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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 8 hours ago, OfficerBeepsky said:

    I don't think you understand that this has literally always been a thing for valkyr.

    If hysteria drops and you're near enemies, you take damage, it's just how the skill works. It's how it's always worked.

    This isn't a new thing, it's a tweak of something that already existed, so that it's actually noticeable.

    Exactly what i said, they tweaked in a totally unnecessary way with a supposed nerf with the increasing cost when they could change it in many ways, with actually not more effort.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Obviousclone said:

    .... the damage absorb/reflect has always been a part of valkyr's kit since I started playing about a year ago


    it just wasn't super noticeable because there was only a buff indicator at the top.

    and for some stupid reason, you could lower the range by running negative range. Which I think is dumb, corrupted mods are supposed to be "get huge buff to stat, but weaken yourself in another area" trade-off, rather than "get huge buff to stat, lose weaknesses" or even worse, "get two huge buffs to stats" just because your warframe scales positively with negative stats. The only frame I'm okay with this is speed nova because it's not always objectively good to go negative strength (in survival for instance).

    Yep, but now has a new mechanic that lowers hysteria's damage mitigation and increases cost per second the more hysteria is active. My point is that this new addition is totally useless

    I cant agree on corrupted mods, im fine that in some rare and very specific builds those will have double benefits, as long as those benefits arent crazy good (like speed nova for example, i like the idea of negative strenght increasing speed instead wich is not necessarily a double buff but a very nice different option), I mean having double benefits is the same to me as having no drawback (and this happens to a lot of frames and abilities)

  3. 1 minute ago, Kaisty said:

    I would be ok with this only if the life drain kicks in a few seconds after Hysteria is up and if the health drain either drops or pauses when Valkyr is interacting with things.  It would suck to be reviving somebody or hacking a console or doing other important things only to die or lose all that health I spent time collecting.

    Also, it would be nice if health loss is determined by efficiency mods.

    You could still deactivate hysteria and lose nothing... you know like everyone else :P

  4. Like most of people ive benn testing all frame changes, the deepliest possible.

    Im kinda disappointed with mag, he was a "scaling" beast and now has little to none scaling. But now has just something in common with most warframes, she's in a good spot afterall now.

    But valkyr, seriously? with decent modding she could still VERY EASILY keep hysteria forever. Has almost no changes on old hysteria builds, and you dont even need fully maxed efficiency to keep it up at maximum stacks. She's just like before but with a more complex, useless and unfriendly mechanic,

    I would have appreciated much more a real "Berserker state" like:

    Maintaining invulnerability to outer sources, maintaining melee only, taking a fixed amount of damage per second (lets say 15) with a fixed amount of lifegain per melee strike (lets say 25) that atleast forces you either to keep up meleeing almost all the time or just having to deactivate hysteria for not dying of it.


    As it is now its still a very cheap invulnerability with the only downside of melee only restiction (with easy 30-50k hits) and having to worry about nullifiers.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Magnulast said:


    No, just no.

    I understand you might want to make it abundant, and easy to get.

    But there has to be a limit to this, Sorties are for players who want to do them, not for players that "need" to do them.

    You aren't forced to do it, you are forcing yourself.

    Are you secretly planning to kill the trade chat channel of anything sortie based?.


    Honestly OP, you aren't supposed to give hundreds of ducats a day, nor should this be in the sortie reward system.

    Next, you shouldn't address burnout by making a bloatware system of rewards.-840 ducats per week? 

    First of all, I want to earn a reward, not get a gift out of nowhere.-Lotus hands me 5k plat for no reason.

    Second of all, this system gives too much, it pretty much removes the point of grinding.-What's the point of doing anything in the void, or anything in the sortie, when they are pretty much the same thing now?

    Third of all, even though this system could be balanced, it's still not good, the Void's market exists because of RNG, the Sortie's market exists because of RNG. And removing that gets what?


    Despite the system having a good structure and fixes a few problems but, the idea of this causes problems, problems that shouldn't be ignored.

    It makes the void, the only place that rare items could be acquired and sold.(Syndicate, Arcanes are minimal.)


    I get what you mean, perfectly. 840 ducats for an average 5 hours of gameplay didnt sound so much to me. 
    But i think the system can work if tweaking correctly the numbers

    I didnt want to give too many ducats neither too little. It needs to be a good extra to void grinding, but sure, not just strictly better. 

