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Posts posted by Kinperor

  1. Hmm, in the future I'll number my stuff, didn't realize how complex it would be to refer to each thing. 


    Anyhow, about:


    TBF: Walk through icicle prop: It's the smallest icicles that I could walk through normally, those about knee high. If you tell me they're fine there, I'll take your words for it. 


    TBF: Weird hitbox for ice formation: Did you try walking into the highlighted area from where Nyx is standing? Sometimes they have to be taken at the right angle. If that doesn't work, try coming in from farther on the right side. If that doesn't work either, well jee, forget it, maybe the game had a hiccup. 


    TBF: Walk through rock: Depending on which instance you're talking about, I dunno why you can't replicate. If it's the one in the defense tile, try climbing on the top of the rock by ramping the rock itself from bottom to top. It's the tip that can be clipped through. As for the other one, did you try walking into the jutting tip of rock? That's the part that is problematic.


    TBC: Smoke going through bridge: Well if the pits are gone, I think our job is done here, unless someone is messing with you.


    TBF: Walk through ice wall: Pretty sure you need freezing conditions to reach it (I couldn't jump into it when I passed by in a freeze-fre run through), but if you can't walk into it, I guess it was another hiccup. I said ice wall, but I meant the rock wall covered in ice.




    TBC: Clip-through... things on rail?: Uh, my bad, I meant the head of my frame clips with the things covering the rail, when travelling on it. Should've been clearer.


    TBF: Three head devouring walls: When I say head devouring, I mean that if you walked into the wall, only the head would clip in, not the rest of the body. Does that clear it up?



    TBF: Hovering ice in air vent: Did you click the link I added? It is the entrance of the vent where I found the hovering patch of ice. Are the air vents randomized? That may be the problem. Otherwise, did you try taking some distance? You need to be fairly far from the patch to see space underneath. It's at the very entrance of the second picture I linked for perspective.


    "And some green squares, yaaaaay positivity. Yaay. Okay it's just two, but still." : I don't know, I must have forgot to add them, will add them at a further date, it's not like green squares (aka "add stuff", not "fix stuff") are that important. Same deal with the sunken container, I'll just need to find those again. 





  2. Uh, never noticed that button. I agree, it needs to be more noticeable, it's barely distinguishable from the frame and easily missed when storming through the room. Also, I typo'd, I meant the growth CAN'T be scaled to the top floor. My bad.


    Anyway, got more reports:



    #9 TBC: Pass through door.


    1372080259-terrain-design-passable-door-            The highlighted hole in the door can be passed through, trivializing the race supposed to take place in this room, but I don't know if that was intended. Also, note the fusion MOA that head-dooring. I don't know if it's fixable or if you even want to fix it.



    Have fun designers! 

  3. Wall o' text incoming, sowwie. I tend to take a lot of pictures and share them all at once rather than one at a time. Spoilered for convenience. I try to name the tiles where I found the stuff, but I really rely on the designer to recognize his stuff since I am not all knowing. 


    Other people can participate if they have feedback on the Corpus ship (I called it cargo for alliterative appeal), I just happened to start a thread for it because I visited it a lot to farm and felt comfortable sharing my opinion and all the glitches I found. The glitch list isn't exhaustive obviously, I did not ram every wall on purpose (some of them yeah, I confess), so you can report the glitches you find here if you please.


    I separate my pic in three category: "TBF" (to be fixed) when it's clearly a bug/glitch, "TBC" (to be considered) when I'm suggesting changing a detail I think could be improved and finally "... !" for random stuff I liked or details I noticed.


    General comments on the tile set : Much of what I said in the Corpus Colony thread can be copy pasted here really, Corpus is a faction of merchants cultist with a hard on for technology, and it shows. If it doesn't shine blue and look like technology, it doesn't belong in the Corpus Cargo, and appropriately enough, the ship is choke full of containers to transport goods, so it's not hard to guess that they are merchants from their loot. They also have an un-healthy obsession with pits for some reasons. Hey, to each their own, right?


