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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. I'd love to see my 1800 damage kubrow with a 40% crit chance and 4.8x crit damage with over 2500 health go against your crummy little sentinel.

    You seem to miss the point. The investment needed both in time and resources for a Kubrow is rather unwarranted. What good does it help flexing your e-peen when it is stuck with it's head in a wall or runs around without any sense and direction.

    It is like a expensive car that does not take you from A to B, rather A to K to Z to C and then dies. I would rather have a Lada take me to A to B without any hassle.

  2. Seeing that DE are so in tune with “balancing” they should really take a look at reworking Kubrows. They seem to be rushing along new content instead of fixing a lot of issues that needs attention. Kubrows seem to be similar to archwing that it was introduced with great panache and then mostly forgotten. Kubrows arrived in update 14 (July 18th, 2014) which is over a year ago and still have so many unresolved issues.

    Lets take a look at the joy of getting and maintaining a Kubrow

    Aquiring a egg.

    Not a hassle to begin with but somehow DE still insists that you can only carry one egg at a time. Unless you buy them from the market or get them from alerts. Then you can stack them indefinitively. This has never made any sense and never will. It can not be seen as anything else than a cash grab and should really have been fixed a long time a go.

    Incubating your Kubrow.

    Incubator power core cost 100k credits and 1 argon per core. This is not reusable and have to be made for each incubation. The 100k is quite steep and should be taken down to 50k when you have installed the upgrade segment to make it more reasonable. The argon crystal is probably fair enough as you can normally put one on build after a short trip to the void.

    Hatching time.

    2 days without upgrade installed, reduced to 1 day with upgrade or 15p to rush. One day to wait for the egg to hatch is not that unreasonable. Getting the breed you want though involves a unhealthy amount of RNG. Im sure most people can relate to that after trying to get a Chesa. There are 5 different breeds and actually no option to buy a breed with a reactor installed from the market. It could simply be fixed by you being able to buy a breed, but still having to hatch it for its random size, furs, gender and such.


    If you don't get the breed or look of Kubrow you want. You can consign it if you wish. Consigning a kubrow to the lotus will cost you 25k. Now why it cost you credits to give a way a puppy I'm not sure. You can argue that is not expensive but when you add in the RNG involved getting your desired kubrow it can quickly add up.

    Maturing time

    2 login cycles to reach maturity. No option to rush. There is already too much waiting involved and seeing these kubrows are genetically engineered reducing it to 1 login cycle could make sense. For some strange reason there is no indication regarding the time it takes to mature. No ingame tip, countdown, or even the slightest of information. For people breeding their first kubrow it requires you to go to the wiki or ask around for the answer. It is confusing to say the least.

    Using your kubrow

    A Kubrow's Genetic Stability degrades by 10% every 24 hours (5% if you have incubator upgrade) To keep them healthy and alive you will need DNA stabilizers. These cost 75k credits for 6 and will with normal use last about 24 or 48 days. It will also decrease in loyalty if it dies during a mission


    You can only have one kubrow active at any time. Getting one out of stasis takes 3 hours (30 min with incubator upgrade) This can be rushed with platinum (10k credits with incubator upgrade) Though a lot better with the upgrade it can not compete with having your free pick of sentinels without ever waiting

    Mods for your kubrow

    You will need mods for your newly hatched kubrow and farming for these you will face yet another grindwall. While you get your precept mods for free all the other mods drops from feral kubrows or Drahks. Now for the real issue. These have 18 mods in their drop list. 9 rare, 6 uncommon and 3 common. Which also includes the rare precept mods. Seriously??? 18 mods in one drop list from one enemy. This is just straight discouraging and should be adressed as soon as possible.

    Maxing your mods

    Well now you actually got the mods you need. Guess what 6 of the most used mods are R10 mods:

    Link Health 12 drain

    Link shields 14 drain

    Link armor 14 drain

    Shelter 16 drain

    Maul 14 drain

    Bite 16 drain

    For a comparison lets look at the primed mods:

    Fast hands, Pistol gambit, Heavy trauma = 12 drain

    Continuity, Flow, Pistol mutation, Reach, Point blank, Ravage, Slip mag. = 14 drain

    Heated charge = 16 drain

    Now why on earth are the regular kubrow mods which also are uncommon R10 (Bite the only rare) among the highest polarity drainers in the entire game? This will also make you have to forma your Kubrow around 4-7 times is you want to even touch upon reaching their potential. In addition you require quite a few R5 cores to max those mods.


    Making a imprint take 1,5 hour per imprint and you have to make 2 to have a full imprint of a Kubrow. So another 3 hours to wait or rush for 10p. These also do not include the breed by name but rather by a icon that each player have to memorize to try to avoid being scammed when trading. Why on earth not just include the breed name as well?


    Anybody that have a real dog know that they are not the brightest creatures but the Kubrow AI is even more dense. It will not shy from standing in the middle of a lava pit, staring down a void laser, be stuck in a wall, not pickup anything, not capture any targets and have a general pathing that would make a blind man seem like a valid option.