    I put down the 120 per day number with in mind players with only a couple of hours per day, probably slightly better than what you can get in the same amount of time in the void BUT without any chance of getting some rare part.
    And at least if you instead prefer grinding the void hunting for rare parts youll still be able to get something from the Sorties system (eventually, as wrote just up here with certain items requiring a set amount of sorties completion)

  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

    I like the idea but will raise one question. If the currency is ducats, then I won't even need to do Sortie at all to purchase the "Sortie" items. Although it provide variety to farming, but this will detract players from playing Sortie.

    Yes this came to my mind. But i thought that the pack of 15 cores, plus credits plus a very fair amount of ducats would do the trick.

    Maybe the ducats prizes can be improved a bit to make it more worthwile, but this will bring an increase to costs in ducats for sure.
    I tried to stick to Ducats amounts we are already accustomed.

    I also i hade in mind the fact that many would skip sorties anyways while farming for the latest prime parts, and i worried about them not having a such hard time getting the seasonal sortie rewards.

    Eventually some sortie rewards will be unlocked and be buyable with ducats only after completing a set amount of Sorties during the season,

  7. **Please mind that English aint my native language and the following post may contain typos or grammatical errors, I just hope what i'm writing will be clear and not insulting to your language.

    Hi there, im a warframe player with since 3 years, and more than 1 month actual game-time.

    We all are aware that the most recent additions to the game are cool, but also messed things quite a bit for those who cant spend half day playing. And im talking about Ducats, Sorties, Argon and Nitain.
    Its a fact, we are having too much stuff we need to keep an eye open on and thats a problem.
    Because in an average day a player is supposed to run a couple alerts, complete all 3 Sorties stages and some mission in the void for gathering ducats and the missing prime parts. And this does take time: Sorties take from 30 to 45 mins average, and void runs for the rare parts require at least 25 mins each. Also alerts take away 5 mins each at very best.
    Its very likely that a player spending two hours per day on this game will keep up with most of the content but will still run out of ducats, credits, cores or some resource quite often. And will definitely have an hard time grabbing the rarest primes , Arcanes and Baro items, and this sound kinda unfair because 2h per day sould definitely be enough.

    Its a known issue, and ive read many complaining and proposing solutions here on the forums.
    I have some game-design and game economics knowledge (not that this means much), and i like tweaking with numbers and ideas. Well here's the solution i came to, a possible solution to "Void Burnout" and to Sorties often unfair prize structure.
    I cant tell its perfect, but it looks kinda solid to me. And has little to none drawbacks compared to the current system, and of course aims to be fair to  both players that can spend little time on the game and the ones that can spend much more.

    Ill explain it better, my idea is to introduce the proposed "token system" for Sorties but doing it in a better performing way: with Ducats prizes.
    Why ducats? because we dont need another resource/ currency and because it will greatly improve the usefulness of both any Sorties and Void reward.
    The following are examples, numbers can still be tweaked a bit. I made this with the idea of being generous but not too much, and without the will to completely warp Sorties we knew so far.

    Sorties New Prize structure:

    Sortie1 - 20 ducats, credits
    Sortie2 - 40 ducats, credits, 5 rare cores
    Sortie3 - 60 ducats, credits, 10 rare cores. Very low chance of getting Legendary core instead of cores pack.

    This way you have a guaranteed 120 ducats every day in less than 1 hour of gameplay, plus 15 rare cores for a grand total of 840 ducats per week guaranteed by only playing sorties.
    And the best thing is that if you (for any reason) will have to leave sorties half-way at round 2, you will still get a fair 60 ducats and 5 cores.

    And now lets talk about Baro's item shop.

    Of course it has to be permanent, and of course it has to have always available the current sortie season rewards for sale. 
    Lets make an example of his market for the current season:

    Dera vandal BP - 225 ducats
    Dera vandal receiver - 125 ducats
    Dera vandal barrel - 125 ducats
    Dera vandal stock - 125 ducats
    Nehza Parts - 225  ducats each - 
    Focus Lenses - 150 ducats - you cant get one with a full sortie reward. but you will be able to choose the one you want.
    5 Rare cores Pack - 60 ducats - For those who liked the 25 cores pack it will stay the same: 15 guaranteed cores per day and 120 ducats that can buy another 10 cores

    And now lets tweak with numbers. In a sortie season of two weeks, you will be able to gather 1680 ducats.
    Lets suppose 600 will go for the current weapon leaving you with 1080
    Now you will be able to purchase
    -7x of any Focus lens you want leaving you some spare ducats
    -Another full set of the weapon for resale and having 480 spare ducats
    -90 Rare cores, keep in mind that 210 will be guaranteed completing Sories every day. for a grand total of 300
    -Full Nehza set and having some spare ducats

    And now lets suppose you dont want the weapon nor Nehza parts
    - 140 golden cores, for a grand total of 350
    - 11 Focus Lenses of your choice and some spare ducats
    - 1680 Ducats that will be enugh to buy almost every time-limited item Baro will bring.

