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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. I'd rather we NOT have something popup like backpack dot tf for team fortress 2, but for warframe. I am very happy with players deciding the prices of things, to sell and not to sell etc.


    One of my good friends pointed out that whenever a site pops up like this, and management takes over, it becomes a scamming site essentially. You leave power of determining the price to a few individuals who raise and lower prices as they see fit, and it ruins the economy.


    It's a nice gesture, but as of right now, I'm currently fine the way it is. If you don't know how to trade, then just buy whatever you want or farm it. No need someone telling us what the price should be of our items.


    Seller sets price, buyer doesn't like price? Move on to a different buyer. Just the way market works.


    Trade isn't fine the way it is though. The problem is largely the inability to make communicate sales/trades and the stress of staying in a channel spamming a message every 2 min or so. That's a very large issue that most of the community has with the trade system. Thus players asking for an auction house.


    What I had in mind for the website wasn't a log of prices such as WFtrading. But instead a site where you can make posts/listings that are pre-set so that players can just choose the item they want to buy/sell and then set a price and wait for someone to respond.


    This way the website isn't controlling anything but simply cleaning up the design and making the trading system more accessible to players. It's for the sake of design and sanity, it's not a "good gesture" And I don't believe in this "I like players setting the price" Because it sets the stage for people to scam. That's what every scammer or swindler wants, an opportunity to gain a disproportionate amount of plat

  2. I decided that after trying to buy something and sell something in trade chat for 3 weeks in a half now to look into other alternatives if the existed and I discovered This Though not many people are on it...



    Is there a specific reason for this other than it not being advertised enough? 


    I seriously feel this could generally ease the strain of using trade chat and eventually polarize the cost of things.




    I'm actually curious because I wanted to take the project of designing my own marketplace website for warframe and this could help me understand whats the general feelings toward a tool like this.


    Check it out if you get the chance. Its effectiveness lies in its popularity.

  3. Well, some people think bad event is still better than no event at all. The type of people for whom Warframe is no longer a game but some necessity of life like food or water--would you starve to death or eat that soggy broccoli?


    It's boring, mind-numbing, and buggy as all hell, sure, but since I've accepted this sort of lazy wait wall is to be expected from DE's competence and designs, boring/mediocre event is somewhat defensible. The people defending it are actually the most disappointed and jaded players, whose expectations and respect for DE's ability to make a functional product have fallen so far that they see a buggy event and say hey, that's just how this game is. 



    I think (or at least in my opinion since I'm not a jaded player defending this thing) I'm defending this event, or any for that matter against threads that don't offer criticism constructively and just raise unhealthy attention to the flaws in things. 


    I've said this before and I'll say it again, it's one thing to say something is bad/disappointing, it's another to say it's the worst thing in the world and claim ill intent and not offer any sound reasoning/argument as to why they may feel that way.


    Players hugely blow things out of proportion and it doesn't help anything, it just makes both parties ( and the parties) in between miserable. 


    I play this game for fun and the event didn't hinder that, so why would I be happy with going on the forums to see discussion with people whining about the same thing 18 million times?


    Do you guys know that actual human beings work at DE? And they DO read threads and they DO care about feedback, so why go crazy about it on the forums? That's what people don't understand. Then they read a response like mine and comment "The forums are here for people to give feed back and express themselves" That's not a response to this, that's a defensive statement that has nothing to do with the problem (or any problem for that matter) here.

  4. I think people have the right to complain.Don´t you? Actually your post souldn´t be here.You know, complaining about other people complaining?! ;-) Let the people blow some steam.I bet the admins here will take care of all those posts.


    They do have the right to complain.


    I'm asking for a megathread to consolidate it lol. 

  5. Has anyone gotten back their plat yet from that mishap or at least contacted by DE yet? 


    As soon as information surfaced about it being a mistake and that you would be reimbursed I created a support ticket.


    I spent like 500 plat gifting to my friends and stuff who wanted it because It wasn't taking my plat and I thought it was meant to be that way.



    If anyone knows anything about it, a little more, please let me know?



  6. Jeez, tough crowd.

    Am I the only one who loves the new helmets?


    Mesa continues her antler/western/horns themes with Ovis, a genus in the goat/antelope family.

    Chroma continues the dragon motif, this time by going to andean mythology.


    I gotta say, DE, I love the sheer diversity you use for inspiration. Far too many IPs stick to a very small, generic set of concepts, so it's cool to see inspiration drawn from less "mainstream" tropes.








    I'm sorry how is this not bad-&#! again?

  7. I sent this to the UI team - they have recently brought up the prospects of Chat 2.0 so sharing is caring!


    Bro great mockup. Seriously, very clean and from one designer to another this is a very strong design. I feel like the box's color scheme could played with a little bit more and the typeface could finally be taken a look at. (Just a little critique).


    Look forward to seeing DE response to this (beyond reb) if they consider it. 

  8. Pyra was always a decent weapon I haven't noticed the buff cause usually whenever I fire my 3 star pyra it just shreds anything lol


    Trust me this thing was not "decent" when it came out lmao. It was actually a really bad weapon. So the buff was needed. I'm just more excited that it came and wasn't listed.

    not gonna bother putting 6 formas on it because I guess it will be nerfed.

    I could be wrong but I don't think it has damage falloff like Brakk?


    Yea it doesn't have fall off.. but the spread is too wide to snipe with. Even so this thing is a VIP powerhouse and hallway clearer for the most part.

  9. I think the mod augments were a good idea to give some playtime for some of the obsolete frames, but i dont understand a few things.


    Why would you encourage people to build loot frames and setup groups for the laziest, spammiest farm sessions i have ever seen?


    Granted you gave them a porpuse, but thats not real viability, pressing one button is not fun. Are frames like Nekros and Mag doomed to be slave frames? they have interesting themes and it feels like a missed oportunity, i believe they need a total rework.


    About the new content, i feel like the old content is so overpowered, that it doesnt matter what frame you release, nothing is gonna be stronger than my Loki/Nova/Nyx/Trinity, no weapon is gonna replace my Boltor Prime. There is no way a CC can be superior to Nyx's Chaos or Nova's Mprime, nobody can get tankier than Trinity.


    Chroma? total waste of time, level to 30 and thats it, Mesa is strong but she is part of the spam/farm group, Limbo was a good idea with good synergy between skills but he cant compete with the older frames.


    I believe you should work and balance around what we already have before releasing new stuff.



    Chroma and mesa are wastes of time? Im starting to people of this game are suffering a serious mental block. .. No seriously I dont know whats wrong with people.

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