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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. The real problem is that every riven is unique and takes up server space.

    i really don’t get why riven stats hasn’t been normalized yet.

    i mean for example if you get crit chance on a riven with a disposition of 3/5 and only 2 positives the value is set to 180%

    if it has a negative it will be 200.

    i really don’t see the point of having the single digits even after the decimal being rolled and saved for every single riven in the game.

    sure that makes ever riven a bit unique, but still there is no point. It’s a Diablo style loot system that is old like crap

  2. imho if you really want to do reliable slash procs rubico isnt the weapon for you. 

    Assuming you can reach something like 60% total chance of slash proc/hit using a neg impact riven and hunters munitions thats still bad (bad as slash proc wep) since there are multiple weapons that can do the job just far better without handiccapping yourself cutting a great chunk of damage with that riven.

    to me slash is far overrated. Any high tier weapon with a riven is more than enough for any content in the starchart, sorties etc. and if you are going for an endurance run, usually 4xcp and well modded viral weapons are more than enough (and probably youll allso team up accordingly and eventually just use power combination to do the kills instead of shooting)

    __EDIT: by saying slash is ovverrated i also agree that is undeniably the best phisical damage. period. But not that good to squeeze it into any weapon. Same as bane mods, they do the job but sometimes i see people fitting those mods into weapons that end up really ruined by that.

  3. Before it was in worst case scenario 5% in C rotation. 

    Yes in a specific key but obtaining those was easier and more straightforward. I honestly never ran out of any key.

    as for the relic system for some is just an improvement because you swim in those relics and doing radiant shares you get almost 40% per run to obtain the desired object. Also it’s even better for uncommon parts that many times were locked in the infamous B rotation in the previous system.

    but for some other relic is far worse. You have a 4-5% of getting that relic in a specific C rotation then you can run radshares for a 40% chance of the desired item.

    also there is no way you can have those relics stockpiled, like you could with old keys. When primes come out you need to start farming relics.

    not even mentioning void traces.


    The old system was much more frustrating because C rotations that could literally end up in straight hours without a drop (I had 22h survival without any Ash system drop).

    Now doing fast capture/exterminate/rescue etc missions to unlock the relic alleviates the fatigue but still by chance the new system is just worse. And where it is better it’s not that much better

  4. 21 minutes ago, (XB1)Dex Xean said:

    Consoles don't really have this problem cuz no login plat discount on top of tennogen costing plat for us. I can see why it might be a problem on pc though.

    Thats exactly my message. Already and clearly stated in opening topic that my proposal was probably garbage.

    and no, I don’t complain about prices since I can afford almost anything. I’m just saying some stuff is becoming too far from new players reach because of supply and demand and inflation.

    i saw ember p set going for over 1k plats and half garbage rivens at 800.  

    Still convinced we need to remove 75% discounts and having ANY kind of small, repeatable, non abusive plat sink.

    yeh the riven thing I’m suggesting is like the kubrow stuff that was a thing for like 2 days. And I still think kubrow color scramble for 10p was not abusive, even more if you make it so people can’t do that more than once or twice a day. A very small, impossible to abuse plat sink that will interest only a small fraction of playerbase 

  5. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Kamranos said:

    The real reason behind the trashed platinum economy in PC warframe is not tradeable platinum or the supply and demand. It is login plat discounts. Discounts on platinum purchase packs completely devalues the current platinum in circulation. Console does not have login plat discounts and our prices are fair for the most part. There are low ballers and inflators no matter where you go, but the middle ground is generally fair. 

    Remove the economic damaging coupons and prices will self regulate.

    True, and totally agree. But thats not taking into account the many many players that already have immense plat reserves.

    2 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:


    Is this about not being able to afford a Gram or a Rubico riven?

    Nope, I can afford almost everything I want

  6. I see platinum becoming more and more inflated every day. 
    i see some valuted stuff becoming literally out of reach of new players that can just wait patiently until the vault opens again
    I see riven prices skyrocketing really high for the most wanted ones (yes i know its supply and demand)

    Its a fact that in-game economy is completely trade based

    I think a minor platinum sink wont make it all right but might help to mitigate the inflation. Something veteran players with huge stockpiles of plat wouldnt mind twice taking a bite at.

