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Posts posted by Seele

  1. 48 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:


    If it's so ineffective I wouldn't see it so often and it wouldn't ruin my experience every time I did.

    You think I'm exaggerating or making things up to nerf something I personally dislike. What stake do you have in this? What does it matter to you? If it doesn't matter at all, like it sure seems to -- you don't encounter this build and don't play it yourself -- you can just not post.

    Video evidence was posted here of how obnoxious it can be, and several other users corroborated my claims, so for you to deny that it is effective is just obstinacy.

    • Like 6
  2. Ultimately Warframe is an easy power fantasy game and the onus is on the player for how challenging they want it to be.

    Archon Hunts are scary, one death and you're out, if your team doesn't save you (and they seldom do). Or they should be. You can also just equip Revenant and never die. Consequence eliminated -- if you so choose. It makes sense that players will take that option when it's offered to them, because the feeling of getting your reward with no real difficulty is better than possibly dying and having to restart for the same reward. Nobody gives you a brownie if you finish Archon Hunts as Atlas.

    Sortie spy. You can risk it in public. A teammate could ruin it for you, or worse, you could let down your whole team. Or, you could solo as Ivara with Prowl. Consequence eliminated.

    Every time I place my faith in the public sortie spy, the mission fails, and I switch to solo Ivara to get it done because I really don't want to fail (rather have it failed for me) again.

    The only possible solution to this is to promote high-execution gameplay over easier ways. "Skill"-based gameplay needs to be better rewarded.

    Point Strike is +150% critical chance. Shoot their foot, shoot their head, shoot their stomach, +150%, all the time, unconditional.

    Argon Scope is a lower bonus, on a time limit, with a conditional activation. Your first shot is never boosted, and the boost can decay between lulls in combat. Its only purpose is to supplement Point Strike, there is no reason to use it on its own (sure its capacity cost is a whopping 2 lower, 1 lower on a polarized slot, but that's virtually meaningless). There's argument for Galvanized Scope, but I'm willing to wager Point Strike remains the more popular option for its consistency.

    This is one arbitrary example, but a lot of other elements of the game seem to follow this design philosophy, where the advanced and conditional options are, bizarrely, weaker than the easy option (or not nearly strong enough to warrant consideration). For melee, say, they need to make intelligent management of combo meter, use of heavy attacks, and considerate exercise of the stance mod's combos (rather than "the best one" ad infinitum) more effective than blood rush CO E spam.

    I don't think they will, though. It's been like this a long time. Buff time management is at least a bit of an element at higher end play, and that may be the devs' vision for the game.

  3. We have a good assortment of 2h Nikana now, but they desperately need a new stance mod, for all that is holy. Wise Razor is tired.

    I can't recall the last time I heard of someone using a rapier, but I guess they can be zaws so they're fine.

    Countless melee weapon classes have become one-and-dones, or taken years between new releases. Is the newest glaive still Xoris?...

    I do wish they would pay more equal attention to the other weapon types instead of doting on the same ones or introducing new one-offs. I like the incarnon system breathing new life into some old favorites, but it's still not the same as getting a new weapon or stance.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

    --reasons garuda kicks butt--


    Kind of my point, Garuda is an incredibly capable warframe exactly as she is out of the box. People don't do thermal sunder (just) because it's strong, they do it because it's brainlessly easy. I'm not opposed to there being incredibly easy, brain-off ways of playing, but it should be reserved for low level star chart node farming and should never be so strong as to be able to clear arbitrations or steel path as this does.

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Haha, what?  It wouldn't surprise me if it's happening a lot in some content, but I don't seen any one frame 50% of the time, let alone one Garuda build 99% of the time.   I might see any Garuda at all one mission in 10...maybe, and that's leaving aside this very specific build.

    Where are most of your random pub missions played?

    (Apropos of nothing, but in the Archon showdown on Sunday I was matched up with 3 Inaros players.  I haven't seen 3 of a any specific frame in one mission since the days of Wukong Kzarr spammage.)

    I primarily play Steel Path Duviri/Circuit, Incursions, and Archon Hunts at this point. Alerts after devstreams.

