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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. You are nowhere near maxed out. Sorry, I had to be the one.




    For one, try to farm Loki Prime. =P

    I see youve done quite something in a week, but youre not even close to have maxed everithing you will need for endgame.

    Drop corrupted mods, then max'em

    Get and max all primary mods and 6 forma at least 4 primary weapons for different playstiles

    Get and max all secondary mods and 6 forma at least a couple

    Get and multi-forma at least 4 warframes to fit different team roles

    then you'll be quite close to say "you have maxed everithing you want/need in this game" and even after that there's plenty of stuff you can get and max out (and youl probably will be surprised that something you considered unnecessary is funny as hell)

    of course if you "abuse" of plats for rushing and skipping a great part of the grind times, it takes much less, but even in this case  youre gonna be nowhere near maxed out in less than 3 months.

    and you will still have some primes to get, or arcanes or else. and you will still have some end-game content to enjoy (endless void missions and raids)

    I made alot and still have alot of fun when i can make a 1h+ T4 survival with friends. And more crappy the frames your team brings, bigger the fun.

  2. hmm idk but clicking that site triggered my anti virus to block it. not sure why but just a heads up something doesn't seem right with the site. Maybe it's just my anti virus being over cautious. But I don't want anyone to get some unwanted malware just in case. 


    Maybe try another poll site or something. Or again, maybe it's fine and my anti virus was being over protective. 

    Im using chrome with adblock, no malicious software detected but probably, as many other sites do, it is trying to open a new tab with some advertising. The site seems ok,

  3. YES, its another POLL topic.
    This is slightly different because i tried to gather all the stuff this game is missing in a single poll,

    Now you decide what you'd like to see DE prioritizing.


    Just READ this sentence BEFORE voting: you have no vote limit, but to keep the votes a bit sensed lets say you have FOUR votes tops, But you can use less.

    And here's the poll - http://vote.pollcode.com/99986916






    I hope you all take this seriously, and DE take a look at this in a couple of days. I know some answers are pretty vague, but if those mean something for you, please vote then explain your point of view as an answer here.

    EDIT: just relized i made several mistakes, please dont mind too much, English is not my native language.

  4. Since latest update ( the whole game is lagging, no exeption, both in listest, in game and in market/foundry/arsenal/starchart UI.

    The in-game counter displays a flat 60 fps (lets say 57 to 62) and external apllications count the same amount of FPS.
    But the game isnt running smooth at all. seems like its running at 20-25 FPS despite the 60 displayed.

    i have i7 quadcore processor, nice graphic card and 12GB ram. Running Win7 fully updated and malware free.

    Having no issues on other games. Had no issues witht the game at all until the latest patch.

    I updated warframe and the other change i made was uninstalling Heroes of the storm...


    And made a download cache optimization but nothing changed.  Also toned down graphics a bit but still no change.



    seriously i have no other ideas... if you have any suggestion or question please reply.

  5. Sniper must have decent rate of fire, high crits (capping at least very colse to 100% with vital sense) and greater heashot multiplier. I know heashot crit already multiplies.

    Sniper should pay skill at landing heashots.

    Can you land 4 heashots in a second? Good for you, just killed 4 enemies.

    You cant? Well then youre doing meh damage on bodyshots with some punchthrough

  6. First of all i apologize for my bad English. Aint my native language, I just hope you understand what im writing.


    I have everithing in the game, well not actually everithing but im pretty close. and most of the stuff i dont have... well i just dont want it.
    Since the Void Trader came out, I thought he was a pretty cool addition to the game. Something even players like me could wait for a "breeze" and maybe some new reason for grinding a bit more (yeh im fine with primed mods)


    well then he started bringing back old things and prisma versions of terrible weapons. and some cosmetics that most of us already had... oh sure in prisma version.

    I know DE slowed it because of "people burning themselves" in the effort of keeping up with all cool stuff he was bringing every TWO weeks... im fine with that too.


    But WHY, for the love of the gods, he is locked at only 4 things at time? he sould bring 6. at least 2 guaranteed new things and at least 3 guaranteed old stuff (including event mods that i consider old)  and 1 slot that can be either, 

    said number can be decreased to 5 if shoulder and leg pads stop eating 2 slots.


    So players that miss something wont feel too bad for missing something because it will be back with a decent timing.

    reducing the "old stuff coming back" rotation timing also will prevent pricing in the market to grow too high -see mara detron-  so even better for people that missed something because if they dont want to wait for said thing to be back on rotation they can buy it from other players for a decent price,


    it could be pretty frustrating wanting a Mara detron and having to choose between waithing a lifespan or paying 500+plats to another player just because he wasnt busy in the right weekend.


    -just to clarify, not my case- had 2 chances to buy mara detron and just didnt want to.



    What do you think about that? sure its been discussed already, but i want to open this topic to discuss ONLY that...

    and for that i mean How to bring back to all players the cool feeling we all had when Baro came for its very first rotation. With some apperances with a cool 2 mods at time...