    Last sentence implies that baro will keep bringing time-limited unique items every two weeks. Eventually this may collide with Sortie Season ending (yes i'm aware that only the very first sortie season actually had a duration of 2 weeks)

    And as you may notice the system is generous by any point of view, it allows players to get the season's weapon playing a full sortie only every two days, and Lenses without randomness and having to trade the one you got for the ones you need every time.

    Hope you will like this, and to get some feedback. Maybe if enough people agree that could be cool this way, and DEs see some potential in it maybe we can get something close.

    Thanks for reading!

  8. 1 hour ago, Naftal said:

    The "most efficient for stacking combo counter" is highly irrelevant. You'll just want the best melee for your preference and gameplay. Building up combo counter works fine with every weapon and you get it up fast anyway. Getting to 3x combo counter is fast with any weapon and after that it slows down a lot while the extra 0.5x doesn't do much anymore.

    I know. The question was for pure theorycrafting purpose.

    i have almost any weapon available but, you know, it takes and also much can change with stances, and i have to admit i didnt test stances extensively....

    also the for the very specific role of building combo counter in the most efficient way for enhancing bladestorm. Not that bladestorm with any melee with body count actually needs the "best melee for combo counters" so back to the point over here, pure theorycrafting.

    i have to agree that after 3X Numbers required are quite insane for very small benefit. And any weapon with good speed and reach can achieve 3x pretty fast and easy.

  9. Hi everyone,

    Ive spent the past few days maxing a few mods i left behind, like Blood rush. Then i started some solo testing and had so much fun going melee only.

    But still cant answer myself this question: whats the best melee for stacking combo counter in an average crowded environment?
    - mind, not talking damage wise- just the most efficient at stacking combo counter.

    from my tests the best ones were orthos prime and tipedo, both packed with maxed P.reach, Fury, Berserker and Body count.

    Thats because the very good swing speed of both, very comfortable reach and the decent crit for berserker (better on tipedo but also on Orthos its preatty easy to stack up berserk buffs)

    Of these 2 in your opinion which is the best? really cant tell myself. Is there any weapon im missing? 

  10. I wasn't sure i could open a topic like this, but ive seen a couple others here in off topic. If its somewhat against the rules please PM me and i will remove it as soon as i can.

    Like title says im willing to sell my Excal Limited edition statue, bought some times ago directly from Warframe shop.

    Its a good piece for collection, but im doing a completely new desktop PC and for building it right im going a little out of budget, so im selling it because, you know, a new PC is going to make me enjoy the game much more than this statue.

    the statue is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QYLJGwCsbg  (this video isnt mine, is just for showcasing the statue thats just the same)

    Conditions are as out of the box, the box itself is in very good conditions.

    Shipping worldwide, for offers or any questions feel free to PM

  11. 14 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:


    lol? Decoy and Absorb would like to know what you've been smoking.


    I  meant taunt abilities for "tanking", we have plenty of CC and distraction abilities, but still nothing close to a regular taunt ability for any frame.

    Yep probably absorb is the closest one, but nyx is not a tank frame (dont wanna start a flame about it)

    Slimply meant a skill "press X button, draw enemy attention for Y seconds". Edited opening post for more clarity


    Oh and about syndicates yes got every restore, spectre, useless mods and whatever. Not syandanas, but my goal is to have useful things :) the issue is not having enough stuff to burn on, but having too few Useful stuff to buy.
    Yeh specters are kinda cool, but not actually useful.

  12. Theres stuff bothering me since long time about this game, many things get fixed and reworked update after update.
    And i must admit that U18+18.5 fixed quite alot of those things.
    But there's still plenty of stuff on my "list", but today i want to focus only on stuff that (for me at least) would greatly improve Quality of Life with very little effort for Devs. Hope this will grow with your suggestions and such stuff has enough highlight to be considereded from DE

    So here's my list:

    - Crosshair customization-
    Putting this first 'cause i feel it so bad. Really cant see a reason why we dont have any customization for crosshairs.

