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Posts posted by Donnell

  1. Just thought it would be fun if that when (always a "when" not and "if" 😐 ) the glass breaks on corpus ships, enemies within the room are lifted for 3 or 4seconds.

    Not only would it be comical to see a mass of enemies float about, you can call it 'tactical' as you can choose to mop up the enemies while in the air or use the breathing space to sort out the doors. (multi-pun! 🥁 *bub-boon-tsss*)

    That's all really.


  2. Slapped one of these boys on to my weapons but I'm finding they clash with the general player vacuum of items.

    Yeah, I would shoot from a distance to benefit, (harder target.. nice) however I'm moving too much to really aim for them. Meaning I would have to learn to move away to avoid getting orbs, to gain more from orbs when I shoot. Confusing eh? :)

    Perhaps a tweak of 'gaining a bonus when killed with the weapon' might be better.

    "Any orb that drops when killed with this mod installed gives bonus amount"

    It's nice to have something useful to shove into the exilus slot but I feel it's very expensive the way it currently is.

  3. Although the drop rates are tripled (at time of typing), there is still a need to get out my ship and comb through space to find bits of rocks. Not the most fun part of railjack, although I am enjoying it a lot more with the updates .

    Can I request an option to drop an Extractor or two on the Railjack maps? Due to the downtime looking for the glowy rocks, it sucks the enthusiasm of doing another mission for more.

    If you want get fancy about it.. what about finding Grineer mining lazers, out in space, during mission; hacking it to force it to send its yield to your ship inventory instead. This way, it bypasses the RNG in the extractor drop table.


    Be sure to wash your hands upon leaving the thread people! :)

  4. Just a quickie,

    While smacking people about with Serene Storm, it's a shame to see the air attack is a lunge forward jab, rather than a sweeping kick. I know one of the fist/brawler stances has it, forgotten which, but it would be amazing to see that in its place. Also potentially issue the attack with a bit of wind; much like Excals blade shoots forward.

    That is all.

    (Quite like this frame but paid with plat. The grind for him looks harsh!)

  5. Hello!

    Just as the title suggests, I'm having a little issue with the AKMagnus. In general, it works as intended however there are some enemies that the bullets seem to ignore. At first I thought there was some issue with objects in the way but I have just done a mission where i've tested it a bit more. One meter away from a grineer soldier and I emptied a whole clip into him.. no damage. Same issues with corpus enemies so I presume this is a weapon issue. Not had the chance to test other pistols but I don't carry many.

  6. Quick suggestion:

    On the star-chart, would it be better to isolate the Dark sector missions to suggest they are not standard missions?

    For example; these missions give bonus loot and experience, thus many Tenno are looking to stay for longer. However there are often lower MR players who seem to only stay for 5mins just for completion.

    Hopefully this might suggest that it's not part of the games 'progression' and for more farm or perhaps challenge.

  7. Heya just a quickie, I believe this is quite recent in the latest update.

    Slide attacks with my Venka prime end with the animation of the Tonfa. Looks a bit like scratching your back with two hands. On quick test, other attacks are the same. Even the wall attack which looks like a Dab.. (should remove that anyway just cos.. :) )


  8. Just a quick bit of feedback and/or question

    Do finishers really have to be tied to attack speed? Surely an enemy who has been opened for a finishing move is meant to be a swift kill regardless. I rarely take weapons with super slow attack speeds anyway but finishers seem to leave me more open than the enemy i've stunned while waiting for animations to finish.

    On a separate note: I'm often using Nikana prime (blind justice) and the frontal finisher for humanoid is disappointing. The back is amazing; trip, spin and stab with a little slash as the warframe stands. The front however looks like a childish punch, followed by a slap. I would much appreciate that one being revised :smile:  

  9. The loading into a map by knocking out vents has been around for ever but slightly feel it becoming less relevant. Would it be nice to have different variations on seeing how the tenno infiltrate or would it be pointless as 99% are too impatient to wait and skip :) 

    Also bugged me how the extraction point on ships are perfectly shaped for tenno ships (default one anyway) and not proper docking bays. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

  10. On 1/9/2018 at 5:10 PM, Cryptix123 said:

    I hate her because new players don't get to play the game while she's around. I remember the survival where I never saw a living enemy, just corpses and damage numbers in the distance.

    This guy got it although it goes the same for regular players too.

    Can't remember anyone moaning about speed in game but I came to play.. shoot stuff.. not hold the Forward key and walk from one end to the other while everything dies. Ember denies this for everyone else.