    My idea (maybe really bad) is to let you roll rivens for 10p intead of kuva. Any riven of your choice up to 3 times every day
    I know the lootbox topic is a hot one, and that would really look like one. BUT it would be only for a minimal amount of paid currency and limited to 3 times per day. So nobody would find himself losing his house on it.
    Also would be something that would interest veteran players and not MR3 players incentivizing them to spend more money than they are already supposed to do. And since the daily cap would be another incentive for bored players with some spare plat to log in every day.
    It would also increase the supply of decently rolled riven lowering some crazy prices (imho paying a good -not god- rolled riven 500-1000p is a crazy price, i still do that)
    And at worst case scenario many veterans would see their stockpiles of 50k+ plat reduced by less than 1k per month, only if they actually want do 3 rolls every day. and would still have a drive to go play and farm kuva.
    This is just something thrown out of my mind without many second thoughts

    Plese take this topic seriously but not my proposal. Dont waste your time explaining why my proposal is bad, but only if you agree or not we could use some minor and recurring platinum sink, and the form you would suggest for it

  7. according to wiki: 130+- 40 C rotations

    thats just insane considering eso becomes boring pretty fast and has basically no other purpose.

    also im very close the the worst case scenario for nearly 100% and still missing systems. usually i enjoy the grind in warframe but this is simply too much.
    And have yet to drop a single revenant piece but since the odds are much much better that gives me hope to endure, honestly i dont think i can stand many more c rotations for khora


  8. I never bought a booster neither prime access. 

    I would definitely buy 10p boosters for 3h every now and then. 

    So far I would have spend hundreds on plats on those for sure, and I’m pretty sure there is a lot of people that would do the same.

    That or id be gladly buying 12h of in-game time boosters for 40p easily. I’m really not satisfied with the current offers since I do 0.5 to 3h daily tops.

  9. 56 minutes ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

    He is just fine way he is I just ran 25 minite survival on him with nothing but viper pistol and galatine prime never once had a problem with his survivability or ability to kill things.  just because something been a while since its been tweeked doesnt mean it need a rework

    It does since he has 2 useless abilities. 

    Not lackluster, literally useless.

    i can do a couple hours of high level survival with almost any frame without special weapon setup. That doesn’t make me say “it’s fine” of any warframe.

    Indeed chroma is extremely viable in its current state, but that doesnt negate the fact that he is still in need for a rework of its lacksluster and clunky skillset 

    there are certainly frames that need a rework more than him but his upcoming prime access is really a good timeframe for some touchup. You know because of sales and also for the massive feedback they could gather 

  10. i think Chroma should become some aura based frame. it works pretty well in my head

    his 1 turned into a cheap and long lasting aura of damage or debuffs. Nothing crazy, just something to have on top of the rest that might be somehow scaling with his vex armor for decent area damage/ debuffs

    his 4 should be more cost efficient, follow him and keep acting in an aura-like area of effect providing some damage and cc.

    Honestly those are all the changes i need for him, would still be great, far from broken but much more fitting the movement and fast pace of the game

  11. i think since they are working hard on fortuna, which is a big update, they are likely willing to ship most of the stuff in development alltogether so they know everything is working as intended at release (or kinda atleast)

    as you say its something pretty small, but still they have to be sure it doesnt cause major issues with the lots of content new map, textures, systems, revamps, etc) that is coming very soon.
    It would be simply worse to rush it and then have to do troubleshooting when alot of new stuff is added/changed. if they do release alltogether they can test first that nothing gamebreaking comes with it.

  12. I see it as heavily inspired by warframe design, but honestly there is only a set amount of weapon designs that make sense for a weapon and DE already used almost all of them.

    I am pretty sure you can easily pick a bunch of weapons in warframe and say they took inspiration from some other game.

    my point is that is really easy to find similarities on looks for stuff like that when two games are in the same genre and when warframe really got that much stuff going on

    i would say it is LIKELY to find similarities in warframe and any other sci-fi shooter game

  13. Iron skin is not the only ability they had. Before it was comparable, i would say almost identical. 

    Now they dont even have that in common.

    Rhino is considered a Tank because people like to think so because hes massive. But he is mainly a buffer, plus has one of the best CC skills in the game. Then he also has a pretty decent survival/status negation utility ability but imho he is nowhere near defined by that. 

    Same goes for nehza... he cant be defined only by his warding halo.

    and yes they both die in a couple shot against level 500+

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  14. 2 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    Why does every warframe Pablo touch turn into shining rare diamonds? Every frame hes touched recently or answered for has gone from 1 note to utterly phenominal. 

    Im worried hes playing the devils fiddle.

    Bravo Pablo, you have a new fan.

    being said that i really like is work, and he really brought new life to saryn and did an amazing job with nidus (also quite sure he did have something to say about many other recent touches)

    The only thing i dont like is the kinda forced synergy between powers, like some powers are too underwhelming unless used with some extra bonus to enemies affected by some other power etc. i think that works for some frames but some others must stay old school like you press X and you do X

    The thing i do really aprreciate is that when he works on a frame every power makes sense. there are no frames he touched with a stupidly lackluster 1-2 ability

  15. I think fortnite updates are treated differently for 3 reasons:

    1- is made by Epic games 

    2- it brings an insane amount of money

    3- most of its updates are far smaller than WF hotfixes and maybe are done in a way that can skip cert



    it is also possible that epic games “helds black” the updates for platforms that dont need cert, so everybody is in synch like what happens di clash royale on both iOS and android 

