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Everything posted by (NSW)Cephalon_Sugma

  1. In the orbiter/relays when I equip baruuk's agile/noble stances, they function normally, but during missions they seem to have been replaced with the titania noble stance (which I own).
  2. I know this is a little late but I just checked my prime gaming page last week about this to make sure I was correct. I'm also not sure if this is the right place to be reporting this but I tried everything I could with prime gaming. I can send screenshots if proof is needed. I redeemed the Kudzon Ephemera through prime gaming during the time that it was available, and it showed up in my inventory for a couple of days and equipped it on my octavia before I took a break from playing warframe. (I also vaguely remember not being able to change the color of the ephemera with the color palette, but I'm not sure if that actually happened.) When I returned a week or two later, the ephemera was gone from my inventory and unequipped from octavia. I've redeemed tons of other prime gaming cosmetics, including the octavia iridos skin and the iridos armor, but this is the only cosmetic that has ever vanished before. I tried redeeming it again since it was still available but the prime gaming page said I had already redeemed it. After that, I tried redeeming the corpus decorations and it said it went through but it never appeared in my inventory. This only happened with these two cosmetics. I redeemed the ogris bundle after this and it turned up normally, but I didn't redeem anything else. If it helps, I play on the switch.
  3. Noticed that the list doesn't have any Chaka Khan on it, was thinking that this song might work well with the mandachord notes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf8Wo-Ce4qY
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