    The timewall and grindwall for Kubrows are among the most excessive in the game. Which in turn really hurts both new players and veteran players. For a new player the cost for Kubrows are quite steep. For a breeder the egg restriction and waiting times are discouraging. Kubrows really need to be made more desirable to aquire and use. They most certaintly are not in their current state.


    Ok now for the other option. A sentinel blueprint cost the same as 1 incubator core. 100k credits and you don't need a argon crystal. Requires 1 day to build in the foundry. After that it is your loyal companion forever and will never decay. It will scan, kill, pickup loot, cloak, snipe, attract aggro and hover around you while doing it's job. It can even self resurrect once if it goes down. Apart from maybe formaing your sentinel weapon these little buddies do fine without any hefty R5 core or forma investment.

    Hmmmmmmmm.... a real tough choice

  3. You did forget the people selling items at absurd prices though, who laugh at you when you decline to buy their item at that absurd price, while they spam you until you ignore them. This could also be a troll, but I feel that they're completely serious with their prices, and are just general asshats.

    These are would go under:

    I) The clueless

    Wants to sell any worthless item for a absurd amount of platinum. You can also get lucky and find one that is the other way around. Who sells a quality item for far too little. Be gentle and give him a fair price.

  4. Please don't give DE any more bad ideas. The drop rates for certain items are already abysmal. If anything they should work on not having such a weigthed RNG system and try to make it more equally distributed while still maintaining their platinum income.

    It is quite a good indication that something is wrong with RNG in this game when ideas like this pop up on the forums. I would rather have DE fix the system than have the players paying for a fair chance of items.

  5. Can we add a new character? The one who doesn't like people overstaying their business in the Dojo and will leave the Dojo game IMMEDIATELY to kick the other guy out.

    (That'll be me)

    He would fit under the D category. I have had those a few times. I normally say "Thank you and enjoy" after a sale. I also go over to the person and do a "Deep bow" emote before I leave as a courtesy.

    Sometimes you get "host disconnected" the second you are done but the best encounter I had was a guy that immidiatly said. "You can leave now". Friendliness on such levels are rare :)

  6. dunno if there's something like this up here.

    there's also the "The Offer" won't sell something unless you offer, and if you don't come close to what they want, you get ignored, has no clue what something is worth, and will prolly take any offer you list - me unless I know for sure you're trynna lowball me.

    Yeah I considered that guy but seeing that you never will be selling or buying from that type he is not even worth mentioning. He is as reliable as you getting a good reaction to your girlfriend asking you "do I look fat in this dress?"

  7. I have done my fair bit of trading and it seems to me you generally meet the same kind of types during your adventures trying to sell something. I normally don't bother to list WTS items unless I have something that I know is very coveted. So I stalk trade chat for WTB's and pm them my offers.

    During these encounters these are the kind of guys I frequently meet. So take heed and know which kind of characters you might encounter if you dare venture into the mystery that is trade chat.

    A) The lowballer

    The type who always offer you half no matter what. If you say 10 he says 5, If you say 5 he says 2. If you say free he says give me 5p to take it

    B) The poor liar

    "I only have xx plat" "It is all i got plz" Which is as likely as DE will decrease the grind

    C) The "clever" guy

    Agrees to deal, comes to your dojo and then say "I got a friend who sells it for xx plat" but I will buy it for you for xx plat" To fool you into believing he is a good guy. Seconds after you don't agree to his terms you will see his "WTB xxxx" in trade chat again

    D) The real deal

    He comes, he buys, he leaves, no small talk just business

    E) Actually not a buyer

    Lists WTB something and when you PM them, "I don't have any plat but "insert worthless item here"

    F) The misinformed

    You can hardly watch trade chat scroll by without spotting one of these wanting to sell Dread, Oberon, Nekros, Forma, Brakk, Plastids etc etc you name it anything that is not sellable.

    G) The scammer

    Swaps items at last second and generally deal in kubrow imprints to exploit the fact that people don't know you can press L3 to see the imprints. Also deals in PSN cards, broken mods etc etc

    H) The illiterate

    Clearly not a english native speaker which normally is no problem but probably don't understand what he types himself. "Cna Sell frd I got u kno four me?"

    I) The clueless

    Wants to sell any worthless item for a absurd amount of platinum. You can also get lucky and find one that is the other way around. Who sells a quality item for far too little. Be gentle and give him a fair price.

