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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 28 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    The meta is still 223 but the 3 is from fortuna . Gives more CC in exchange for Status chance. Personally I call it 22C3F (C being Cetus and F being Fortuna)

    The T2 and T3 scafolds form fortuna have nice gimmics that are both really fun to use (tenno space program subscriptions for everyone), but that's it. They use way too much energy per shot to be worth replacing the T2 scafold. The prisms from fortuna are all useless.

    The T3 fortuna scafold actually has about 1500 more void damage and 10% more crit chance than the T2 cetus one but uses up 4x energy per shot soooo yeah.

    In a decent team T3 fortuna amps mean you can take down the eidolons even faster, you shouldnt really care about the energy consumptions since it will go down so fast that you wont even notice.
    In a perfect team shield will last  less than 2 seconds anyways so doesnt make any difference
    In a bad random pug team where you will likely carry all damage, that energy consumption is just bad.

    The T3 fortuna brace is worth using on any eidolon AMP, if you plan to make a new one. Imho even if gives more dps still not worth making a new 223 amp just for replacing the brace, the final result is just so slightly better

  2. I don’t expect much from that 5 minute fight. 

    I would rather have Crisma toroid downgraded to 3k value, but have the spider dropping also 1 toroid of each type.

    I think bonds are there as a placeholder but to give you a continuos stream of Solaris standing without doing bounties or mining over and over.

    maybe it’s not the best reward but it makes sense somehow. 

    I really hate having to do bounties in cetus just because I miss some standing, after reaching the max rank and having already spent a ton of time in there

  3. i really cant see the point of the new amp arcanes. Maybe those are to help out the mother orb killing having another different source of a single damage.
    So you can literally have 7+ different elements overall plus phisical damage. Sure you can make him switch the damage weakness with void damage, but its slightly better to be able to damage him instead

  4. 1 minute ago, BallisticSalsa said:

    It has aesthetic synergy. The most important kind.

    Sure that.

    With the new skin I think he looks great aside of any warframe. Its like the warframe version of chaos juggernauts from warhammer...

    The problem is that it is basically better than other companions only at damage, so you should really go for that. 

    And since I like to have more utility I use him less than I want to

  5. Full damage and zero utility helmint charger is a beast with this mod set. The real problem is still the awful dog AI and pathing, but the potential is there.

    Your helminth should be something like:

    Maul, bite, 2 set mods, link armor and health, 2 of the new +element+status mods and something else

    hits like a truck... when he does attack.

    no special sinergy with Nidus, except the heal that is welcome

  6. with that GPU you should expect tettible performances in open world areas.
    The PC i use the most has a gtx960 2gb (wich is really bad for gaming in 2018) and except some occasional hiccups it runs at 50+ fps all the time (i would say 60 solid, its 60 most of the time but sometimes drops. almost never under 50)

    And that is with all graphic setting maxed

  7. 7 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    I been using Fluctis as it was the only 4 forma maxed out Arch-gun I had at the time. I've been doing DPS calcs on different ones trying to consider the new mods. Imperator Vandal is pushing 80k Burst DPS however Fluctis hits multiple parts per shot so it's very hard to compare them. Esp since you can give Imp Vandal 3m Punch-Through.

    I don't have another Gyro right now to put on other weapons in order to test and I'm guessing that's going to be a common thing for a bit.

    Grattler seems like it would be a strong option if you aim at the joints of the Orb Mother as those connection sections are what give you multiple hits.

    yeh i think any weapon has its pros and cons, the grattler i have now does ok damage even unbuffed but also feels really clunky.
    imperator vandal probably has the best dps at full spool up but just because it uses a shtton of ammos (but looks still manageable) grattler has some PT and needs to hit certain spots for best damage output and fluctus has like unlimited PT and hits almost always atleast twice per bullet.

