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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. Warframe is F2P, and a good one.


    I have put money on this game but all i bought with it is basically cosmetic stuff.


    i didnt put any money to get actually useful content, i grinded for it or traded for it without burning myself.

    I have almost everything in the game, except excal prime and primed chamber, and random stuff that i never wanted.

    In fact i have much more than i actually use without putting money or too big effort.


    i really dont know what you mean... with a minumum daily time and no money you can have everything for free, you just cant have everithing immediately without putting money.

    Also if you want to put very little money you can have a lot of stuff for cheap, and thats the whole point. they encourage you to spend little money on this game to enjoy it more and not burn out.
    There is NO free to play game where you can have ALL the content, immediately, wihtout grinding or paying some money.


    so, again, its still a F2P game and a very good one to me. you were never supposed to get everithing easy or in a reasonable time. im mr18 and got brakk a few days ago... and never complained about it.

  2. He's amazing as a support.


    ... with communication, which is basically non-existent in this game.

    With communication and a bit of choice he is still underwhelming because there's plenty of frame setups and combinations for any mission and tileset that will make limbo one of the worst choices.

    He's simply terrible as it is now, he can do some nice tricks and combos, im not denying that, but still you can always find better ones with other frames. ALWAYS.

    also ist uniqueness to restore energy even when trinity couldnt has been outclassed by far from the zenurik focus passive.

    The troll thing is just secondary... there are other frames that can "troll" you with their abilities, just try to avoid doing stuff with randoms and too low mastery ranks (even if most of them put much more effort than me when playing, there is still a critical percentage of noobs that enjoy to see you failing because of them)

  3. I thing being able to just equip and un equip them in cosmetics without any penalty would fix this completely... I mean they are kind if a pain in the ! to get anyway. Its not like you can have more than 2 equipped per cosmetic anyway. I guess there are the distillers or whatever you get from your syndicate but those seem like a pointless, arbitrary, grind wall for something minor. You are always only limited to 2 arcanes.

    I think the best solution is having arcanes "arsenal bound" and giving each loadout 2 arcane slots.

    In those slots you Can assign any arcane you decided to bind to your arsenal, and equipping an old arcane helm will lock 1 of the 2 slots for that loadout.

    It would be pretty simple to integrate aswell, really efficient, simple and easy to understand for anybody.

    Lets get serious, arcanes working this way wont make DE sell more cosmetics, nice looking cosmetics are actually the only thing that will enhance cosmetics sales.

  4. Hi everybody, im a M18 player with very little left to do in the game.

    Lately ive been busy and loggin in just for sortie missions (wich i greatly appreciate even if the droptable is kinda stupid)


    One of the things i enjoymost is the great effort put from DE in cosmetic items, and ive been arcaning alot of them.

    some cosmetics just fit one or two frames (personal taste) and i would like so much to have arcanes "arsenal bound" instead of "cosmetic bound"

    For example i would really like to use the same arcane on serveral frames but on different syandanas.... so far the only way i can do this is to have a maxed arcane on each syandana.

    pretty stupid considering the time and effort needed to max out an arcane.

    this is preventing me from buying extra cosmetics instead of buying more, and in many cases is preventing me from using my favourite cosmetics on some frames (because i already arcaned a syandana that fits other frames better)

    The arcane system had a very huge overhaul but is still very bad imho, as now for me it is the same thing as old arcane helmets where i had to choose between aesthetics and power.

    Sure, at least now i have the option to arcane more than one cosmetic with the same arcane and bypass the problem, but i dont think thats the way it is intended to work. or at least it isnt an healthy way to make it work.

    some arcanes are just hard to get (like 1% drop chance) to consider this fair.

    What do you think about? sure its not a top-priority thing, but aslo shouldnt be so difficult to fix



  5. The features of the app are great, the execution of the app itself not so much.

    First thing you notice is that it's not running smooth enough (performance). My guess is that the app wasn't coded native, so that it could be easily distributed across different platforms.

    There is also lack of feedback (or miss-timed feedback). For instance, when you claim an extractor, you get a message that the item is claimed while it's still not finished processing it. The list then gets refreshed completely, instead of just removing that one item from the list.

    The message that pops up after an action, doesn't have an ok button to close it. It also, unnecessarily, covers the entire screen with a black overlay. Personally, I'd have just shown a message notification popping down at the top of the screen and fading it out after a few sec (depending on how long the message is).

    The general flow of the main navigation isn't user-friendly enough, in my opinion. You can swipe left and right, but it's missing an indication at the bottom, for instance. Like a set of icons that you'd also be able to click to jump to the desired page right away (without the need to open the menu or swipe a few times).

