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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. Why can you only carry 1 Kubrow egg in your inventory when you can stack multiple Kubrow eggs bought from the market? I really don't understand the reasoning behind it. They are already a quite rare drop so why limit in game pickup differently than purchased ones?


    Why is the Sahasa the only Kubrow to not come with a polarity, give the cub some love....


    Can you make the Kubrow marker only show for it's owner and not the entire party. It is confusing to say the least when everybody bring their best buddy and you have 4 blue Kubrow waypoints.


    Braton Prime...is at it's current state not even worthy the term "prime" so please consider buffing it

  2. So let me get this straight, you ask them:


    - why they are using primaries

    - why they are in the mission

    - tell them to go to another Dark sector defense


    and then claim they are the problem......


    I guess they did not know you were the one true tenno to tell them all how to play.


  3. Intentional for the Kubrow owner so he can keep track of it and revive it quickly if it goes down. They should make it so that only the owner sees the marker though as that will be a lot less intrusive for everybody else.

  4. Not entirely sure which update we'll get, but I'd bet it's 14.5


    They will probably batch up all updates to a big xmas patch around December unless Microsoft buys it as a timed exclusive for a year

  5. I have 34 forma's on my different gear, 9 unused in my inventory and 87 Forma Blueprints. So if I'm doing void missions I do them to get any other reward than forma blueprints. Though I don't see the reason for them bad mouthing and calling you stupid.

  6. Still the same answer. Kubrow eggs affect Kubrow breeding directly, and by having an option to store more one of them, people could spam breeding without investion any Platinum.




    How can you "spam" breeding without investing platinum when it takes you:


    8 hours to craft a Incubator Power core (which also requires 1 argon crystal that decays in your inventory)

    2 days to Incubate your Kubrow

    2 days for your Kubrow to mature

    10 platinum to buy additional kubrow slots


    So if you do not rush anything that will be close to 4 days to aquire a new Kubrow which hardly qualifies for spam breeding. Even if you put it in stasis before it matures you will still be looking at 2 days minimum. If anything it would encourage people to rush and spend more platinum rather than not.

  7. When you can stack multiple Kubrow eggs bought from the market? I really don't understand the reasoning behind it. They are already a quite rare drop so why limit in game pickup differently than purchased ones?


    You already have a platinum sink at each step:


    Incubator Power core (Argon crystal, 8 hours) rush 10p

    Incubation (2 days) rush 15p

    Genetic code template (6h) rush 5p

    Imprinting (1h 30m) rush 10p

    Stasis (3h) rush 10p


    I'm a patient guy so I can live with the waiting but the egg restriction is rather unwarranted in my opinion.





  8. Have you tried sending a report directly to costumer support? All threads were started between 22-25 august, So maybe they haven't gotten to it yet. they would have to investigate the matter, look into where the problem is, isolate it, and fix it. Today is wednesday, Perhaps there will be a hotfix for it coming out. You can't really bash them for not fixing something you just started reporting 5 days ago. never the less, give them a minute, it has only been 5 days since the issue started appearing, they'll find and fix it.

































    31 july is one of the dates on those threads (I can find more if you need) so your 5 days ago does not really apply. The minute is up and it is not a isolated issue.

  9. I've seen many more threads than that since U14 hit, and DE has not even responded to a single one of them.


    They seem to really not give a S#&$ about mastery tests, to be blunt about it. :\


    Here's hoping one of them proves me wrong in this thread, but given their track record with mastery rank tests...



    Wow....U14 hit PC July 18th and that bug still persist. That is a serious overlook.

  10. I just wondered if the unable to rank up test has been hotfixed on the PC version or not. If so which patch fixed the problem and are there any quick solutions to it? I have seen some say having a Kubrow equipped can cause the problem.


    I convinced a friend to start playing Warframe after U14 hit and now he is stuck at Rank 1 due to the same bug. Needless to say that is keeping him from building the 1st frame you can aquire after your starting frame (Rhino) since that requires mastery rank 2. He is also cut out of trading. So if it persist he surely will not play it for long. Not the best advertisement for Warframe.




    Found similar threads as well:






  11. Thanks for the response guys, I must have been able to reach out to someone because I was now able to rank up!


    Well regardless this have to be looked into rather quickly. I convinced a friend to start playing Warframe after U14 hit and now he is stuck at Rank 1 due to the same bug. Needless to say that is keeping him from building the 1st frame you can aquire after your starting frame (Rhino) since that requires mastery rank 2. He is also cut out of trading. So if it persist he surely will not play it for long. Not the best advertisement for Warframe.

