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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 5 pages of discussion about hysteria nerf?

    you can still keep perma hysteria even with bling rage maxed. the only spot i see i cant be in perma hysteria is with energy reduction sorties were you have a small energy pool (like 50ish unmodded) and rng sometimes drops no energy orbs for a while so you find yourself out of hysteria because of that.
    In any other case hysteria is permanent and strong as before with just one extra condition: you have to keep killing fairly quickly or you wont keep up with the energy drain.

    And if you plan to do a mission with reduced energy pool just switch to a build you fit a primed flow in and youre good to go.

  2. IMHO loki is very well balanced. You can be invisible wich is one of the strongest things in the game, but you die if hit by some random bullet even in not-so-high levels (like 100ish)

    Radial disarm is strong, but still with overext+stretch has less range than most 4th skills (because you multiply 20 and not 25 base range), yes range is still very long but its kinda fair when you are onehitted from random bullets.

    And the augment is fine too, probably it just shouldnt have its duration accefted by duration mods wich is something you would have anyways because invisibility.

    Also if we look at the direction the game took recently, not so long mission and not so long levels (top level is 100ish in sorties) there are much better options.
    Imho the RD stuff really shines only in endless missions where utility and CC prevails brute force. For everything else i dont really see loki as broken, OP or else.

    EDIT: Also speaking about CC and engame enemies there is plenty of frames almost on the level. Its too easy to incapacitate enemies in this game, unless Nullies are running around. 
    Also the confusion proc aint that strong, enemies stop actually harming each other very soon (because their damage doesnt scale on par with health/armor/shields),id always rather have enemies trapped into a vortex or a bastille instead of having them disarmed and confused.

  3. really didnt catch up when they said that, not mother language, i just heard they clarified that she should have gotten the "corrupted buff".
    And really wonder how much is supposed to be more. Id say 25 would be fine considering you got a dozen when not farming them and 50 when farming... but probably such a thing wont ever happen

  4. 24 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    They're not going to change the fissure sealing process, they're going to remove it.

    Yep bad thing is that they will remove the option to "farm" traces with loot frames, now is pretty pointless to have a much larger trace magazine.
    In the devstream when DERebecca showcased the new fissure system i liked it alot to be honest, the only thing that disappointed me quite a bit is that she got just 8 traces in the end.

    8 traces would be bad even with resource booster (assuming it still works), really no way to stockpile traces unless grinding until your eyes are bleeding. And i mean, i know traces were never meant to be stockpiled in thousands, but still i cant see the reason to reduce their drop to in a such ridiculous way when a single nekros in team could constantly increase the numbers you got to a reasonable 15+ per run (and def more if the other members had a good timing)


  5. I think its only because they want more people join conclave.

    definitely agree with you.

    many beginners dont know how to move and spend theyr time whining that certain weapon or frame is overpowered when its actually a very well balanced game mode

    mr 5+ should definitely be a thing 

  6. void cant stay as it is now, it cant be a planet like any other and it wont.

    Probably they will be addressing this for people who liked going endless and be rewarded a bit more. But this will take time, last update was kinda rushed.
    Even if i like the fissure system the endless missions were very attractive for many players, but without adequate rewards kinda looses its purpose.

    I would like if in fissure mission void survivals you could get multiple fissure spawning, maybe every 10 minutes in a range between 3-5 fissures tops in a single mission, with only one relic used. Still not endless but 60 mins top is the range 98% of players were going to run survivals anyways.

    Or just put some very rare and special loot in endless void mission in the old and hated C rotation. Like umbras and vaulted items... why not? having those missions accessible without key doesnt mean they cant be rewarding.
    Or maybe do something like the trial key system, you can craft a key for cheap and you can try a special void endless every 23h. but this will be a rewarding endless mission, and being able to do it only once every day will be an additional motivation for pushing yourself to the max.

  7. Probably they removed the best rewards in endless missions because so far it was too easy to abuse of those.
    Really to easy to exploit powers and just put time but no effort. Now effort its still zero but doesnt require too much time.