    DE already said they have plenty of Void Trader stuff ready. and i think its already time to give him a twist, increasing its stocks with BOTH new and old stuff at the same time, without the stupid lock on 4 slots with shoulder pads eating 2 of those.


    Cool for player who didnt catch up everithing, cool for players that want new stuff, cool for players that dont want everithing but want a bit of choice when he comes.


  7. I will update with names but if you have or can buy some contact me in game (send friend request)



    Tempest mods, pay 35 pl each


    Hurricane mods: pay 50pl each,  55 for 30k standing mods

  8. I play since U12. its a full year more or less.


    the game has grown amazingly in this year, but not in the graphics. Sure it had some cool improvements, but nothing "big". We are getting now the very first PBR updates


    well, first of all i have to admit my PC isnt top of the line but it was the same when i started playing 1 year ago and i could track the progressive and massive loss of FPS after every update.


    In U12 i had like 140+ FPS when doing easy stuff -few enemies, soloing and few powers. and a nice 80+ FPS even in worst case scenario (at the time void full of enemies, 4 players, molecular prime and a couple other persisting effects)



    Now i have 70-80 fps in the liset, 60-65 when doing easy stuff that drop to 30-35 when playing in team and stuff becomes more intense.

    And seems becoming worse every update... even small updates.

    how's that possible considering the game basically looks the same? and disabling graphic options doesnt help much (unless i tune down resolution)


    and its not my PC only because all my friends are having the same problem (but when you have 50fps minumum you actually dont care much)

  9. Can anyone tell me how im supposed to mod it? im forming it the fourth time and not afraid of doing another couple of times...


    how should be modded to perform the best? i mean to perform decenty all around and not only for camping

    some say critical and some other pure status...again others say to go pure damage with both caliber and spitchamber (tried and its horrible for anithing that is not camping)

    at this point i dont know. status is always good and critical is low on toxic ticks.  But if i go status im definitely losing a pretty high amount of raw damage.



    and one last thing. firestorm yes or no?

  10. This appears to most likely be a bug.

    Moved to PC Bugs.


    thanks for moving in the proper section. It appears to be a bug because it is supposed to work the way we intended to?   i will try again later and see what happens.

    Nobody has trading experience with this mod?

  11. Today i was trying to buy the mod Detect vulnerability from another user.


    He had a message telling that "unique copies of abilities cant be traded". we both thought it was a recent addition to prevent players to accidentally sell or trade sentinel / kubrow unique mods as long as you have only 1.

    I even though "cool thing" i knew of people selling kubrow precepts then realizing those mods werent dropped but sent to inventory while the dog was still hatching.


    So the guy went in the sanctuary and bought a second one but the message appeared again even if he had two. So the mod is simply untradable.


    The fact that bothers me is that the message should be more CLEAR and / or it should be impossible to buy a second one from simaris. the only thing one is supposed to do with multiple copies is to have them at different ranks...but this factor doesnt seem relevant for event mods we can get only 1 of.


    At least it should state the thing clearly in the simulacrum store or before buying the mod if one is already owned.
  12. Im definitely not saying it is just bad. It is cool and it'd be much better if it just worked properly. 

    For endless missions isnt that good cause loosing some k DPS and overall damage per shot isnt good in long term, considering you wont always be able to shot multiple enemies when a sigle one can one-shot you.

    Just expressing my opinion that it should ignore armor because first of all it makes sense, and second it would make it shine in endless mission AND against bosses where at some point the only way to damage is having Corrosive aura.
    So it would make much more sense for solo players and at the same time allow to make it a build choice when modding a weapon without necessarily keeping in mind your aura too...

    Also the double stat Punch through mods would make a lot of sense. Shred isnt that great deal AND increasing rate of fire aint always an advantage  (at least on most weapon i use it just forces me to keep an eye on my mag without consistent benefits)



    P.S. small edit: dont take it personally, not saying one is just wrong bringing weapons with PT in endless missions but its still a reality that if those endless go very long raw damage is more reliable than mass overkill at the early and middle stages. 
    Thats why i love to bring bows that can combine both without compromises

  13. I love the Punch Through mechanic (even if it doesnt work properly most of the time) but with a couple K hours of gaming i just faced the fact that a pure damage mod is better 95% of the time.


    Im fine with that but after Power throw number 150 i just wondered if the punch through could work differently.

    I mean, seriously, if a bullet can pass you part to part it SHOULD definitely ignore your armor and shield.

    What do you think about?

  14. 1)  Valk's hystaria removes your ability to do anything other then melee.  With chroma's tanky skills he still has access to his guns which is a huge bump.  Valk's hystaria drops damage wise in the unbalanced content quickly.  Unless you run both max intensify and max blind rage.  Which most people don't even have.