    In regular missions i always use the fluctus, but i slapped my first gyro on the grattler because "it felt the right weapon for a giant spider robot" but now im not so convinced of that anymore

     Of course i have all weapons maxed, with rubedo line barrel, 2 critical mods, multishot and most of them with 4 elements, but there is always room to take off an element and put one of the new mods


  8. i get that the new stats for ground arch-weapons are kind of all balanced to be on par with each other, but right now i stick with the grattler i picked as the first one and im not happy at all with it.
    Its fully maxed and modded for damage (criticals, multishot and elements) but it feels really clunky and the damage is far from beins satisfying. if i just miss a few shots it takes one magazine and half to break a leg. and thats pretty terrible, aside from the stuns and bumps it has this 2 sec reload that really feels like its 5 seconds interrupted by everything. And it all feels quite bad since 1 run every 3 im like the only one shooting and its just painful

    Can you guys give me some hints for the next weapon i should max out and use for the profit taker? even if its non better at damage, i want a weapon that feels right atleast. I can pick from basically any arch-weapon in the game

  9. 57 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Still dies from a spit

    1 hour ago, XenMaster said:

    nobody ask for braton prime stat on deth machine rifle, though. having high critical and status is already fine.

    High critical and status would bring its weapon to the levels i was just saying before. Especially with a riven mod. 

    And that would also bring the availability of sentinel rivens as hot topic etc. Or they could just downgrade dethrifle rivens to 1/5 disposition so it wouldnt allow a real power creeps since it would only be slightly more damage oriented than other.

    but honestly even 15% crit and 10% status would be too much as it is now

  10. Dethcube is in a bad spot for a prisma/prime version.

    if they released it only with boosted stats on the sentinel it would be a really not exciting prime.

    if they give minuscule buff to the weapon then it is still irrelevant.

    if they give some actual buff to the weapon it could easily become by far the best sentinel weapon damage wise. I can see a dethrifle prime pulling out 30k or more dps with a riven. And this would be bad

    imho dethcube to be an exciting prime needs some major rework, boosted stats and just some minor buff to the rifle.


    The constant AOE crowd control aura that follows her with a max range WoF build its pretty good.

    i mean it’s not the best thing ever but when I bring her to sorties or any high level mission I rarely see someone dying thanks to her pretty big area of CC.

    just ignore power strength and go for efficiency and max range, works pretty well and you just need to keep up with the rest of your squad to do your thing

    for sortie level you don’t need harder CC. I wouldn’t even call hers a light cc since usually everybody in a 20m radius is constantly on the ground 

  12. 11 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Actually ps4 and xbox one use 'standard' AMD hardware just 'customised' slightly so the fundamental hardware isn't really different, in fact the xbox one is so close to a pc in terms of hardware that it runs the same base code for the OS as a pc does (windows 10 core)...MS went about unifying everything for windows 10 and it's why we're seeing more 'xbox' games on windows pc's. 

    Yes both use basically PC hardware, but still you can do very specific optimizations knowing the specific hardware the game will be running on.  Also the games will always run slightly bettering on console (if we compare a pc with exact same specs) because their OS allows lower level access so the software works closer to the hardware with less emulation in the middle. (Basically less work for the hardware so better performance with same hardware)

    I don’t know if I used the right terms for that last sentence because English is not my language but I think the concept is clear 

  13. 38 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    OK, you think that if you want but there's more to optimizing for switch than just lowering the graphics....

    Sure, there are hardware specific optimization that can’t be translated on other platforms. 

    Same goes for ps4 and xbox optimizations that are bound to that specific hardware and cant translate on PC.

    any new platform they worked on granted new optimizations for pc aswell just because they took a second look at the full code. Now with the different point of view of Panic Button they found a few minor optimizations that could be ported on other platforms, that doesn’t mean ALL optimizations can be ported.

    and still think that 90% of what makes warframe running on switch is graphical downgrade. I could run WF on an HD4000 pretty decently at 720p and all low (and that gpu is far worse than tegra). BTW wouldn’t recommend doing that, looks like crap with everything off. You really need anything more powerful than HD4000

  14. 1 hour ago, LSG501 said:


    So why are the PC builds getting optimisations that have come from the nintendo switch builds....it's not like they've not been saying about the optimisations being done by Panic Button on twitter and devstreams or anything.  

    That’s exactly what I said both platforms have the same optimization, switch it’s not better optimized. 