    4 hours ago, (PSN)MegaSilk0 said:

    I figured I would try this build out since it "is enough to overcome steel path enemies" and I'm a big fan of using every meta build I can make. The results were so disappointing on a steel path earth mission that I ended up just using my melee to run through it. If this is your idea of a gamebreaking meta build or whatever, I'm scared of what you think about any frame that's more than starter adjacent.

    Look at the videos and descriptions of the build above, you were clearly doing something terribly wrong.

    • Like 2
  6. "meme build" or "troll" or whatever internet slang word you want to use for it, it's annoying.

    1 hour ago, (XBOX)RaeOvSunshyn said:

    I figure, the more it shows up and the more people complain about it, DE will nerf the hell out of it eventually.

    That's a fair point. Look upon it, ye wicked, and despair.

  7. 1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

    This is not true, her passive will not buff Thermal Sunder.

    The only possible reason why anybody would use a build like that is to either be funny, or because he's botting.

    The more GarudaIcon272 Garuda kills the more vicious her attacks become; Garuda gains up to 100% additional damage bonus for her abilities and weapons for each kill or assisted kill.

    • Damage bonus increases by 5% per kill.
    • After not killing for 5 seconds, the damage bonus decays by 1% per 2 seconds.
      • If Garuda is inside an ability-nullifying field, such as those of the Nullifier Crewman, the decay will begin after 1 second between kills at a rate of 2% per 1 second.
    • In Landscapes, killing enemies while in Archwing also raises the damage bonus. However, kills on K-Drive do not.
      • The buff doesn't work while on Archwing or K-Drive, however, only when Garuda dismounts and resumes fighting on foot (needs verification).
    • Kills made by Garuda while manning a Railjack turret, whether via direct fire or with abilities such as Mod TT 20px Seeker Volley, also contribute to raising the damage bonus.
    • Damage bonus is displayed above the ability bars as a red Garuda's iconic symbol.
    • Damage bonus is calculated independent of other damage sources.
    • Damage bonus and decay rate are not affected by mods.
    • Damage appears to stack multiplicatively, even with other multiplicative sources such as Roar and faction damage mods.
    • Every 5% of the gauge filled causes crimson red blood to splatter onto Garuda's body, helmet, and claws.

    While it's entirely possible they are botting, isn't that just worse? It's annoying. Seeking Talons spam isn't annoying, I also have literally never seen someone do it. Thermal Sunder spam is obnoxious, both in gameplay and in audio. This isn't one guy I saw, by the way, it's almost every time I play in public lobbies. Almost every. Like 99%+ of the time.

  8. Just now, Traumtulpe said:

    You don't have to pretend there is some super secret thing going on here. I play Garuda, I have the relevant Arcanes to restore her health. You don't even need Arcanes in fact, try a Bleeding Dragon key with health regeneration.

    Yes Garuda (and Harrow, and others for that matter) can nonstop spam Thermal Sunder, but the thing is I don't see the point.

    Casting a cold and a heat TS causes the remaining Heat damage procs to deal all their damage instantly, with a boost.
    Archon Vitality doubles Heat procs, so two hot and a cold TS will typically kill any enemy in the game.
    Max range makes the radius absurd and disregard cover / LoS.
    Garuda's spam requires no thought whatsoever and is boosted by her passive.


    3 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

    Can you give me some context here, because I've literally never seen this kind of behaviour, also I play Garuda quite a bit and don't see the point in Thermal Sunder on her.

    What kind of mission does this happen in? How is this any different from Garuda spamming her 4, or from Saryn spamming Miasma, or a Nekros with Equilibrium spamming Thermal Sunder?

    I mean the fact is, Thermal Sunder spam is not going to do what you describe on the steel path - that is nuke enemies so fast the other players don't get to fight anything. It's just not. And people have used Thermal Sunder on Titania to speed clear fissures for a long time now, so what's the recent change?