    -Potato PC love-
    I feel this too, for me game runs damn great when solo but have some hard times when in a full squad.
    Instead of completely reworking stuff like Mirage's clones or Kohm give us an option "Squad members quality and effects" from Min to High, this would be kinda simple.
    Of course one can put everithing to Min and have a similiar effect, but the "min" level on the option I have in mind is even lesser than having everything on min but for teammates only.
    Such option would also be interesting for those who keep ranting about Exalted blade spammers.
    Also having tooltips on graphic options saying how much enabling/disabling the chosen setting is supposed to improve performance.

    -Worst weapons rebalance-
    Not talking about a complete rework, but lets be honest, weapon veriety in the game is great but alot is wasted because of joke stats.
    I dont mean bringing MR fodders to god tier, just tweaking a bit their numbers and make those weapons decent for those who like their style.
    Tweaking numbers shouldnt be such a big work, but let me know if im wrong.

    -Make Djinn a real taunt sentinel-
    Since Fatal Attraction's latest update works slightly better but definitely is much more crowd control oriented than an actual taunt.
    Considering we all lost hope into seeing actual taunt abilities or mods for warframes, at least make this sentinel increase the aggro on his owner in a reliable way (and never again on the sentinel itself )- EDIT: we do have attention draw abilities, but not personal taunt for tanking abilities, hope its more clear now.

    -Make syndicates more worthwile-
    really easy to max them even with MR 8-10, i have maxed only a couple and then started trading their stuff untill i got every other syndicate mod and weapon in a really short time.
    Now its months im just buying key packs i dont need, let us buy also core pack and credit packs. I dont need those either, but it could be very welcome for many (even at an unfair rate like keys)
    Coolest thing would be letting us purchase conclave mods available for PVE also, but i know thats not happening.

    -Remove the Focus "balls"-
    Seriously,dont know the actual name, but that thing is really annoying, distracting and makes no sense. And it doesnt prevent in any way the focus farming on Draco.
    Did i already mention that it doesnt make sense?

    -Colorblind options-
    Im not colorblind, but there are some easy and cheap ways to implement options for the most common color blindnesses (like just swapping a couple of colors)



    Those up here are the things that bother me that should be also "easy" to fix, and arent supposed to actually take away time from most relevant stuff.
    If you have more things to add please comment, i will add the most interesting in my main post.
    Just mind that the rule is "it must be kinda easy and cheap to fix that"-or at least supposed to be

  13. 15 minutes ago, Arkinvas said:

    Win 10's been having a few problems recently, but I am unaffected.  It's either your GPU's age (GTX580's are kinda old, though it's a good chipset, I think its memory capacity is kinda lacking)

    Though I doubt so, it's possible there's another problem that you might have to deal with, such as spyware, overheating.

    With the graphical updates that we got in 18.5, things like that always happen.

    The real problem is that nothing changed with U18.5. the game is having such issues since U18. 

    100% sure spyware arent the problem because its a long time im using this specific PC only for Warframe and nothing else. I installed kasperski, update and ran a scan but nothing found.

    Im also aware that the GPU is aged, but never had problems before. Overheating is not a thing, and memory couldnt be lacking at least when i set resolution at 720p and all settings to low.
    Its also a relatively new part i replaced last year...
    I will try installing other games to compare, i can just tell that Fallout 4 runs fine on it (have to turn down some settings of course)

    probably the only thing left to do is trying to make a clean revert to win7 and reinstall game from zero. 

  14. Hi everyone, already opened a post but i decided to start a new one after some serious testing and more information in the opening post. Also i have to apologize because english is not my language so i just hope you will understand what im writing.

    Since U18 im having frame drops, frequent and usually going between 15-22 fps. (exept those drops usually i run at 60fps smooth even with max settings)

    My pc setup is: CPU i7-2670QM, 16gb ram, GTX 580m gpu. SSD for OS and HDD for games. Win10 with everything updated, drivers and else.

    lets say its kinda old and crappy setup, and seriously speaking it is. But it hanlded the game very well until U18 dropped, Always using maxed setting except for some turned off for personal taste, not new to frame drops but never below 40ish, and only in very pacey situations (like hours in endless mission with powers spam and alot of enemies)

    Also the game optimization from Nvidia experience would turn on something like 95% of the graphic features and lets me think that the graphic card is supposed to handle the game quite well, but seems the graphic settings arent the crucial part of the problem.