    When the effort/profit will be balanced for endless mission probably we will see rewards in there again, but alot of stuff needs to be fixed in order to achieve that.

    I really liked the void tileset, and doing endless in it, But really so far was just a matter of wasting alot of time on those to get rewarded (and actually even before that i thought the time/reward ratio was still bad but it was fine because it had just time and no effort)

    Hopefully there's plenty of loot coming that could fit into there, just not now.
    Yeh im thinking on vaulted stuff, umbras and so on. Its clear we wont ever have credits and core cave in endless because thats what sorties are supposed to be now

  8. 7 minutes ago, E3RIE said:

    Buying the prime access is just not an option for a lot of people. Farming resources should absolutely not be that hard.

    Mate its a crazy farming right now i have to agree, but its for just one very specific item you can live without. And its regular counterpart can take months to get too (again 5 to me).

    The rule in free games is that you put money or time and effort.

    and time and effort is not so bad for most of the content, there are a dozen things that are just a pain to farm, and thats what they see supposed to be.

    Vauban its one of those.

    try farming a double set (20) of any rare arcane, then we'll talk about vauban Prime

  9. 10 minutes ago, Arblarg said:

    How much oxium did DE pay you to post this? 

    10 minutes ago, Arblarg said:

    How much oxium did DE pay you to post this? 

    DE needs to stop selling functionality and monetize fashion. A couple 300+ plat capes and 500+ plat armor sets that give you end game looks in fashion frame will turn up plat sales without pissing off the core playerbase for this game. 

    DE needs to stop selling functionality and monetize fashion. A couple 300+ plat capes and 500+ plat armor sets that give you end game looks in fashion frame will turn up plat sales without pissing off the core playerbase for this game. 


    Just saying buy a booster and go with loot frames if you wanna burn out farming it. 

    Otherwise just play the game and wait till you have stockpiled enough stuff then build it. May take 6 months this way, it took 5 for me to get the regular one.

    really if you want certain things fast, its really your problem. You can instead put money with prime access or plats and buy boosters and fasten the process. 

    Mind that that doesnt apply to all content, but ist okay it applica to some stuff. 50% of the stuff in this game an be obtained with ease, very little time and effort

  10. 5 minutes ago, E3RIE said:

    You have to keep in mind that a (big enough) portion of the player base can't play that often/much.

    I do, but if one plays so little he will probably have a really hard time to complete the regular vauban to.

    why shoudnt the Prime variant take 6 months to get to the ones playing half an hour per day? Those shouldnt even bother having it quick...

  11. I can see oxium just cant be farmed now, not that much atleast.

    for the ones that already played something different than draco in old starchart 7k oxium was no biggie, pretty much cause there were no other oxium sinks.

    But lets speak the thruth, vauban itself is a reward for playing constantly, its legit that the prime version is supposed to be the same but much more difficult.

    not comparing to other prime variants because some are just staight easier than the normal counterpart to get, but i can see the logic behind the Vprime crafting cost:

    you dont get it just by farming, you get it through playing alot and putting a good amount of time in the game. If you do, sooner or later you will have the materials for crafting it.

    Anyways resource booster are a deal now, they work also on traces and with 200 plat you can have it on for a month.

    or you can buy some for free from baro, if you already have all primed mods you just need to keep a tiny reserve of ducats in case he brings something new.

    TLDR buy a booster

  12. 12 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

    While I agree with the rest of the post, statistics are weird so that isn't quite correct.  It's more like 34ish% to have at least one Rare item with four Radiants.  It's fantastic compared to 5% per 20 monotonous minutes, but it's misleading to round it up to 40 and tack on an "at least" in front of it.

    yep 34% is correct, the only problem i actually see is that there is no way to know if all 4 members are bringing radiant relics (you cant even tell if they brought the correct relic until end mission)
    not such a big problem anyway, if you are the only one bringing the correct radiant relic you get 10% chance of getting the rarest part thats still twice better than 5% every 20 mins, and gathering 100 tears doesnt take so long.
    Also if you dont get the part you were looking for you have the option to choose between 4 different rewards that can be an easy forma or 50 ducats or just some plats.

