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Everything posted by ExplosiveCurry

  1. When you get enough attack speed like from valkyr's 2nd ability or a wisp on top of arcane and mods the combo set resets because the window to use the next move in the moveset shortens. there should be a minimum duration set for next move in the combo
  2. Like I said, I don't mind playing with console players. If I didn't want to I could tick an option that would disable cross-play completely
  3. It's pretty easy to tell that if you join a game with a console player as host compared to a PC player host that the console host will have reduced spawns. There are also longer loading times and transitions if there are any. Sure there are system limitations but to get more bang per mission especially out of survival missions to get more life support and potentially more acolyte spawns. As for defense the same can be said to hasten up the rounds I don't mind playing with console players but when it comes down to certain missions I would much rather take a PC player hosting
  4. 2023 still a problem, 3 runs in a row no enemies after the first 10 or so in Adrastea, Jupiter
  5. Is anybody else getting frozen in your necramech completely in Sisters of Parvos. I find this happen when the little cutscene when they appear to greet/trashtalk you. You can't even go into spoiler mode or back into your warframe. The only way I've found that seems to fix it is either to have enemy shoot you until your necramech explodes which is quite unlikely as every enemy will probably be dead, or just to abort mission and start all over again
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