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Posts posted by (PSN)SancticuS

  1. I want Warframe to be a meritocracy, where people get mods based on them deserving to get them for completing alerts.



    With that sentiment you basically want to disallow trades as anyone buying anything have not "deserved" it.

  2. No doubt the ones exploiting the trading system to make plat will not like it, but to be frank if they were only doing the events to get the mods to trade them, then they didnt deserve to have them in the first place.  


    People should have the right to do and play how they like regardless if you deem them unworthy. Making event mods even more scarse will only punish people more for missing them. Besides if people buy platinum to get mods they are supporting the game so I really don't see any problem.

  3. It's all RNG, buddy...I managed to farm both chassis and helmet in one t3 survival run and bp in few t4 cap runs...but after countless runs of t1 survival, I still haven't found system...solution? More farming.


    It's not RNG, it is heavily stacked RNG. If the old dataminded drop tables are anything to go after Volt chassis most likely have a drop percetage around a singel digit percentage while 3 of the other 7 drops have a 25% chance each. So the chance of you getting Volt chassis from rotation C among the 8 drops available is very slim. Some get lucky but most likely you will not.

  4. What's with camping becoming the "default" way to play survival


    Well maybe because the grindwall in this game just gets worse and worse. It also includes the additional stacked RNG drop tables where the part you are after most likely have a singel digit percentage while Forma BP have 25% drop chance. You know what people actually get tired of that and try to find ways to alleviate the grind. Which is always a big no no in DE's book and will be nerfed.


    Either way each to his own I say, but the core of the problem is not the players but the rewards system that make player behave accordingly.

  5. Yeah I did not buy it the first time around but bought it this anniversary depite the fact I will probably not use it. Reason being that I can't use my arcane helmets with it. So in my opinion it should be fixed as well. It is the only skin that does not work with alternative helmets.

  6. That has nothing to do with being an elitist or wanting anyone to use what I use


    *As someone that doesn't use Excal, but has seen the gross misuse of his "power"

    *You're more than welcome to disagree with me, but that usually triggers in my head that you yourself use one of aforementioned frames.

    *Doesn't it make you weary seeing the MR5 with a 1600 conclave and this loadout:


    Rhino P, Excal, Saryn

    Boltor P

    Synoid Gammacor

    Orthos P


    *I am actually good at the game using items most people probably don't.

    *I know nearly everything about the game

    *p.s. Hire me


    Sure none of those statements could warrant anyone labeling you elitist or having a "I'm better that you mentality" right?


    ...you don't have to like my opinion, but you better respect it.

    Just like you respected my opinion...


    It's about balance

    Unless you give everybody just a stick and stone any game will always have something that is more desired and effective than other items. There are close to 200 weapons to choose from in Warframe. Do you seriously expect them to all to perform equally?


    You also did not reply to why you think logic should only apply to one frame and one ability or how you can consider Saryn and Excal to be "god" frames when you by your own account don't use those frames. Saryn might be good low to mid tier but her damage falloff makes her far from godlike in late game. Excalibur had a Radial Javelin that made him a good choice for rep farming and that is about it. His Radial blind was already nerfed so he is not the T4 condender he used to be. None of those frames are even close to god status.


    Point is why do you even care what gear, warframes other people use? Does it have any impact on you? Why not just enjoy the game the way you see fit and let others do the same. Check out DE Rebecca's relevant answer to similar "don't use X equipment" threads.




    You could simply have stated that you thought that the latest move by DE was a good choice and that you had some trepidations regarding the new raids instead you chose the "I'm better that you" way which is why I replied in the first place.


    Don't judge your fellow tenno he is just out there to have fun like the rest of them....with that said happy hunting and good luck.

  7. Another one of the "if you don't play and use the same frame / equipment like me you are not worthy threads" When will people understand that trying to dictate how other people play and enjoy a game is not a good thing. Besides since when were Excal and Saryn "god" frames? Also if you are gonna try and use the argument about logic that Radial Javelin goes through walls and objects then there are so many things in this game that should be removed, and applying logic to only one ability for one warframe is even more absurd.


    For someone who claim to "know nearly everything about the game" you sure seem to lack some vital insight to the fact that there are other people than you who actually play and enjoy this game. You come across just as well as all the other elitist out there and that is not a good thing.

  8. I'm just waiting for DE to apply the same logic to all the eximus units draining my energy through walls miles away while they are completely unaware of me. Or any other warframe skill that works in a similar way. Because it sure makes "logic" sense to apply one such change to only one Warframes ability.


    You also mentioned that same change being the worst offender on your naughty list last year. Even going as far as not even wanting to talk about how bad the vivergate nerf was and that you clearly messed up. Yet here you are again trying to justify the same change. Have fun trying to dig yourself out of the hole you made yourself DE.

  9. Now I CAN USE a random frame for stealth runs and put hush / supress on my weapons which I already do. Or I can use Loki and breeze through the mission blasting my boltor fully modded without sacrificing any mod slots.



    Or you can use Paris Prime, Dread along with Despair, Hikou prime, Rakta Ballistica, Gammacor's, Glaive prime and use whatever frame you want.

  10. So after the recent patch there was a new trophy for running 10 nightmare missions that I thought I do quick. First I did a crossfire mission to check it out and then decided on 9 quick deception missions with Loki. Now for 4 of these missions lotus decided to "change of plans, eliminate everything" instead. Seemed that the frequence of change of missions was higher than normal but fair enough.


    What was really strange though was that she actually changed the mission once after I had completed it and was on my way to extraction. That has never happened to me before. Have any of you guys experienced this or was the Lotus just cranky?

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