    I don't want to describe the whole build because I want fewer of them in the game. But essentially, through the use of certain other items in the game, Garuda becomes capable of pressing Thermal Sunder literally indefinitely, and the sheer number of casts is, in fact, if you can believe it, enough to overcome Steel Path enemies, even. Other Warframe spam requires some sort of energy economy, Garuda TS does not. We're talking several thousand abilities cast per mission. It never stops.

    • Like 2
  10. Thermal Sunder Garuda has become rather popular, to the point that my most (only) reliable means of avoiding having one on my team is playing solo or friends only. And since I no longer live in the same time zone as my friends, that's almost always solo. Which I can do, but the community aspect of this game is good and fun and I shouldn't feel like I have to play solo to avoid certain people.

    I have survived a fair few terrible Warframe metas, from Actual Invincibility Trinity and old World on Fire Ember to Ignis Wraith and Atterax Saryn. Thermal Sunder Garuda may be my least favorite yet, which is upsetting for a few reasons.

    Reason number one is I normally adore combinations of otherwise unremarkable or sub-optimal game pieces to make something incredibly powerful. Absolutely my ethos when playing games. It's probably not meta anymore, but I still play Nekros with Despoil, Equilibrium, and Health Conversion. Two mods I thought could never find a home on any Warframe build combined to make an incredible engine of survivability and sustain. Love it! Garuda is... not the same. While it uses unconventional pieces, the end result is not fun, it's obnoxious.

    If I have a tough Nekros on my team, I'm glad. It means we keep getting additional loot and I don't need to worry about them getting downed or dropping Desecrate. If I have a thermal sunder Garuda on my team, I have to mute the game to stop the horrible sound effect spam, or abandon the mission and switch to solo if I want to enjoy my time at all. Even if I mute, there are few or no enemies for me to fight, they all get vaporized out of LoS. This is a horde shooter. No enemies, no gameplay. Not fun.

    To continue the analogy, Nekros is not an especially tough warframe. He benefits from the interaction of Despoil, Equilibrium, and Health Conversion to become significantly more tanky (but certainly not invincible). Garuda is a fine warframe! She is strong, tough, and can perform very well even in the hardest content the game has to offer. Her interaction with Thermal Sunder did not suddenly make a good warframe out of a bad one, it made a lazy and annoying one out of a good one.

    Nekros has to play the game. The player has decisions to make on when to do what, what eximus to prioritize, monitor HP, conversion stacks, and energy, and the machine has to be maintained or it will fall apart. Garuda presses whatever button Thermal Sunder is on until the mission ends. Nekros allows their teammates to play the game and benefits from them doing so. Garuda does not care if their teammates exist at all, and does not rely on them for buffs, healing, or extra damage output.

    I'd like to be able to go back to playing on public, so let's consider some possible solutions.

    An ideal solution would not hurt Gauss or Garuda or even the arcane, because none of them are independently in need of any kind of adjustment. One consideration is much larger in scale, and that's Brief Respite / shield gating and our nigh necessary reliance on it in high level content. That's a big undertaking, though, and a system I don't expect to be touched so soon.

    One option would be to diminish Thermal Sunder when subsumed (which I hope there is another pass at that, because Gloom and Thermal Sunder going at full strength on everything while some questionable choices were nerfed before they had a chance confuses me). Wouldn't fully solve the problem, though, unless subsumed Thermal Sunder's numbers went all the way into the garbage. That would hurt Titania as well, but again, I don't think she needs it any more than Garuda does, fine frame as she is.

    A perhaps more contentious choice would be to change Gauss' Helminth ability to Mach Rush or Kinetic Plating. Mach Rush is iconic, and giving it away might erode Gauss' identity somewhat, but I also don't imagine it would be a popular choice for subsumption. Kinetic Plating, however, would probably become extremely popular for frames without in-kit mitigation, possibly to the point of problematic overuse, but that's still preferable. If my teammate has kinetic plating, I might still have some game to play. If my teammate is a thermal sunder Garuda, I do not.

    Ultimately, I fully expect this to be addressed one way or another, as every other lazy, AFK kind of "play style" has been before, but I do hope it's soon. Even in Duviri I can't seem to get away from them. People will really make this game as boring as possible for themselves and then complain that it's boring.