    It happened that panic button found ONE major thing that could be less expensive on GPU and few minor things, and those optimizations got into PC version even before the switch release.

    warframe doesn’t run on switch because of some magical optimization. It does because it’s a huge downgrade from PC/ps4pro version, in terms of effects, resolution AND framerate. It still looks ok, but you can have the same “optimization” on any platform setting everything to min.

    nothing more than this can be achieved until they stat using the new rendering engine but we know nothing of its current development stage


    basically if you go 720p and all settings minumum and you still get lower than 30fps (that’s switch FPS) means that your gpu is worse than tegra x1

  15. Downgrade your resolution to 720p and everything else minimum or off.

    that should do the trick, now you are playing LEGO Warframe and if your pc can’t run that over 40 fps then there is no saving grace coming from switch optimization.

    switch is not better optimized, it is just the same as pc version with low res textures and some options turned off by default (and still runs at 30 FPS)

    and remember, switch might be a portable console but has a GPU that is far more powerful than most pc class integrated graphics.

    there isnt much else that can be done unless you want DE to make a version of the game that has minecraft graphics

  16. Yesterday i went fishing because i had an active booster. 
    I noticed that going in a cave aiming my fishing spear with an hotspot in my field of view dropped my fps from 60 stable to 30.  Standing in the exact same place but aiming elsewhere jumped my fps back to 60.
    It made quite hard to land shots since those 30 fps were pretty laggy aswell and for the first time i also missed a few fishes.
    I could replicate that in multiple caves but not in surface hotspots.

    i have not tested yet on my other PCs but i ran with gtx960 and i5 skylake cpu. non the best gaming setup but also a setup that doesnt see that kind of performance drops frequently.
    Last time i had gone fishing was in one of the very first patches so i cant thell if that is about the very latest patch or not. For sure the couple of times i did fishing before i didnt experience any kind of issue.

  17. The only problem of coptering vs new parkour is that now instead of a specific weapon you need specific mods to achieve a certain speed of travel.

    atleast now you have more control over your movement but still think parkour mods like kdrive mods are total bs. Best movement should be locked behind mod slots that already serve too many purpose

  18. 14 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Interesting. I remember Maiming Strike and its associated Riven stat description were changed by a few words some time ago. The intentions of this change could be anything really. I wonder why DE changes mod descriptions sometimes without patch notes.

    DE doesnt like to remember to everyone in patch notes that problematic mods like maiming strike or primed chamber exist.
    Atleast  maiming strike will hopefully be fixed with the upcoming melee 3.0
    About primed chamber i dont even know if it will ever return anymore, there is a high risk of disappointing the whales that spent dozens of kiloplatinum on it

  19. The idea was scrapped and eventually it became what is now onslaught mode, i dont think they have plans right now for it. With spiders followed by railjack and melee 3.0 in the line its very unlikely they will return to the drawing table anytime soon.

    I think the game needs dark sectors as much as raids, the sense of community and stuff you cant do alone that is part of a bigger picture. But it is very hard to implement and it is also hard to do this things in a manner that is meaningful for non enourmous clans or alliances.
    IMHO doing stuff like having the clan that lasted the most in ESO to control a dark sector for a week would be neat, and something challenging and feasible even for smaller clans.
    But eventually that became something meaningless for everyone to "enjoy"

    I hope that can still be a thing and when they se that almost nobody is playing ESO anymore they will recycle that turning it into dark sectors again

    *** not that i think that would be the best revamp for dark sector, but it would make some kinda sense and also would give Onslaught an actual purpose

  20. most people now just do arbitration for xp. and for a slim chance to get mods that basically everybody has and just one has some kind of resale value.
    And the odds arent that better if you do C rotation instead of A or B.

    I would be all in for literally removing chance from A rotation, leaving a slim chance in B rotation and making the chance in C rotation more consistent so that players doing C rot are actually rewarded (atleast a 20% total to get a mod) and doing so the value of those mods wouldnt have dropped so bad because there will be alot of people not bothering with C rotations and just buying those off trade chat.

    The endless C rotation is a good thing, but it is managed poorly and doesnt give much better odds than a 5 min A rotation

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