    I like how this loot system is designed now, it just becomes boring soon but its a straight improvement to me if i do a bit of math between the time/chance/effort ratio.

  13. Was going to ask the same question because im just enjoying playing solo with CL lately.

    I can tell ceramic dagger is good enough, decent reach and fastest speed. didnt even bother potato it, just slapped on a primed reach, CL, fury and berserker (even if i cant keep it up all the time its still a buff)

    Not sure the finisher animation is the fastest, just the base speed of the weapon is fast. I would also take any recommendation on other daggers and stances.
    I didnt try many other daggers because most were built long ago as mastery fodders and now deleted, but if some has faster finisher animation i can rebuild any, including sheev.

  14. We have better chances to see a Prisma Targis.

    because... Well you know all prisma armors are free but crappy looking compared to the regular counterpart, exept for maybe a couple of very specific color sets.

    the only one thats decent is the dedalus.

    so Yes they should definitely release a prisma Targis and make everybody regret not buying the prime one.

    really they shouldnt put in game something for free thats too close to something they priced $60 lately...

  15. the "regular" paladin theme is kinda hard to fit into warframe. But still you can do something close.
    Now he's palading/king of wildlife and neither is well represented.

    And yes he should be reworked to fit that teme better, with would be paired with some upgrades (really some powers can just be buffed by any rework)

    His 1 is ok, its fitting and at the same level of most 1 skills
    His 2 is kinda terrible, even worse since the nullifiers came out. Paladin usually have auras, it should be turned into a limited-range aura with continuous drain. At least wont dispelled in the very moment a nullifier touches it. 
    His 3 is a very mediocre health regen in a game where health regen is not needed in 99% of cases. That should have been his passive (in a much weaker form of course) or it can be built-in with his 2.
    Probably his 3 could be reworked fitting his passive too, allowing oberon to summon a pack of random wildlife creatures helping him in the fight for a short duration (like 30secs)
    I like his 4, and the concept of its augment too. But has just a terrible range compared to many other damage/utility aoe 4 skills.

    With such rework he wouldnt still be top tier but, to me at least, funnier and more fitting its very own theme.

  16. At first i totally disliked that skin. Now the more i look at it and the more i like it.

    The only problem i see is that fits very poorly the warframe universe, but im quite certain that tweaking with colours can do great things on such skin.
    Probably they shouldnt have showed it with such bright colours

  17. 12 minutes ago, Virandis said:

    Sry to be a buzz kill but all Kavat colors are obtainable through the market, most of them are part of a 160k credits gene masking kit, for example "Mesa Yellow" which is what you called gold bits is in that kit.

    Because of this the colors of kavats are really meaningles for imprint prices.

    sure, never said its rare or else. Being already nicely couloured its still a plus and also its the best looking between the two to me.

    If you think the price is crazy please suggest me a fair one and i will edit

    BTW thats the reason i clarified only energy colour in description, seems like the only thing that you cant change so far but not even sure if actually exist some "rare" energy colour or its just all about personal taste

  18. Selling 1 pair of Adarza kitten prints. I will consider any sensed plat offer different than my price, will also consider partially trading for Vauban P chassis, system or helmet (my plat price - the actual value of the part).
     i prefer plat offers because i spent quite alot of PL in breeding cats

    Amazing coloured Adarza: 180pl - White energy coulour, gruppy tail, feather ears




  19. Trading taxes arte necessary for many reason, progression and exploit being the first.

    i would like to see some credit alerts with real credit reward.

    the corpus shipments with 50k were a total failure... Even with the nerfs i can grab that amount of credits in many spots in less time. Those should reward something between 100 and 200k

    credit alerts should definitely reward something like 30-35k average so they would be good for new players.

    still not a real compensation for the general credit nerf but wont be completely sensless atleast

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