    • Like 5
  11. On 2023-07-03 at 10:52 PM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:
    1. Why can't Garuda ever use her claws in Duviri content?

    Off topic, but she can, just don't pick a melee weapon.

    Statsticks are a bizarre mechanic and I too am amazed they have survived this long. You can argue they breathe life into otherwise unused weapons/mods, but that's not entirely true, the weapons are not being used as weapons but as a suite of additional mods for one or more Warframe abilities. I would much rather see the interaction go, especially since they are wholly unnecessary; Baruuk can rather easily solo steel path even without a statstick.

    If they are to remain, something in the game needs to explain them. Even so much as a loading screen tip along the lines of "Some Warframe abilities draw power from your melee weapon's Mods. They can work in unexpected ways, so experiment with different configs! -Tenno Councilor VH" At present we have no in-game acknowledgement of the interaction whatsoever, and yes, it feels strongly like an oversight or exploit. Desert Wind cannot* benefit from Blood Rush or Gladiator set mods: this is made obvious in the mod config screen, and then subverted by statsticks. It's unintuitive and unnecessary.

  12. They are able to trigger on-reload effects with the ranger's reload decree. Makes the Tenet Plinx an absolute monster in Duviri with all the rolling decrees. I think an exilus mod or arcane with the same effect as ranger's reload, exclusively for battery weapons, would be a good way to introduce that interaction to the origin system.

  13. Yeah, even on steel path it's a chore to get incarnon energy on my strun. Point blank full contact headshot on a heavy gunner will give me a pixel of meter. Turns me off of using them when burston, braton, and dread are so much easier to charge and recharge. I think changing it to pellet count but increasing the threshold would make perfect sense. Rifles being headshot-based makes sense because that's the "high execution" rifle playstyle; shotguns are designed for close quarters and should be rewarded for using them as such. It could even be restricted to a certain range like that arcane that came out somewhat recently. But anything more consistent than what we have now, please

    • Like 1
  14. The hard truth of it is that players want a challenging endgame. Warframe is a very easy, casual game that for whatever reason attracts a lot of "hardcore" gamers as well.

    DE has tried on numerous occasions to produce this for us. Raids. Sorties. Dark Sectors. Eidolons. Arbitrations. Orbs. None have proven difficult enough. Players are too powerful and can trivialize anything the developers can throw at us.

    Presently, "difficulty" in the game is an enemy HP and damage slider that could never go high enough to challenge or interest players. The devs have made a plethora of enemies to try and complicate things for us so that we can't engage in the same mindless and ruthlessly efficient 'strategies' - things we theoretically can't Amprex, Saryn, or Atterax to death without repercussion - but we can. Sortie-enhanced level 100 Nox Eximus are still fodder. They tried getting rid of our second chances in Arbitrations, but players can make themselves functionally or literally invincible if they so wish. The Exploiter Orb fight barely even takes the players' warframe, weapon, and mod loadouts into consideration at all, and it was still too easy (yet players also still complained when the Nova/Octavia bug was fixed).

    So I don't think the issue is the community and developers coming to accord on what defines an endgame, but rather the developers producing an endgame that 1) fits the model and spirit of the game and 2) challenges and engages players. They've exhausted a lot of options at this point. All we can really do is hold out for the next big thing.

  15. DE has acknowledged the insane power creep the game has undergone over the years. I look back on old threads of mine commenting on the meta at the time and laugh at how obsolete the old top end is now.

    Players are insanely strong in this game, and we keep getting stronger. The enemies can't keep up. Difficulty is a damage and HP multiplier that could never go high enough to deter us. Special enemy designs with insane resistances are still fodder. Did you notice how in the latest boss battle, your weapon and warframe loadout has little to absolutely no bearing on the outcome? And it was still too easy, even taking all of our fancy mods and power-crept weapons out of the equation.

    I feel for the devs because they've probably exhausted all of their most creative ideas to make an endgame that is truly distinct from the rest of the game, and not just the same Enemies you would see in Node, Planet with 1000% damage and health. But I also know they have a lot still coming down the pipe, so... hold out for Tau?