    J) The troll

    These get all their enjoyment out of posting either WTB for items with a very unrealistic high price or WTS items for next to nothing. Like "WTB Maxed Ammo drum 50p", "WTS full frost prime 20p". They will never answer. Can actually be I) The clueless which is why they keep doing it as people always look for great deal

    K) The beggar

    "Give me free plat", "Want prime sets for free", "Can anyone help a girl gamer with some plat?" These might be worthy contenders for that amazing "ignore" button

    L) Close but no cigar

    Everything is ok, until you actually are going to trade in dojo. They have have no trades left or are unaware of the fact that you can not trade your starting plat. Also might not meet the mastery rank restrictions for certaint items or be rank 2

    M) The all knowing

    "It is not worth more than xx" or "It is worth at least xxx" Somehow knows every price in a free market but still finds the time to PM you for some strange reason.

    N) The barterer

    Kind of like the seller from Life of brian that refuses to sell anything before there has been some level of bartering. He will generally be pretty close to your price but will not relent until he has had the satisfaction of negotiating some kind of discount.

    O) The Good samaritan

    The guy who out of the blue gives you additional plat either as a tip or just a token of his appreciation.

    P) The undercutter

    Twitching with muscle spasms unless he gets his item sold ASAP, preferably before he has finished typing his WTS. Offers great deals.

    So which category do you fall into and have you encountered a type not listed here?

    Edit: Spelling and added suggestions

  8. Or you know, use one of your 3 weapons instead of pressing a single key to mindlessly murder an entire rooms-worth of enemies.

    Or you know, you could play your way and let other people play their way instead of mindlessly trying to force others to adhere to your views.

  9. Aren't those like the complete opposite suggestions? I mean Mastery Rank is nothing more than a pointless grind, rewarding pointless grind wouldn't make it less grindy, but instead would require you to grind more instead.

    There are currently 20 mastery ranks available. If there were better unlocks for each rank more people would hopefully take their time trying and testing different gear and warframes.

    One could argue that it is actually more grindy now since there are no incentive whatsoever to go beyond 12 (8 before syndicate primaries were added) So lets say you unlock a new warframe slot each 4 ranks, a new weapon slot each 3 ranks, part of a armor kit at 8, catalyst at 10, syndana at 12, a reactor at 15, noggle at 17, exilus adapter at 20 or something similar.

    That way you would always have a carrot stick in front of you to help push you towards your next ladder and it's unlocks. That way it hopefully would not be so pointless anymore. Even though you would have to endure some grinding you might consider it more worth it.

  10. You can see Simaris rep earned at the end of the mission. In fact, I don't think it's possible for it to NOT show up

    That is not the issue. I get all my 20k rep in one mission. It would be very helpful to actually be able to pause and check how much more I need to scan. Now I have to wait and hope I reached the 20k limit.

    All other rep and xp is available while pausing and chose "view mission progress".

  11. I know this has almost become a meme and joke but I for one was thinking about things like this when Steve first coined the phrase:

    ** Work on actually decreasing the grind, NOT increasing it

    ** Rework login rewards. Being a PS4/XB1 player makes this even worse since we have no platinum discounts available

    ** Being able to view mods, inventory while in your dojo

    ** Being able to see simaris rep gained during a mission like other syndicates

    ** Kubrow Imprints listing breed names instead of icons to avoid confusion

    ** Highlighting a mod show you a list of which warframes/weapons have the mod installed

    ** Being able to stack kubrow eggs

    ** Be able to cue multiple items in the foundry

    ** Cancelling foundry items

    ** Foundry rush cost mirrored by actual time left

    ** Dedicated servers or better handling of the dreaded "host migration"

    ** Replaying quests

    ** Remove the raid 24 hour limit or at least reduce it to 12 hours

    ** Kubrow, better ai, more than one active at a time like other companions, less upkeep, make them more attractive to use

    ** Vacuum was introduced to archwing to help pickup items, why not apply that to the rest of the game.

    ** Trading of archwing parts, weapons. They were actually tradeable at launch but was removed. Steve even said they were supposed to be tradeable

    ** Archwing xp and being able to unequip melee, archgun to level up quicker. Or increase XP gained

    ** Archwing diversity, no more interception please. Farming for Elytron made me hate both archwing and interception

    ** Less diluted void tables

    ** Mastery rank actually giving people an incentive to increase it and more rewarding unlocks

    ** Clan downsizing

    ** Credit caches / resources increased by atleast x5. Getting 1500 or 3000 credits or 2 Gallium is a plain joke

    ** Stealth (NOT stealth nerfs..)

    ** Neural sensors drop from more planets than Juptier

    ** More story and lore

    ** When fusing a mod have a option to "fuse until next rank" no more guessing

    ** Custom voice options for Ordis, buyable with plat from the market

    ** Interesting bosses, NOT bullet sponges or invinsibility bosses

    ** Several mods need a overhaul, like Rifle aptitude, Sure shot, Shotgun savvy, Melee prowess, elemental resistance mods, intruder, provoked, retribution etc

    ** Map need to be better. It has hardly changed since release. With the inclusion of the very large new Uranus maps getting lost trying to follow the map indicator is not unusual. Would not mind maps being generally smaller as well.

    I'm sure I have probably forgotten some issues so what would make it to your "year of quality list" ?

    (corrections and added a point)

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