    2)  Chroma brings more team help with his ability then valk.  She has no CC and the only team help is warcry.  Which if you were going max power strength to save her damage drop off warcry won't be able to effect your friends unless they hugged you and followed you around the map.  Chroma's team buffs may not be as amazing as other frames.  But he certainly brings more help to the team then valk does.


    well valkyr does decent damage with maxed blindrage, chroma either needs alot of maxed mods to grow insane armor we are talking about. it scales ok with mods not maxed, but also does hysteria... i mean they both dont loose much with mods at 8 intead of 10.

    valkyr can ress teammates in the worst situations and a skilled valkyr player will go around taking aggro from most enemies possible. warcry buff is S#&$ty, also are chroma's buffs. nobody in team is gonna rely on one or the other.

    Also considering narrowmind is required if you want a decent duration (on both)

    the difference i see is that chroma has a damage boost on itself, but is gonna suffer damage soon or later.and cant find the spot for recasting vex armor when stuck in large groups of enemies.

    Valkyr has a totally different damage output (far inferior) and will melee only. But its 100% immortal with al benefits. longer duration and you just need to find a 1 second spot to cast hysteria and keep running around.

    I mean, they are both S#&$ty for teamwork, and probably S#&$ty all around.  and my thought is: if i dont bring valkyr, thats actually immortal, why should i bring chroma that is gonna have an hard time late on the mission?

    cause it will kill something more? 

    and seriously you wont have troubles killing till lvl 80+ (with auras 180+) where chroma's higher damage output will become more valuable but his survival will become harder and harder....

    Just for clearance, i have both. potatoed and formas, and like chroma much more. but still cant how he's supposed to be a better tank than valkyr or more useful than rhino.

  15. Yeah except for the fact that when Mesa does get hit, shes 1 shot whereas Chroma just takes 40 damage from level 80+ enemies which, by the way, are deep into endgame at the current state of the game.

    lvl 80 enemies are 1h of t4 survival. endgame is going out of endless missions when i decide to.

    Anyways chroma max armor build does barely nothing other than resisting better than others, a good buff to your weapon, thats it.

    so really no point using chroma over valkyr that is literally invulnerable.

    Also as said before, vex armor is totally useless with shields down. if with a valk you just have to find the spot of half second for casting hysteria and not dying meanwhile, with chroma you also need time for restoring shields and its pretty long with level 80 around.

    And to be honest i think valkyr herself is pretty crappy. Chroma is just a stric downgrade, but im having fun with... but thats all

    of course you probably wont play alone in such hard tier missions, but still, there's no point bringing chroma when he makes zero team play.

  16. Chorma can get so tanky with armor mods and str mods with vex

    So tanky? do you guys really think chroma is a tank cause of armor and that chroma scales better than rhino?

    6k+ armor is actually good only against mid level enemies (60 or less). a group of enemies over lvl 60 will always take you down anyways. yes even with ragethinkigflow, and pretty fast.

    Also if the power ends with your shields totally down, recasting it wont help at all cause it wont increase you armor again.

    Chroma on vex armor is AS tanky AS mesa with her shield. its the same 95% damage reduction. just with slightly better stast for the rest... but definitely not giving you a chance against of a group of high leveled enemies.

    As i concer a tank it has to scale well with enemies, and armor doesnt. For endless missions the only tank is valkyr under hysteria, and yet not so useful for the party. For non endless mission actually no tank is needed, cause 300 shield 200 life warframes can survive easily if you put a bit of effort. that said in those mission rhino with power strenght build is as tanky as chroma... dont think one is actually better against mid level enemies.


  17. You see a scam for newbies and i see the right cost. And thats why:

    If it wasnt for that absurd cost me and alot of players like me would buy neural sensors or orokin cells for 1pl instead of going into the solar map and faming for that stuff.

    Same reason why resources are not tradable.

    And you see, even this way 80% of the missions of the solar map are empty of people. In fact, stuff you cant obtain easily from the solar map has a right cost: potatoes, formas and even slots.

  18. just tried in fullscreed mode, as far is i know windowed mode should be harder for the pc to handle. But ill give it a try.


    didnt try other options in the launcher, what do you think i should try to check or uncheck?

    If i cant solve in another couple tries, ill write to support of course

  19. How old is the laptop? Try run other graphic heavy game eg. Battlefield 3 and see if problem presist. Last time i had my laptop random shuts down due to worn capacitors that loses power on mainboard. Heat kills components like that over time especially on older laptop that doesn't have good ventilation and generates alot heat.


    the pc is 1 year old. Alienware m17x. i can run battlefield 3 and 4 with ultra graphics (or close) without issues.


    i also thought it could be about power supply, but i play with battery in, and the DC is the one that came with the laptop (supposed to be dimensioned to the components)

    im just stating that its happening only on warframe and only after the latest update. not looking for a magical solution but looks like more than a coincidence. isnt it?


    and about overheating, i can post screenshot but you can trust me temps are good.


    Also tried with pretty much everithing off (in graphic settings of the game) and it just keeps shutting down....

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