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Posts posted by Kinperor

  1. I honestly know almost nothing of either of those frames, apart from what their powers says on paper.


    Anyone who used them can tell me the pros and cons? As far as I know, Frost is very strong all around, and Nyx is a 3-spam bot.


    I have both alternate helmet BP, but I'm not sure I like Menticide. Aurora on the other hand looks great. 

  2. They definitely talked about resources alerts, probably in Livestream 6. 


    And I'd rather raid some ships that are clearly specialized for resources transport than just doing a regular alert and having some bonus stuff on the side.

  3. You know what I'd like? This kind of massive storage room like you described, but on alerts that are about as frequent as the artifact alerts. That would be cool and wouldn't make it THAT unbalanced, as opposed to having it in nearly every missions. 

  4. Final half:


    #13 TBC: Terrain decoration infected the infested with stupid.


    I'm sorry, Mr Mittains (my Dethcube) killed the Charger before I could think to take a picture, but said Charger was trapped running between whatever is sticking out of the floor and the ship above it. Either leave it for hilarity or remove it to avoid an epidemic of "stupid".


    #14 TBF: Something popping out of a rock wall.


    Please fix my gorgeous Crevasse River tile!


    #15 TBF: Ground popping through a broken bridge.



    Just before the extraction. It sticks out like a sore thumb if I dare say so myself, shouldn't be hard to spot and correct.


    #16 TBF: Glitchy jump platforms.


    It's in an open-sky tile, and the rocky platforms definitely helped me reach some loot, so I'm positive this ones are an intended path. I highlighted just one part, but I would triple-check the whole platforms, the final and first ones especially gave me trouble because they would glitch on me while I jump.


    #17 TBF: Floating ninja (invisible floor)


    Speaks for itself, both side of the entrance to a secret room had that problem. Well, at least I think its a problem, mainly because I didn't think my Trinity could fly. It's on a tile with a ravine and the secret room can be accessed by a suspicious balcony.


    #18 ... !: Get to the ship! (Get to the choppa? Get it? No? Okay.)


    That ship is on the side of a bridge. Really out of the way, I needed Excal to get there, but I do wonder why it can be walked at all. Anyhow, it has a hitbox problem, I periodically float above it or go through it as the ship moves. (My guts tells me there'll be an invisible wall next time I pass by)



    Final thought: Holy S#&$ I wrote essays that were shorter than this. Also, have fun Mitch/designers! Hope this helps! 


    EDIT: Removed glitches that has been fixed, hence the jumps in numbers.

  5. Wall o' text incoming, sowwie. I tend to take a lot of pictures and share them all at once rather than one at a time. Spoilered for convenience. I try to name the tiles where I found the stuff, but I really rely on the designer to recognize his stuff since I am not all knowing. 


    Other people can participate if they have feedback on the Corpus Colony, I just happened to start a thread for it because I visited it a lot to farm and felt comfortable sharing my opinion and all the glitches I found. The glitch list isn't exhaustive obviously, I did not ram every wall on purpose (some of them yeah, I confess), so you can report the glitches you find here if you please.


    I separate my pic in three category: "TBF" (to be fixed) when it's clearly a bug/glitch, "TBC" (to be considered) when I'm suggesting changing a detail I think could be improved and finally "... !" for random stuff I liked or details I noticed.


    General comments on the tile set : I really like the Corpus colony, the snow, the mountains, the futuristic buildings all appeal to me. My single most favorite tile is the one I dubbed "Crevasse River", with the river flowing right into the doors, that must be inconvenient, but heck if the sight isn't gorgeous. 


    One thing I like about Corpus is that they are stated to be a big cult, and their ships remind me how my History teacher summarized how churches where built long ago: Big, and with a lot of light. This is exactly what I see with the Corpus as opposed to the Grineers, Corpus have needlessly big rooms and a lot of big windows that let in a lot of light. Maybe I'm insane, but I like to think of Corpus' building/rooms/ships as futuristic churches, big and with a lot of light. Considering the Corpus' background as cultist, I love how well it fits.


    Anyhow, let's get those glitches out of the way and make the tile set better, shall we? 


    #2 ... !: Container that just wouldn't close.


    I'll be honest, it made me chuckle. Nice props.


    #3 TBF: Glitched container. (Warehouse)


    I don't actually know if it's related to map/level, but I guess I'll report it here. I think the problem is pretty clear here, the best I can describe the tile is "Containers-managing Warehouse". And I mean, the bigass orange containers, not small ones like the one highlighted on the pic.



