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Posts posted by BlutAdler

  1. And stalker music appearing in corpus tile-sets, although im 80% sure that's just a bug (or placeholder :D)... and the void offerings.


    I'm starting to believe we're seeing the first portions of the void being exploded. 


    It probably wasn't completely intentional but semi-knowing the awesome peeps at DE this is their version of leaks and it works. 


    In my personal opinion it'd be kinda weird to just log in one day and boom no more void and everything is changed, it'd be better off seeing gradual weirdness throughout the tile-sets like new structures/mobs and portals and stuff in maps we're used to already. 


    It's kinda awesome and getting me giddy for this "event" It's making me glad I haven't completely played through all of the nodes in the start chart now I have a reason to do it and discover new maps and get used to normal maps for a change. 


    What do you guys think?

  2. Cost me quite a bit of plat the last 4 barriers, the 1st few ones i could even trade them for guardians, that was nice but didn't last long.


    The only way to make ppl sell avengers is to show a decent offer right in the trade chat, players will not reply to you if you simply state that you buy them, very few will even ask for an offer and even less will state the price of it.

    You have to make them trade even if it costs alot of plat, if you don't do that then you're in for a long wait.


    I also stalled at 6 arcane barriers and stating an offer was the only way to get above 6, now i am the proud owner of this.




    Nice! and ty for the advice!

  3. I assume Guard


    I've been in some pretty good easy raid missions. Really the hard part comes in the button part because a bunch of people cannot follow instructions on staying on a button. I've found that a team with a Banshee and a max range soundquake helps solve this problem. The rest is smooth sailing with a double trinity team at the moment. Perhaps it's just me, but I've added arcane strike and guardian on a few frames and to me the effect isn't game breaking nor it it actually that good compared to the old arcane helmets.


    Honestly, someone has to explain to me why "Arcane Grace" is even rare because it seems to me the effect is worse than Arcane Guardian. Having extra armor boost will significantly boost your HP rather than a slow heal that can be shot down by high DPS late game.The moment the enemy hits a high level, all these arcane enhancements fall apart, this is true. But consider a Valkyr with 600 armor getting that armor boost, it's insane how Arcane Guardian is the common one instead.

     I assume the heal comes with  a more viable proc mechanic. On top of that not every frame does particularly well with an armor boost.


    A maxed out grace heals you for 4% per second of your MAX HP. So that's already very strong.. Another way to look at health regen is it being more hp. Factor in how often you actually get hit and how often it procs.. it really works pretty well. And I believe grace works even when taking damage to sheild. Healing mechnics in warframe are very valuable. It's rare for a very good reason. 

  4. I don't know if you're just low level or something, but I've consistently seen Greedy Mag and Loki as well.

    Once you get up to the higher levels of Warframe, it doesn't matter how much damage you can do, it only matters what utility you can bring. Damage frames like Valkyr, Saryn, and Ash are effectively worthless in endless, because once you've progressed past the point that their abilities can't kill everything [or anything], they lose all value, whereas frames with CC and buff abilities maintain their value.


    I don't know if you're just low level or something.. but my saryn ash and valkyr can effectively kill high level targets very easily.


    See how that can be flipped? Don't pull the "level" card on people. You just look bad in the end. 


    People should learn that you can get your point across without insulting him, his play-style or his level of experience.

  5. The warframe support desk says and I quote:


    "Warframe Support is currently under heavy load. Please expect longer than usual processing times while we work through the backlog."



    You obviously have no consideration for people who have submitted reports about gamebreaking issues.

    They're busy, let them take their time. 

    Just go and get it again, you've already wasted 20 days that you could have been using to play for it and enjoy it, instead you're going around telling a story about it.




    He has no consideration...? he's just asking. Why do players in these forums go from 0 to 80 in their responses. Lol it's kinda funny but it's kinda not at the same time.

  6. The entire building feature of the dojo's needs to be streamlined I feel. It, along with chatting, buddy/friend system could use an update to be on par with the new user interface.. Which was implemented almost a half year ago?

  7. Good morning good folk of WF!


    To inform you straight away this isn't a post explaining anything but more requesting to talk about a prominent and unique feature of the game we all hold dear.


    Warframe, without much challenge, is a game that boasts an ever changing tide. Every week there is something added, big or small, and something changed or both. 


    I am requesting and/or begging a group of very talented people and other who may not be so talented to seriously discuss how things get implemented (step by step if you have the time) from idea, to sketch, to model and then to production. Those of you that have either worked in development before, read a lot of material on how some of the process works. Or even if DE comes and blesses us with some insight on how things are created for us to enjoy.


    To add some specifics to start the convo. What inspired me to make this thread was setting eyes upon on fan art featuring Chroma, hand on sword, pelt on back, and his energy wings sprouted instead of the actual mechanic. 


    This made me curious about the difficulty of making it a realistic function to allow his wings to come out during times other than when his ultimate ability is being used.


    For examples sake, his spectral scream, or when vex armor reaches max potential strength.


    I'd be interested to hear your viewpoints on the main topic guys! Thank you!


  8. Crit damage means nothing when you only have a 1% crit chance... :l


    EDIT: Nvm, saw what avenger does now. Yeah, that's some OP stuff right there. Also iirc, avenger maxed (assuming the effect doesn't stack, only resets timer) would get Soma P up to 105% crit chance... a bit higher with critical delay. Guess I know what arcane I want for that build... hehehe.



    Right?? lfmao

    Actually Arcane Avenger is a multiplier, so basically you would then have a 1.3% chance to crit.


    It says it adds base crit chance in the notes though..unless it was confirmed elsewhere that it was wrong?

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