    Things that are proved:

    • Vsync seems to worsen frame drops and their frequency.
    • Turning off Vsync and capping fps to 50 or lower doesnt solve completely but helps alot BUT i have some tedious screen tearing.
    • Turning off all graphic setting helps little to none
    • Lowering resolution to 720p helps little to none

    Worst case scenario usually involve:

    • Molecular prime cast by any squad member
    • Ash's Bladestorm only cast by me
    • Ember's world on fire
    • Saryn's spores
    • with lesser effect almost any power that affects many enemies together
    • its a certain frame drops when some of the above conditions are active at one time.

    Really tried changing every settings i could, from in-game to Nvidia control panel. Also made sure the GPU in use was always the GTX and not the integrated HD3000. Couldnt really figure out what is causing such bad frame drops. Even running the game at 720p with everithing off wasnt enough to totally prevent frame drops to 15-20 fps.

    Hope you can give me any advice, and i will try any suggestion. Definitely cant figure it out myself.

  15. i run it fullscreen (windowed is terrible) with Vsync at 60Hz matching my monitor. Double checked.

    Enabling or disabling multithreading doesnt seem to sort any change, Vsync enabled or not.


    tried many other options, the game runs fine without Vsync but still has shuttering, it runs terribly with Vsync no matter if i have all graphic options disabled or not

  16. 9 minutes ago, -CM-s7even said:

    Do you play Fullscreen or windowed fullscreen?


    Also is your monitor a normal 60Hz monitor? I have a 144Hz monitor and I have to make sure the game and my monitor are set to the same Hz otherwise I get the issue your explaining.

    My monitor is 60hz and the ingame option is set to the same amount.

    Also, just tried disabling multithreading and turning off Vsync (restarted game) but still see the screen shuttering in the exact same parts.

  17. Hi everyone

    Im experiencing some problems, since U18 dropped.

    Basically when i have Vsync on the game is less responsive (when i press keys) but is mostly a feeling. Worst thing is that i have some great FPS drops even if i have everything at low.
    Before i used to run smoothly at 60 fps with rare drops at 50ish, now i play at 60 but with frequent drops to 20 or less.

    If i turn off Vsync but cap my fps to 50 or lower, the game runs fine and is slightly more responsive BUT there is a portion of my screen that suffers a noticeable shuttering/flickering.

    If i turn off Vsync but dont cap my FPS same problem but my cars also burns :)

    To mention that with better (or even max) graphic setting the problem are almost the same, with worse fps drops with Vsync on.

    Can you help me with this? is there anything i can set differently inside or outside the game?

    My HW is a piece of crap, but it handled the game very nicely so far. Anyways i have a GTX580, 16gb fast ram, 4 cores i7 processor, obiously nothing running in the backround and all drivers updated on Win10.

  18. I would suggest looking at the Zotac EN970 MAGNUS box. It is compact, powerful enough and great looking. It comes in different flavors as barebone (without ram and hd) or as bundle. A GTX 960 and an i5 is always onboard. The bundle with 120GB SSD and 8GB Ram sets you back 850 usd.


    But you need a separate Windows license. 


    Just look it up on amazon.com and you will see that people are very happy with this box. A friend of mine owns it and uses it for gaming only. 

    This is pretty much what i was looking for. Still open of other suggestions.

    The size factor is not totally relevant BUT of course dont want a Giant-tower pc by the side of my TV.  Also i know there are many recent options if you dont need extreme power, and warframe definitely doesnt (running it with a gtx 580m just fine right now)

  19. Hello everybody!


    my english is pretty basic so i will write it down in the shorter and simpliest form.

    Both me and a friend are thinking about building (or buying a pre built) mini-PC to play Warframe on TV.

    -It doesnt have to be super-small. But of course the smaller it is the better it is.

    -The game must run with decent FPS, full HD, and support medium-high settings (50inches TV)

    -it doesnt have to be super-cheap, we dont have a budget but dont wanna waste too much on this.


    -if there's already a pre-built setup that can run the game in a decent way would be far more appreciated.

    If you have any suggestion or direct experience it would be awesome.


    Thanks in advance for your support, hope this is the right section.

    P.S. I know theres ps4 that does what we are asking for :) but we already have that, we want to play it on PC for many reasons

  20. Nah, i have almost everything and i bought some plat just to support devs.

    You Can get everything if you play on a regular base 10 Hours a week or even less.

    Meanwhile you Can eventually raise enough plats to buy all non-prime access cosmetics/

    Buying some plats helped me in the process, but there is so much unecessary stuff that you con completely forget.

    Never bought prime access or complete weapons, and yet have everything i needed, wantend and much more.

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