    #6 TBF: Glitched container. (Different warehouse)


    I don't remember where I took that pic, sorry. Hopefully the mini map helps you single the tile. Bonus content: You can send the pic to whoever is responsible for Dethcube's attack animation and hit him with a foam scindo until he fixes it.



    #8 TBC: Secret room potential for a corner junction tile. 


    Nothing much to say, there's a hole you can fall in, it's subtle enough to be missed easily. Just gotta make the floor walkable and stick in some lockers/containers.


    #9 TBC: Secret room potential on a sidetrack.


    My gamer-senses actually tingled when I saw those perfect platforms, like they were calling me to find some secret stuff. Unfortunately, there is naught, but there could be! Again, sorry, forgot the tile, but that one should be easy to find.


    #10 TBC: Secret room potential on a suspicious balcony.


    It's reachable actually, if you were wondering. There's just nothing at all, but it could change! Addendum: if there's some spoils added up there, make the climb less vertical and less boring. Without mentioning, the final stretch is tricky because of how you need to do the final wall jump to get on the platform while simultaneously not dropping like a rock before you hit the platform itself.


    #12 ... !: Did I actually wallrun on that icicle?! (Also, not even half way done. Sorry for the work I'm giving you Mitch!) 


    I did actually. You bystanders can try it next time you get at that extraction tile. I'm not saying Mitch should do a secret room hidden by a parkour of icicles, but I am totally implying.


    Post cut in half because too many images. 

  6. Oh, I see my problem then, I wanted to land somewhere before jumping down on the floor. That makes sense then.


    And it's always a pleasure to help. I'm actually compiling some material both for crafting in-game and for making a new thread with some bug-reports and suggestions I thought would be cool.


    My desire for rare material as driven me several times through the Corpus colony, and your thousands secret rooms made me so paranoid that I'm trying everything. You sly designer you, I will never again assume that a pit is bottomless or un-walkable because of you, I missed so much loot cause I didn't think of jumping down a bridge.

  7. Alright then Mitch, since you're so open to feedback I thought it was cheap for me to just give one picture to describe several problems, so I prepared you a more detailed review of the red path in question to help you if you would decide to re-work said tile. I want to point out at this point that I think circling the cliff to reach the treasure platform feels more rewarding to me than jumping on a zipline, although both are okay IMO.


    The first rock I was talking about that I was glitching through:




    Seems to be because of how the rock is made and how it interacts with third person, the game probably assume my warframe's head is supposed to be inside that rock and push the camera inside to compensate for the wall that's blocking the camera's view. You can see the rock from outside in the next spoiler. Replicate by walking into the rock without jumping.


    The small cliff that is annoyingly hard to scale:




    I was having difficulties because the game thinks you want to do a horizontal wall run if you hit anything but the right place, which is somewhere in the middle. Wouldn't be a problem normally, but it is pretty un-intuitive where you can and where you can't wallrun vertically.


    The invisible roof:









    The invisible roof affects you on the cliff not only by forcing you to cuddle with your sentinels, but also by hindering your jumps. It wasn't a major problem in the end, but it was felt, and bumping into an invisible roof of all things feels oppressive. The rocky wall do a fairly good job at stopping our vertical movements I believe, so elevating said roof would feel better for the players stumbling there without any downside. Not only is it felt there on the cliff, but it is also felt on the zipline by forcing an un-elegant first person perspective on the player. The roof should be raised, if only to fix the zipline problem.


    While we're on the subject of the zipline:





    Thats what I was talking about with the zipline not aligned with the player's hand. I suggest making the zipline stop higher and have an anchor point, because right now you lose your alignment when your feet reach the small platform, without mentioning that if you keep going you just slide off the rocky wall/floor. And really, the rope sprouting out of a rock wall is not credible all that much.


    Going down the hard way:






    I tried going DOWN from the platform by the cliff, like you said. It worked, but it didn't feel all that more intuitive (a bit better than the other way around tho) . I have two gripes with it: first, starting from the red circle you get blocked in your wall running by the rock sprouting inside the red rectangle. Not a major problem, there is another route I noticed by starting from the green circle and my second gripe is with the end of said route. I had to try two or three time because the way you wall run on the green line brings you around the same height as the spot you're supposed to land on. Myself had to jump away from the landing spot and then crouching-sliding mid air back on the spot, in complete disregard of physic as we know it. 