    Back in the day when I would have every item and node in the game done, I would just take a break until a content update or two came out. If that's the point you're at, I would suggest the same.

    • Like 5
  16. I've said something along these same lines countless times before. The best things in Warframe are not the things that do the most damage, but the things that do their damage most easily. Saryn is easy. Ignis and Amprex are easy. Holding a spin attack macro with Atterax is easy. They require very little if any thought, skill, or input from the player.

    Players will gravitate to whatever is easiest because Warframe is a very grindy game. They don't want to deal with getting their (insert mastery fodder weapon here) to rank 30, so they just holster it, go to Hydron, and press 4 for 10 or 15 waves. Fairly understandable. I would be lying if I said I hadn't done the same thing myself.

    The issue is that I very regularly see players wield several braindead items all at once for all manner of content in the game. When you trivialize every part of the game that's a pain in the ass, well... you trivialize all of it. There is no secret garden of engaging content they're grinding towards.

    It's frustrating and saddening, but ultimately this game is little more than a cute power-fantasy time waster. Something will always be the braindead strategy, and the devs don't seem interested in incentivizing what passes for skill-based gameplay.

    • Like 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Prime Grineer weapons will never-ever happen. :]

    Again, refer to this:

    On 2019-01-11 at 12:48 PM, Seele said:

    You say this, but people once said Nova Prime is impossible, Valkyr Prime is impossible, Helios Prime is impossible, etc...

    DE can do whatever they want, it's their game. They break continuity on their own lore all the time.


  18. On 2019-01-11 at 2:05 PM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Both are Tenno, obviously they can be Prime. Anyone that stated otherwise clearly doesn't know about the game.


    The Corpus version of Helios is simply an attempt to reverse engineer Helios Prime.


    No. Unlike the Corpus, the Grineer are not descendants of the Orokin. They were lowly workers. Their weapons and weapon designs are not as intricate, nor as advanced as Orokin or Corpus weaponry 

    Originally, Nova was designed by the Tenno Council, not reverse-engineered from a Prime Warframe. Valkyr did not exist until the Corpus attempted to convert a Gersemi Warframe into Zanuka. So, the Prime version should have been Gersemi Prime.

    Your rationale for the existence of a Helios Prime is identical to mine for a Prime version of any Grineer weapon. That is to say, DE holds the reins and can rewrite their continuity however they want. They can provide any reason (or even choose not to) for anything they add to the game.

    Please do not accuse me of not knowing the game I've been playing since 2012.

  19. On 2019-01-10 at 11:08 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Hind Prime is impossible. 

    You say this, but people once said Nova Prime is impossible, Valkyr Prime is impossible, Helios Prime is impossible, etc...

    DE can do whatever they want, it's their game. They break continuity on their own lore all the time. Latron has both a Prime and Wraith variant. The easy workaround would be that the Grineer reverse-engineered Hind from Hind Prime before the Tenno could.

    That said, the ol' baguette could use some love, but then lots of weapons could. Kraken, Grinlok, Sobek... Hell, even Brakk. Detron got a souped-up version.

  20. There's nothing inherently wrong with dual daggers, just with the dual dagger weapons that exist in the game right now.

    Fang Prime having close to 0 critical and status chance is not a consequence of it being a dual dagger, it's a consequence of being an awful weapon.

    As has been said ad nauseam, we just have to hope a sweeping change to the category is made in Melee 3.0. And to machetes.

    5 hours ago, Artek94 said:

    i want to use normal daggers outside of stealth takedowns too.

    Have you not used Pointed Wind? The multipliers on every attack are insane. I can top damage fairly consistently with Rakta Dark Dagger.

  21. 34 minutes ago, MickThejaguar said:

    There's nothing to fix. She functions perfectly fine and there are a few warframes that out damage and out tank her rather easily. The only ability sh has that I would say needs adjusting is her 1. If you just want her regulators to function as regular dual pistols then just go get an actual pair of dual pistols. Exalted weapons don't need to function just like their normal weapon counterpart otherwise they end up just being lackluster weapons like Wukong's staff. Overall this is completely unnecessary.