  11. I used to feel the same but got to learn their attacks. Two things of importance: It is immune to damage when it spins (apparently it keeps going till it hits something) and Avoid the disco ball of lazers at all costs (stalker v2 has this move also). Unless you have a mission to destroy them, just run d00d.

    It almost always took at least one death to take down a couple of them before I learned about the operators cleanse. I almost seek them out now but there are some weapon loadouts that hurt them hard enough to take them down to a low hp before resistances come in.

  12. This is the only reason why I do the Ghouls now and it's gotten boring so fast. I was hoping a thread like this will be noticed and they'll put them in another way.

    Could it have not been another situation for the scanner like always? Scan ghoul nests for a fragment.

  13. Really enjoying this weapon too. Needs certain mods to make it acceptable though. The fire rate feels heavy, even with a 60% increase mod installed.

    Although I would be happy to see the range of the grenade that need blast lowered, I'm okay with it. Through practice, you learn what range it needs. You gain actual affinity through use.. not numbers on the game :)

  14. There is quite a lot of PoE that i've come to dislike after a while. I would also consider myself a casual player but have been around since late 2012 somewhere. (blimey)

    I love the scale and potential but I dislike it being open plains; as you mentioned, it feels quite empty at times. Saying that, when I get near a base, you get bombarded and shot at from so much that can be hard to see and respond to. Doesn't feel there is a mid-way or indeed a progression to me.

    I don't mind the fishing and mining being there, I just despise being forced to do it. Building technology that needs certain fish brains to hold it together but to get this fish you need a lure. A lure that is made from other two fish butts which spawn in different types of water. For god sake :( I log on to warframe to shoot or chop bad guys, not stop an admire the beauty of nature, have a picnic with gathering mangos, fishing and digging for shiney stones.

    I try to play on the plains more but I find it quite dulls. I sigh in despair when I see the crafting needed to make my own weapons, the amount of sentinel cores I need to improve my operator, the distance I need to run to find something to shoot.

    I know this is the first step in what could be a brighter future of maps but I hope there are many lessons learned. Maps that are too open look empty: maps that are complex (lua & kuva fortress) cause frustrating and gets you lost.

  15. Just a little idea i've been mulling over for a while..

    After playing warframe for a while, gaining the same mods gets a little trivial. Sure you can smelt bulk mods into endo but during the level, it's just another thing to pop up on your screen. What if they were useful the moment you picked them up as temp buffs? Picking up a normal Redirection mod gives you a sheild boost for a few seconds? a Gunslinger mod that increases your fire rate for a bit.

    This may give new players a taste of what the mod can do for them if they choose to install/upgrade the mod they picked up. Also give the more frequent players who have too many another reason to want them. :smile:

  16. Given the option to fly within the plains is a welcome idea, (less so with having to build charges) but only really see it as a taxi.

    I have been enjoying using a Zarr cannon while on my archwing to provide artillery of my own, for team mates below. However I'm finding that I get knocked out of it quicker and easier than it is to call for a new archwing. Most of the time, I don't even see the small red flares and from the increased range the Grineer seem to have on the plains; who knows where it comes from. It's easy enough to avoid missiles in space but the tilting and gravity make skywing difficult to control, even before I think of dodging.

    It feels like the shields and HP of the archwing itself is pointless on the plains, you are grounded way too easy. Would prefer to see only base turrets and enemy aircraft have anti-air missiles.

    (side note: I don't think Amesha's "Benevolent Decoy" attracts the red flares either :( )

  17. Would be nice. Probably won't happen.

    I would imagine it would upset the difficulty scaling. When a party of 4 turns into a party of 2 during a Defence; the game knows what level of enemies to send in for the 2 that stay. It has time to process which spawn nodes to use and adjust armour rates; all that jazz.

    If the same happens in a constant running/spawning Survival level, there will be a point where a mass of enemies designed to challenge 4 people attacks 2 people. To give the game client a moment to adjust would probably stop or slow down game play (host migration can cause problems of its own). Imagine if a player dropped out, the client had to stop spawning enemies and re-evaluate. In a survival, that means no more life support drops and standing about.


    Simple answer, as suggested above; if you're going on a survival level, prepare to stay (The idea of the game mode is to survival as long as possible eh?).  Want to grind a bit while waiting for a skype call? Play solo.. pressing Escape will -Pause- the game :smile:

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