  12. I can't see the problem here.OP took the money, the guy took the mod. Nobody loss, everybody win. The trade market in this game never has a fixed price in the first place. Those who sell stuff for a low value like everybody else and claim themeselves "good". Well meh


    I have to agree with this guy



    It's just that the guy who bought that mod for 100 plat was most likely a new player, who had no idea how to handle plat. People are upset at the OP because he personifies exactly what is wrong with the trading system in this game, and does not care at all that he clearly took complete advantage of a new player, and put them out of a lot of plat.


    OP asks for offer and the other player is offering 100p, OP then says deal and gets asked to invite. After that OP even asks Not a troll right? to which the buyer replies no I'm serious. So I really don't see anybody taking advantage of anybody when both parties clearly are happy with the trade.

  13. After the U14 update I am not able to invite anyone from my friends list at all. I get the options to:




    Invite to clan


    Show profile


    If I open a chat via talk I only get the option to:


    Close tab


    Show profile


    Only way I can invite now is if I go up to the + next to my profile and invite via that, but that is not exactly a solution when I'm trying to host and can not invite anyone who PM me. They can invite me though for some odd reason. I have also experimented with setting the ping to no limit but that did nothing.


    Anyone else have the same problem and is there a way to fix it?



  14. Nimus (Eris): Enemy Research Located - 41m - 6900cr - Enemy Radar (Aura)


    This was also bugged for me. Did it once with my friend and it was a standard survival mission NOT Spy as it said on the node. I also popped up again on alerts a few minutes later. So we did it again, and it was the same. A standard survival mission with extract option at the 5 min mark.


    Also quite bugged and random if I actually get Alerts to show up ingame. Often have to restart Warframe to get them to show up

  15. On the PC, alerts for the Survival gametype were shifted from being 5 minutes to 10 minutes before you could leave/extract on the ones I have personally done.  Though, I've only done what would have been considered 'low level' survival alerts; so maybe for some alert types are 15 minutes long before you can extract?  


    I mean it is either that or someone messed up when extract timer should be in the release.


    Nothing mentioned of gametype shifted from 5 to 10 in the patch notes and I also passed the 10 min mark for one of the survival missions. Do you have a link to the PC post regarding the interval shift?


    General Survival Changes:
    -Removed the locked door to extraction, as it only limits the available spawn locations within the first 5 minutes.

    -Increased the number of small dead end rooms (caps) which can generate in place of red locked doors, providing more spawn locations for enemies.
    -Added some new small cap tiles for Asteroid, Settlement, Outpost and Galleon tilesets.
    -Restructured the Derelict Survival procedural level so it has more small tiles between the main areas.  There are still three larger main areas which have life support capsule spawn points.  
    -The 'stacking' bug was fixed, capsules don't spawn instantly on activating a capsule if the level is full.
    -The first room's capsule spawns are no longer switched off after one use.  Since the first room is reused, each level may now have 2-3 more simultaneous capsules active before it reaches capacity.  Originally the level structure was a little different, disabling spawns was intended to keep players closer to extraction after moving on from the first room.
    -Added infested crawlers to survival enemy spec.


    Wiki also still lists:


    After 5 minutes, a random reward is given to the squad and the extraction point will be enabled and marked on the minimap. The squad can then choose between heading to extraction to complete the mission, or staying on for a longer period of time to receive rewards every 5 minutes.


    So if it is a stealth fix like the removal of crouch to extend wallclimbing it would be nice to get a notice

  16. I have encountered several bugged Alert missions after the update.


    On either 22/23rd there was a survival alert for 1 Orokin Cell

    After reaching the 5 minute mark there is no reward prompt and no option to extract. No green icon on the mini map to indicate extraction. Same for 10 min mark and so on. Did the mission several times and same result each time.


    On the 23rd there was a mobile defense alert for the Pulse Volt helmet 

    Upon completing the mission there was no blueprint reward listed in mission statistics. I did this mission with my friend and none of us received the blueprint. Checked the inventory and foundry afterwards.


    Today the 25th there was a survival alert for Corrosive Projection aura

    After reaching the 5 minute mark there is no reward prompt and no option to extract. No green icon on the mini map to indicate extraction. Same for 10 min mark and so on.


    Has anyone experienced this kind of bugged alerts on PC and are there other PS4 player that have encountered the same or other bugged alerts?

  17. It took me 25 solo runs to aquire the Prova Vandal. Your total points will increase for each time thus increasing the difficulty. There is also a randomness of which hives you get that affects how many points you get. The ones that seem to give a best score is: Frozen, Gas and Magnetic.


    So check your total score in your Profile under Breeding Grounds and see how high your "stench" is to get a indication of where your at.


    I had:

    6 points up to the total of 24.

    10 point up to the total of 84.

    18 point up to the total of 156

    33 points up to the total of 255

    35 point up to the total of 312

    38 point up to the total of 385

    45 point up to the total of 520

    50 was reached at 570 points

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