    ^^^ this, exactly what i was trying to explain in a very bad english.

    A lot of performance issues plus a terrible and unfriendly interface design.

    But it has so much potential, please DE give it the dignity it deserves

  6. The options are awesome, but not everything works fine.

    It actually runs terribly for both my iPhone and iPad, laggy and heavy feeling in every menu.

    Also i think i lost a couple of login rewards because of it, nothing to worry about, but still enough for preventing me from using it again before it gets an update with fixes

  7. Same here, i have an aged gaming laptop.

    The game was running smoothly, max settings and 30 fps locked by default. Never had frame drops since u18.

    Now im experiencing high frame drops when there are too many enemies around.

    Im having serious problems in high level missions, and lowering the settings didnt help much.

    Hope this gets at least partially fixed soon

  8. Thats not parkour 1.0.

    Thats just coptering. Hope you guys will realize soon or later.

    Parkour 2.0 is times better than 1.0

    Coptering was just a bug, but have to admit it was nerfed to the ground, i would like to see more mobility on melee strikes ad long as its less than bullet jump

  9. You do realise a MASSIVE redesign of all the mods is in the works right now?

    Just think how much more viable other weapond could be once you have 1 to 2 more mod slots open for utility?

    I agree that some weapons need a buff, but i have quite a variety of weapons which all see action in high lvl content on a regular basis.

    I see a lot of people claiming that 9/10 weapons are mastery fodder. But in my experience its 50% at the very most.

    I think the problem lies more with the "I wanna be have the very best" mentality that these complainers often have.

    If i had to make a guess id say 60% atleast are mastery fodders.

    No complainer here, just i would like to enjoy better more weapons as i do with an already good plethora of choice.

    My point is that we just dont need more MR fodders, i would seriously like to see new weapons balanced on pre-existing content and ready to enjoy, not just build-level-delete stuff.

    And its happening pretty often imho.

    And every time we lose a chance to increase our collection and variety of viable weapons.

    Lets see with the so called massive redesign, but still thats not my point.

  10. My goal is try something new every day.  Mastery fodder is the new thing I try.  To be honest, not all of them are great, but they can be fun to use.  The Ogris is an example, it isn't as great as the Tonkor in terms of crit damage and is lethal to you if used improperly, but its the only rocket launcher in-game currently and frankly I love using it.


    Well ogris doesnt fit the "mastery fodder" definition to me. its a totally viable weapon with good damage even if has big downsides.

    I understand that the comparison to tonkor is easy and ogris comes out totally wrecked, but its still a decent weapon viable for most engame content.

  11. Title. Definition of mastery fodder: weapon, warframe, companion or else worth leveling it only for the MR points. Maybe somehow viable engame, but still clearly underperforming compared to other weapons.


    I am now MR15, used many weps and frames without actually keeping an eye on the Mastery Rank. Atleast since i got MR8 that not-so-long ago was giving access to any content of the game.

    Was browsing my inventory today and wandering why so many of my weapons were lying there totally not worth any love (and formas with it)


    As now, you can get to MR12 (more or less) by building and leveling ONLY mastery fodder weapons, whitout leveling ANY actually good stuff.

    isnt this enough?

    i mean, there's actually plenty of mastery fodders now, why DE keeps releasing stuff like that? The latest twin basolk fits the definition, but we got many others lately.

    its easy to make a viable and forma worth gun: have its DPS range between 15k and 30k fully modded, giving it unique strenghts and weakpoints. And eventually considering build divercity in the process (that makes me think at the opticor that has high innate damage but basically REQUIRES fire rate mods to make up for the brutally long charge time)

    seriously, its simple math.

    i can understand they have to think twice when talking to rebalance all previous content but looks pretty easy to be to release already balanced new content.

    Not saying every Gun must be a boltor prime (not even considering it the best weapon in game, but many do) but at least any NEW addition to the game should be worth catalyst and formas if you like its style.


    what do you think about it?

  12. Its just me or the new change to duration affecting drain of toggle abilities is not working in a "linear" way?

    I mean i feel some abilities draining much more than 25% even if i have 75% efficiency AND high duration.

    And have the opposite feeling in some other abilities (like consuming less than supposed even if i dont have duration mods)

    I know, until i put down numbers it is only a feeling, just want to know if im the only.

    And before questions about, yes i understand how fleeting affects efficiency on drain abilities

  13. What makes you feel that the stat gains are minor, exactly?


    100 armor flat bonus and +5 to shield and health 


    Armor is a minor bonus on kubrows. 