    I guess you could just wall run to the edge of said landing spot and then jump from there onto the containers on the ground, but there's the problem of expectations: When you see a fat, flat and beautiful patch of snow like that at what seems to be the end of a wall run, you kinda expect to end up on it.


    The landing spot seemed to be the end of the way before jumping down, so I didn't go further in that direction. If it was meant to go on further, we might have another problem of stuff being not intuitive. Or maybe I missed it, I dunno, I'm not perfect.


    Perspective view on the cliff:






    Nothing much to see here, the red square with an arrow is the spot that was hard to cross for all the wrong reasons (sliding down from it, no good foot hold, wallrunning it had a tendency of throwing me to an icy death in the depth). We can also see on the right side of the square the spot where I think the way down from the platform was. If I quit too early, you can call me out. 


    The green rectangle is the spot I was talking about that wasn't intuitive, it doesn't look as much as walkable ledge as it should IMO. Also, there's a point where a rock sprout fuse together with the ledge you can walk on. Aesthetically speaking, it doesn't look natural to me.


    A random icicle, not related to the platform per se, but its in the same tile:






    Nothing complicated here, just a icicle I could glitch into easily. I trust I don't need to explain why glitching inside an icicle shouldn't be possible. To replicate, walk into the red rectangle I marked.



    Oh, one last thing, I noticed that sometime on the cliff the frame's feet started floating a solid foot above the ground on some parts. That could be worth correcting when reworking the rest. 


    Holy wall of text. Hope that helps Mitch, otherwise neither of us know what I'm doing here right now. I dunno if reworking the cliff side road is something that appeals to you, but my list should help you fix it so that it's more viable. 


    I will also give more feedback in time about the other maps (oh the fun we shall have), if only because I have ADHD and try to jump everywhere. Is there any additional details you'd like in the future? It's a given that we need to know it's in what location and its in what tile (I don't really have a simple way to accurately designate a specific tile tho). 





  8. I made the red path an alternate way you could get down from the platform; that's cool that you used it to get UP there. And we definitely appreciate any feedback that will make the rooms better and tighter. The Maps/Level section is a great place to post any bugs you find. Thanks!


    Why doesn't that surprised me, I've always been told that I always look for the hard way instead of the easy way.


    Anyway, thanks for the answer, I wasn't sure about reporting stuff like the Galleon bug post above because it needed a super-jump and was kinda out of the way for no reasons, but sure I'll report them now. There, you have one right now, the Galleon, I would personally tour the part where the picture was taken,  I didn't try ALL the walls, but I'm pretty sure it needs some tweaking.


    Although I'm guessing you guys have bigger fishes to take care of right now, what's with U8 and E3. 

  9. I'm guessing it was not an intended path if there were invisible roofs/walls on the way. I believe the zipline route was the intended path to get there. Nice one for finding the route though, something to try out when I get there again.

    While there was some hindering, it wasn't impossible, so at some point someone had to make it walkable. Without mentionning the starting cliffs in the red square that are pretty jump friendly.

    @ matrixEXO: I'm not sure what's the point of saying whether we know secret area or not. Are you talking about the double ceiling in the building to the right of the zipline tower or the secret room that can be reached inside the room behind the left side of the red square?

  10. If I'm lucky a dev will be nice enough to answer: So I was exploring the Corpus colony with a friend, and I "stumbled" on this treasure "room" (or rather, platform):


    I was wondering if the red path on the pic (which I took first and actually made it from there to the platform) was intended as a path to the platform? I noticed afterward that there was a zipline (green square) to go directly there, but as I said, the red path worked for me.

    I'm using "worked" loosely here, it wasn't a smooth walk to get there, if you guys want the red path to be possible, it needs to be smoothed out a bit, I'm pretty sure there's an invisible roof that limited the movement of my Dethcube (and my own vertical movement), and the path were a bit too subtle, there was parts I really didn't feel like I should be able to walk there. Also, at the very first jump, I went through the rock.

    The zipline worked better (obviously), but at some point it turned transparent and my Banshee's hand wasn't aligned with the rope anymore. It needs some tweaking.

    PS: If any level-designing devs care to respond, can you guys tell us if you want to know if there's some problem with parts of the map that are REALLY out of the way? Let's just say I test the limit often and uh, well, let's just say I see weird S#&$ sometimes. Just look at that pic I took on a defense level of the new grineer ship: http://tinyurl.com/lelgd56

    Unless you guys are stealth announcing deep space levels, that doesn't look quite right.

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