    Which is why I offered several different fixes beyond making them function like another pair of pistols.

    Beyond that, were they to become exalted weapons like the others, that does not necessarily relegate them to being glorified Akvasto. Excalibur's blade is not just a Skana, is it? DE is nothing if not creative. They could think of something to make them special, I'm sure. But hopefully something that requires actual input from the player.

  22. 15 hours ago, Elementalos said:

    While I appreciate your passion, the title is pretty misleading. What you want an entirely new Warframe that just happens to look like Mesa. There's nothing about that that's a 'fix' and it's kind of strange for you to start off by saying that she's one of your favorite warframes and then from there go on to explain that you actually hate pretty much everything about her. It makes the whole post feel a bit disingenuous. 

    Is she? Or is she just not what you want to play? The main thrust of your OP regarding Mesa's playstyle seems to be that Mesa isn't the sort of Warframe you want to play, but instead of just finding one you do enjoy more you want Mesa to be entirely redesigned to suit your preferences, which is kind of a weird way to think about the game.

    Is balance not a labor of love? If you would like an example of a Warframe I dislike, look for any of them that I've never said anything about. The reason I take umbrage with her current state is because she's one of my favorites. But she's a missed opportunity. She doesn't reflect the original goal of the design. Mesa is a 'gunfighter' frame in appearance only, and while a fair amount of warframes are decent for a gunplay focus - hell, the argument could be made that any frame is acceptable for gunplay - as I understood it, Mesa was the answer to a community plea for a gun-focused frame.

    I don't hate any one thing about Mesa. I recognize balance problems with her. In her current state she isn't exactly what I'd like her to be, but I still play her. I just also know that she can more genuinely reflect the developers' intentions than she does. None of my proposed changes would radically change her playstyle for anyone but the people who quite literally only use her 4 as a map clear, and those are not the kinds of people who should be considered in discussions of balance, so calling this a "total redesign" is an unwarranted leap.

    Breaking from the quoted post at this point: Any time playing a frame compels you to press one button and one button only, the frame is not tuned well. The 1 is useless and the 4 is overpowered. There are arguments before this claiming that she's a fodder-cleaner. Please explain the sortie enhanced level 100+ eximus Nox. That's about as powerful as enemies get in practicality, outside of deep endless and the Simulacrum. Of course she's designed to deal damage. And of course she's very good at it. Because she's too good at it.

    I'll also not allow any moving of the goalposts about "buff the weaker frames instead" or "Saryn is more of a problem" or "Ember can do more damage." The slippery slope fallacy that rises every time someone recommends a well-placed nerf is that buffing every weaker frame instead would be preferable. Warframe already has a ridiculously high power ceiling and no enemies to match it. We are too strong for the game we're playing. This 'solution' is laughably misguidedYes, there are frames that need buffs. Yes, there are other frames that need nerfs. But Mesa is topical now, her Prime just came out, so now is the time to open discussion about her because she's seeing a sudden spike in usage.

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  23. 6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    But dang, your version of Shattershield would make Mesa  much more entertaining for somebody like me.  Really almost anything that makes her 2 and/or 3 more interactive, and her 1 more impactful would make me want to play her more.

    PS. You should change "redeemers" to "regulators".


    Thank you on both accounts, OP has been edited to fix this.

    I appreciate everyone who has offered more grounded feedback than "no just get out" thus far. "Don't fix what isn't broken"... Mesa's pretty broken.

