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Posts posted by Kinperor

  1. just to answer the question of how to form a group

    you go to keys like with clan key , click use

    now you are in a screen where you basically just have the option to "play now"(top middle)

    here you can invite people from your friendlist to form a group


    Alright thanks, I didn't want to accidentally use a key.


    As for the other, thanks for the heads up, I'll bring as much heat (and cold, and arpen) as I can. 

  2. What should I do to make the most of that raid? I'm already planning on bringing along some of my clan members to have a 4-men cell.


    What kind of weapons should I bring? 


    Should the group always stick together? I heard that there were mods that could drop but not for long. 


    Should I get loot radar to not miss a single container? 


    More importantly, how does forming a group work? Is it like the clan dojo where I "use"  the key and form a lobby centered on the Void Tower, and from there I can form a party? 


    Any other things I forgot? 

  3. My game is definitely in english, yet every so often I collect a warframe blueprints from a drop and get something like "Plano di Ash systemo" or some other language.


    I dunno how to replicate it, I always get random language. I guess that maybe it's because of the host's language, but I'm not sure. 

  4. Love those. I wanted to draw some short comics too on Warframe, but saying I can draw at all is a stretch.


    If you don't mind me making suggestions:


    - Excalibur starting a party with the tennos using his Radial Blind.

    - Saryn who use her molt to avoid the bulge-tastic male hostage who wants to hit on her. 

    - Volt and Mag cuddling together, then Mag says that she wants the night to last longer. Cue Volt who calls Rhino to stomp time (Mag doesn't like that)

    - Nyx who forces Excalibur to do stuff with mind control, with the both of them being an implied couple. 

    - Ember who accidentally burn a dance floor for real. 

  5. Newer player here, will bosses in the future be more like captain vor; simple variation of a regular enemy, or will they be more unique like the Jackal?


    They already mentionned that they don't like bosses that are so drab.


    It's just that doing special models with story + abilities + rooms is time consuming. Back in an earlier livestream, they showed the concept for a new Infested boss that will be unlike anything yet. 

  6. Question: Are we gonna get Frames who's ult isn't a "press 4 to win"?


    Yes, I know it's not ALL the ults that does it, but there's an awful lot. It's a bit redundant to have the same "run in the middle of enemy crowd and press 4" strategy for every other frames.


    Or, in the case of Banshee with reach maxed, just stand on the same half of the level as the enemies. 

  7. 1. i think hek drops trinity BPs


    2.  quite probably the best and easiest method for creds is farming Vor for Cronus BP.Its Grineer aswell and enemy level does not affect drop rates


    Oh right, Trinity, my bad. I farmed Rhino's along with Trinity's prints relatively closely to each other so I mixed both.


    And I'll get on Vor's case, thanks for the tip.

  8. Preferably with Grineers. I want to get a couple of constructions going and all.

    I say grineers specifically because apparently they have the greatest chance of dropping "focus" and continuity, which I desire for my Banshee.

    I was thinking of grinding Vay Hek for extra Rhino prints I don't need. But you know, it's freaking Vay Hek.

  9. Hey devs,

    I was wondering what were your plans for additional frames? Do you guys ever plan to stop at an arbitrary number or you'll keep going as long as you have inspiration?

    Also, are you guys gonna add more boss like Vay Hek that are just damage sponge? Not really fun at all to be honest, getting my Trinity blueprints were even more of a chore than my Mag. If I may dare to make a suggestion for bosses, what about a boss that is fought throughout a level? For example, a gunship that circle the ship you're in and you get opening to attack it every so often in order to damage it. Or maybe a Jackal spin off that stalk you for a whole level.

    Speaking of blueprints, any plan to make those a bit easier to get? I don't mean stupidly easier, just you know, not as tedious as it is right now. I get that you guys don't want freebies to have the easy way out, but a man can dream.

    I noticed that Lotus' line were sometimes off the mark, are you guys gonna add more lines for her? For example, she says the ship's detectors didn't notice you yet when you are on a planet.

    That would be all for me.

    Oh, and are you guys gonna make a post to summarize the livestream? I would love to spectate, but unfortunately I have a course at this time.

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