hang, even on some of the much tougher levels. To the OP, stick with the basics and build it up. The WF and gear get better as you level them up and get better mods. If you jump around then you are basically starting from scratch all the time and nothing will be good. Just my .02

    Oh hey Mag was my first pick too :) she helped me opened up the Warframe world for me and of course the Rhino. Also you were spot on about your last statement.

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