  16. 4 hours ago, Voltage said:

    It is September. Over the course of 9 months we have recieved (for new content):

    • The removal of Trials
    • Onslaught
    • The Sacrifice
    • Mask of the Revenant
    • A junction task (Pyrus Project)
    • A few weapons

    - full primary and secondary balance pass
    -some new mods/ augments
    -usual new primes
    -new frames
    -partial introducion of new UI
    -new particle system
    -a bazilion of small fixes, optimization, warframe changes

    I mean its not actually much and some of that is not even actual content, but i like that devs are working to improve the current state of the game and also doing big stuff for the future. right now they are working on fortuna, railjack, melee 3.0 and as far as i know new lightning system and new render engine (both with better look and performance) are in the works. and early stage of new cinematic quest
    honestly i call 2018 a good year. i prefer that much more over the usual weapon every two weeks. I used to be excited for that because thats all we got a couple years ago.
    and yes no more events, because they try to fit the lore in quests playable for everyone so even new players can understand some stuff about the game and not be cut out of relevant lore bits just because they werent there when an event dropped.
     if fortuna drops when its supposed to i definitely give this last year 8/10 rate hands down

  17. I think new players should have zero platinum.

    but should have instead 1 more warframe slot and a couple more weapon slots plus two potatoes.

    I spent my beginning plats on a “scarf” and the first potatoes were a pain to farm and craft, also the slots felt restrictive too early. Definitely much earlier than when i decided if i wanted to spend money on the game, and earlier than any trading knowledge 

  18. 55 minutes ago, Erytroxylin said:

    I dunno, pretty sure the Lanka is just about only used for Eidolons. It's projectile, charge, and sniper nature make it garbage for anything else.

    thats due to its sniper nature not fitting very well the regular horde-shooter gameplay. the same can be said of any sniper and bow.

    imho lanka packs an already good punch on its own and modding it correctly makes it kinda fitting for almost any gameplay situation without losing its great damage.
    want a faster charge? slap vile acceleration and youre good
    want to do pretty decent aoe? mod for gas and status. you can do that aswell.
    also it already has immense punch through and damage
    honestly "garbage" isnt the world i would use to describe the Lanka

    Imho other snipers are much less versatile and you can just pile on them more and more damage, lanka due to its statline can definitely adapt much better if modded accordingly and high riven disposition just improves that too much over other snipers.
    Also with its base element and big damage its just too far ahead od any other weapon against eidolons. I mean being the top weapon for something doesnt make it a problem, but being overall a very good sniper already does that.

    I think in no way lanka should be nerfed, just its riven disposition so other snipers with slightly better rivens can compete with it,
    and dont think 2/5 rivens would be bad. a decent one alone could easily double its damage output and a god one can almost make it 3x.

    All the above still agreing with OP that snipetron could use a slight base buff, it doesnt need much to be on par with other snipers.
    im not a fan of nerfs overall, i just aknowledge that snipers in warframe are flawed at their core but still if one is just straight better for the only thing the weapon class is good for it should be looked at.

  19. because, if taking rivens into account the only problem i see is that lanka has just a too high riven disposition. it should be 2/5 and still be hitting hard and still likely to get good rivens since almost any damage stat is good for it.
    Im a huge fan of rubico and i dont see it overpowered. the slow reload and 5 mag capacity kinda makes up for all the good about it.

    that said snipetron could still get a slight buff as long has it retains its peculiar feeling

  20. 11 minutes ago, Tuxie said:


    That's half of what I was complaining, this event was too short, too simple, too easy. There's no long term goals, no competitive aspect for clans. There should at least have been a tougher goal with better rewards for the more dedicated players and clans out there.

    Not expecting events like that for the next 6 to 9 months.  It is possible we wont get such events anymore. 

    Since that old system takes away l’ore bits from players that skip the event or just join the game later. 

    I totally expect major stuff happening through quests always available for everyone. And just bite-sized minor events from now on.

    not saying thats what i want but it is for the game’s health and for having more lore and content for players that join the game at any stage if its progress.

    i really feel bad for new players that have no story behind the new uranus tileset or the multiple versions of bosses etc

  21. 46 minutes ago, --DSP--Jetstream said:

    Sometime if you see the host didnt have good intention from the start, its better to leave and find other squad.

    You can prevent this by setting the ping limit as low as you can, so you always be host.

    Dont know if this changed but for me the low Ping limit worked the opposite way giving random migrations when the host got a pin spike 

  22. And why you suppose it is a nerf? Simply wasnt the way it was intended to work and they fixed it.

    fix =/= nerf 

    also there is no need to look for every possible gimmick against eidolons, one you run with a decent squad you can do it 4-5 times in a night with ease and without gimmicks, exploit etc.

    probably at some point volt shield will be useless aswell

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