  24. Preface

    Mesa is one of my favorite Warframes. Her design (esp. Prime) is amazing and, in concept, she is an ideal expression of my playstyle. Having a dedicated gunfighter frame is a phenomenal idea... but she isn't a gunfighter frame. She's a caster frame. A press-4- everything-dies frame to clump in with the rest of them. It's nigh impossible to not be top kills, top damage as Mesa - and of course this is not the objective of the game, but as has been belabored while tuning Ember and Saryn and countless others throughout this game's storied history of balance, Warframe isn't fun when one person kills all the enemies. Sometimes even if you're the one killing them all. Any time I find myself playing Mesa, if I have the energy to ult (or even if I don't), doing anything else seems like such a waste of time. The most disciplined aim with the most powerful, rivened-out weapons pales so harshly in comparison to the auto-hit, devastating machine gun fire of the Regulators. Her ult is visually impressive. It's cool. It's insanely strong. But it's boring. You just hold the button and sweep the camera and Mesa does all the work. Is there some limited amount of appeal to this? Yes. The novelty wears off quickly though. At the end of the day she's another map nuke Warframe, and her old West aesthetic is contrary to her actual function. The fact that her auto-win spell is "gun" makes it no more engaging than any other.

    Potential Fix - Make the Regulators a True Exalted Weapon

    There are a number of ways Mesa could be brought to a more reasonable power level, maintain relevance in the game, and solidify her identity as a gunfighter Warframe. While Peacemaker is clearly the most problematic ability of hers, Ballistic Battery has a case for being relatively useless and Shatter Shield has a case for also being relatively broken.

    Ideally, Peacemaker would be made like any other "exalted weapon" ability and simply allow Mesa to wield the Regulators for as long as she maintains the energy to do so. The Regulators could be made (or kept) ridiculously powerful to compensate for the loss of auto-aim and inhuman fire rate, and to reward steady aim and measured fire. But they would be aimed, fired, and reloaded as any other pair of pistols - you know, gunfighting.

    Potential Fix 2 - Lower the Regulators' Fire Rate

    But I also understand that the developers probably want to maintain the cinematic aspect of Peacemaker. So, I think it would not be unreasonable to dramatically lower the fire rate of the Regulators. As is, I can hold LMB and shred a Sortie-enhanced level 100+ eximus Nox into a gory puddle in seconds. The Nox, mind you, was specifically designed to make braindead strategies ineffective. His ridiculous armor values, life-threatening damage, and pronounced weakpoint several feet above the strike zone of Atterax slide attacks all make it clear that players falling asleep at the keyboard would have to move their cursors up and pop his head if they didn't want to get murdered. He hasn't entirely succeeded at his job, but this is an obvious case in which a total lack of precision is still disproportionately forgiven or rewarded. With a lower fire rate, the Regulators would probably take too long to kill a Nox, and he would have more time to advance and punish my laziness. I would still dispense incredibly high-powered shots at enemies indiscriminately, murdering masses of adds or taking down tougher, say, Heavy Gunners before they become threatening, but I wouldn't be able to wipe out everything including high leveled, souped-up enemies designed to beat 'strategies' like this. As an added bonus, slowing it down would make her badass "gun-fu" poses easier to appreciate, and may make each shot feel more individually powerful.

    Addressing Her Identity as a "Gunfighter" Frame

    Mesa's other abilities are... fine. Mostly. Her 2, Shooting Gallery, is a great, if somewhat unreliable, buff / debuff. As mentioned before, Shatter Shield is a bit strong for a not-tank Warframe with 95% damage mitigation being pretty easily attainable. Ballistic Battery is more often than not just a waste of energy, but its mechanics are cool. So this is my proposition:

    1) Replace Ballistic Battery with an energy-based gun reload. Number of ways this could be implemented: a toggle that just enhances reload speed, a one-off activation that instantly reloads your gun, or a toggle that artificially extends your magazine with energy (think Quick Thinking). The latter two would be tricky to balance, however.

    2) Rework Shatter Shield to recycle Ballistic Battery's mechanics - upon activation, you would have a short window in which to deal gun damage to charge your shield (like an inverse of Nyx's new Mind Control mechanics). The threshold could even be set fairly low and the same 95% mitigation attainable, but at least it wouldn't be instant nigh-invulnerability. There would be feelsbad moments when you die before charging your shield, sure, but that's kind of the point.

    Both of these abilities would reward the player for doing gun stuff more than the current iterations of Ballistic Battery (which is most often used as an interspersed damage bonus during Peacemaker, if used at all) and Shatter Shield.

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