    I would rather have a collar with +50%  AI. thats would be a cool bonus lol.

    btw i have it and dont feel its actually more durable. you still need to use tricks to keep them alive in not-so-long enless T4s. And not needed at all in short missions (and i dont use it linked to a max armored valkyr)

  14. Melee isnt on par with other weapons, end of discussion :)

    I also soloed t4 survival for 1h hour multiple times melee only. that doesnt mean its on par with other weps.
    in very few cases are slightly better because of finishers, but still there's plenty of weapons that outclass melee till 2h mark (and after that melee is slightly better just cause of finishers because of armor scaling, if you dont use 4 cp)

    I admit you can enjoy most of the game's content with melee only, but its still much less confortable than shooting with an average rifle at any distance you want.


    melee is damn awkward most of the time, has crappy range and very low dps. we are talking about space ninjas future melee... it has to be powerful and fluid. and melee combo counter should be totally reworked.

    Also finishers should be a prize for ninja playing. nice to see but you get stuck in a very long animation. Nice thing the change to attack rate mods affecting finisher, but still very little.
    "Fury" mod should affect finisher like fire-rate mods do on bows: double its bonus on finishers. its a real pain to see very fast melees (ichors and like) having such a very long finisher animation for such little damage.

    We definitely need and deserve a melee 3.0  too many people like going melee, and it fits the game so much. but as it is now it looks like a self-crippling to go melee only 

  15. Hi everyone!


    yes, multishot rework has been a pretty hot topic lately. And i wanted to open a completely new post to point out some things.

    Multishot needed a rework, because the multishot mods are one of the cheapest way to highly increase DPS with no downside at all. Along with multishot mods we have Serration, P.point blank and Hornet strike.

    I feel the second kind of "pure damage mods" are quite fine. They are 1 for each weapon and r10 mods (one is legendary).
    I feel that 1 mandatory mod in 8 slots is pretty fine, and its 10 rank give some kind of "progression" feeling. Im totally fine with those to stay as they are.


    Now lets focus on other damage mods with no downsides:

    -- Elemental mods: yes, those are pretty mandatory too, but theyr damage boost isnt even close as the multishot or pure damage ones. it forces you to add elemental damage with its slight bonuses and downsides and contributes in minor part to build diversity.


    --Element+ Effect: same as elemental mods, still no real downside. lesser damage boost but contrubute to enable the "status mechanic" that is pretty nice in this game.  


    --Crit mods: just a straight damage increase on weps with 15% or more of critical chance. these are borderline. i mean, those are not for all weapons, but on some can give an insane damage boost with no downside.
    But still, quite necessary for build diversity.

    in fact there will be ever some mandatory mods unless DE is going to rework completely damages and enemy scaling. probably it would be much healthier with a PVP-like system of mods, but the one we have now isnt bad a some try to picture it.

    IMHO multishot mods should just consume some ammos from reserve. like 1/3 of the extra shot made. Example: Split chamber +90% multishot +30% ammos drained from ammo pool.

    So they will still be a straight damage upgrade but without a downside that totally cripples the mod or that is just another simple RoF mod. And this way will force some build diversity on weps with low ammo pools and yet having a downside perceptible on weps with larger ammo pools.


    That would force the usage of vacuum more than ever, but thats another topic. On that, as many others, i just think any frame and companion should have an innate vacuum effect with carrier having just a much bigger one.



    if this topic is too much, i just apologize and ask if it can be merged with a bigger one.

  16. I dont know another way to show you its a lotus kubrow, you can clearly see "lotus fur pattern" and if you change the third color its belly and its lotus mark will become very visible.



    I know i cant prove it with the imprint, so keep this in mind and make me a fair offer for the prints.



    I will be in game for the next 1.30 hours

  17. I want it to be a skin. Why?


    - It almost seems like a shady way to release a new Excalibur "Prime"

    - We already have several Excalibur types

    - Umbra seems like something the Chinese rushed into the game with no regard for the lore

    - Many founders including me will lose even more trust to DE


    Primarily though, it's the first reason. Excalibur Prime was exclusive to founders. "We would NEVER backstab our founders and re-release excalibur prime".... "We'll just make a new one and call it something else". Maybe that's ignorant of me, but it looks shady.



    Im not a founder but i see it shady and unfair too.

    Mybe im lazy to do this again, but i threw 5 formas, a reactor and now the exilis on my excal knowing that i would never get his prime version.

    Sure i could avoid at least the exilis, and sure im not forced in any way to get the umbra excal if its another frame. but damn its times much better looking than vanilla excal (and imho than excal prime too)

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