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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. Have you guys ever thought about providing the game a deeper crafting system to give the foundry a bit more depth? Maybe more craftable usables or being able to craft weapon/warframe augments. With the addition of more crafting materials I believe this could give more planets more use as you could specify areas in the solar chart to drop more diverse things?

  2. Well, again, just a heads up that DE isn't looking for or accepting Warframe remodels right now, just helmet remodel

    Thanks for the headup? Maybe this can be made and refined around a time they ARE looking for remodels. I'm just excited to create in general for tennogen. Even if I have to start up small. 


    I'm asking for feed back on the design, though not whether or not itll be accepted, ya know?

  3. They sometimes take ideas from their player base, but something like that is better for Fan Concepts, not for TennoGen. Now, if this thread is mean to be a Fan Concept, and not a TennoGen submission (and I have recently seen a lot of Fan Concept threads being posted in the TennoGen forum), then this thread should be moved there.


    So, OP, is this just a Fan Concept or a WIP TennoGen submission? If it's just a Fan Concept, then you should ask a mod to move it to the Fan Concepts forum.



    The title of the post is "Blut's Workship: Cardice Frost Concept (WIP)"

  4. Advice. Download Sculptris first. It's free and incredibly fast to learn. If you never modeled or sculpted before, Zbrush might seem too big a monster to take in.

    Zbrush is the leading tool for movies and games and there is a reason for it.

    But in my experience you gain more by starting slow. Pixologic bought Sculptris as they saw it as a potential threat, and have kept it as a free alpha-app to learn the basics before buying zb.

    Oh yeah, cloth is not animated you might want to remember that when you concept ; a hood will stay static.


    Dude, can't thank you enough for the advice regarding starting programs haha. I'm downloding sculptris right now.


    Also, yea I know it's not animated, I actually wanted to to stay static on the face. I tried to avoid any part of his body having loose ends. I want him to have something of a jumpsuit going on with a sick collar and drape over his machine 'face'

  5. besides the furs, i think the rest of the design can be fitted into frost's current skin as normal map. Not sure about the helmet, but the body itself already looks pretty fitting on frost, especially because of the crystal parts.



    that's mostly what I want to exhibit. I want something like a hood thingy for frost, I've seen the extent that helmets can be changed.. so I'm hoping I can do the same. 

    The funny thing about all of this? I haven't ever used zbrush and I'm hoping it's not terribly difficult so that I can try it out.

  6. Hello everyone.


    I decided I wanted to attempt to design my first ever 3d model, and the goal is a frost skin from this concept I drew up.


    At the moment I'm calling it "Cardice".


    Your thoughts? Thank you guys for any feedback!

    EDIT: Thanks for all your feedback. I'm still trying to work on this. I'm in the process of setting up my computer all over again because of Windows 10 Bugs BSOD'ing my computer. So all the programs I had are gone and I have to reinstall and such. 

    I'll give an update soon.



  7. I think having to go into an instance with the option of being open to other players to invade and kill you or your objective would be pretty cool.

    Upping the ante, reward-wise, by giving some sweet loot... that'd incentivize players to pvp both offensively and defensively.



    Im wid it.

  8. Link the video you're talking about.


    It's important to understand that things change. It is also important to understand that not all changes are appealing. However, as long as you keep in mind that there is still lots of love sewn into every update and hot-fix, you can eventually come to love where it is now and how much it has grown and continues to grow.

  9. I really hope he reads this and actively makes changes based on what people are suggesting rather than a blanketed "We welcome your criticism about the pls drop" 


    Survival does need somewhat of an overhaul or more intricacies introduced. A lot of missions do, but since you're on the topic of survival.


    Please add events to survival that challenge our ability to SURVIVE? 



    -Unique Mobs that can spawn more mobs over time if not killed fast enough.

    -Lockdown puzzles that access certain rewards/areas

    - special mobs that require special ways to defeat them


    things like that would make playing the survival more intricate and interesting for the entire mode, so that we're not forced to camp and stay in one place waiting for items.

  10. People in this game seriously need to man up or just leave. Seriously. So tired of hearing entitled people speak for everyone (everyone being them and a few friends) that something about the game is apparently killing it. 


    I work in a hospital and don't even hear as much griping as the people of the forums do. 



  11. That's a feature of the new Star Chart.



    But anyways, to OP, I take difficulty as being anything that's balanced and fair, not broken. So basically nothing this game has to offer as of late. I still enjoy creating my own forms of "difficulty" though, such as pushing my limits constantly in how long I can survive in Hieracon with just a Dragon Nikana.


    Well try to be a lil' bit more specific!

  12. I don't plan on having this thread be a discussion about the game's difficulty, but rather build on a fact that we can all agree on: Difficulty is subjective.


    Everyone's idea of difficulty varies and the type of difficulty also varies in type (fun challenge, annoyance, impossible, turn off, etc).


    So what I would like to ask you guys is what do you believe would actually present itself as a fun challenge in the basic way we play this game.


    For example, I believe mini objectives that alter/augment the flow of success and rewards in mission types would present a new challenge and opportunity.


    What do you guys think?

  13. The only thing I can see to improve Trade chat is to put in a Character limit so you can't type paragraphs at a time creating a mess of a chat. Right now I love the system because it is completely free.

    You can hate freedom or you can love it. When I PM someone I never expect to sell something over 30p because I know they will straight up ignore me. if someone is wanting to buy a EmberP piece I sell it for 5p a piece because I know that is fair and probably cheaper than someone who is trying to rip him off would put.

    If 5 people PM someone wanting to buy ScindoP blade and you know the average price is 50p it is only logical to try to sell it for 40P because out of those 5 people you want to be the lowest. Or you could be the only one selling it to him and you could go higher than normal. Being rude and disrespectful can costs trades. I have gotten double the usual amount of trades by simply being polite to people.

    WarTrade feels like its only psychological game, where you can either win or lose. If your very good at the game you can usually win. Though if you spam and are rude you usually lose. It is a nice trade off in a way you grind WarTrade like you do Warframe.

    TL;DR AH in my opinion would ruin the charm of warframe trading.

    You know, I agree with you.

    I stated it before but to dive a bit deeper, I'm on board with an ah only if it still allows for bartering. Let's be honest here. Freedom is very nice however do have a cut and dry system of buying and selling is needed

    When it comes to selling and buying very cheap things or things you can buy in bulk (cores and ducats anyone) it makes it insanely easy to do so and it makes everyone happy.

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