    Anyhow, let's get those glitches out of the way and make the tile set better, shall we?



    #1 TBF: Head clip grate-thing and un-grab-able ledge.


    1371780413-terrain-glitch-head-clip-un-g            Orange highlights the grate that you can clip your head with, red highlights the ledge that can't be grabbed. Pretty annoying really, I don't know why I can't grab it to climb anymore, I used to do that all the time.



    #2 TBF: Floating ninja.


    1371780402-terrain-glitch-floating-ninja            Speaks for itself, located right beside where the previous pic was taken if it wasn't obvious.



    #3 TBF: Sunken container.


    1371780401-props-glitch-sunken-container            Speaks for itself, located in the room where you fight jackal/hyena (I forget the name).



    #4 TBF: Bugged spawning.


    1371780394-spawn-bug-no-spawned-enemy-co            I dunno if it's related to the map/level, but no enemy spawned whatsoever in this extermination mission, and I walked from the start to the end twice.



    #5 TBC: Invisible wall.


    1371780394-terrain-design-invisible-wall            I really don't see the point of the invisible wall there, you can walk in the nook at the level below just fine, and you can trap yourself even if you could bypass the invisible wall. Not specific to that nook.



    # 6 TBC: Secret room potential 1.


    1371780403-terrain-design-secret-room-po            You could most probably stick something up there,I'd say you should go wild, it would go right over the head of most people. Same tile as previous pic.



    #7 TBC: Secret room potential 2. 


    1371780398-terrain-design-secret-room-po            In the corner behind the two orange containers, there is a bit of room left by the one that is slightly separated from the wall. Open the container's door just a wee-bit and stick some locker in there and you got yourself a sneaky secret room. You can already drop in the space I talked about, so it's not that much work I believe.



    #8 TBC: Secret room potential 3 (I'm done after this one, I promise).


    1371780406-terrain-design-secret-room-po            It's already possible to climb on the suspended orange containers using the pillar with a yellow-green arrow, blast open the squared container door and you got a secret room that can be noticed by people who pay attention, and reached more or less easily. However, if you do that one, you need to fix the next glitch...



    #9 TBF: Missing upper texture.


    1371780417-terrain-glitch-missing-upper-            The rails in the Corpus Cargo is missing textures from above, as you can see. Problem is located both there, and in the previous tile featured in the "Secret room potential 3" 1371780417-terrain-glitch-missing-upper-



    #10 TBF: Head clip through ceiling decoration.


    1371780416-terrain-glitch-head-clip-corp            Jumping on the orange container under the red square will make your head clip in the ceiling thing.



    #11 TBF: More head clip.


    1371780414-terrain-glitch-head-clip-2-co            Walking into the highlighted area will make your head clip. Tile is same as "TBC: Secret room potential 2. "



    #12 TBF/C: Door that won't open and weird vertical wallrun.


    1371780419-terrain-glitch-un-openning-do            Trying to wallrun vertically in the red square will make you clip through the ceiling, while also accelerating very quickly for some reasons. The blue square highlights a door I thought opened before, but won't now, but I'm not sure. At any rate, it's a good place to stick some containers.



    #13 TBF: Waypoint won't go away.


    1371780419-waypoint-bug-unwavering-waypo            The mission waypoint stayed where the kidnapped victim disappeared. It's not another objective either, like when the game spawn a data mass.


    Final thoughts: Not much to say on the Corpus Cargo, it's pretty solid all around I feel, but I get the impression you guys hastily finished the railing system, better re-work them all if you can, you never know which ones might be accessible. Fortunately, Update 9 is all about polishing, so we are ALL going to have so much fun together!


    Also, I really want to submit another potential secret room, but I can't find the tile again. I'll get back with that one eventually. But while I'm talking about secret room: Find the evil genius who hid a treasure room above what looks ALREADY like a treasure room and congratulate him for me. What an evil, evil thing to do. Evil in the good way.


    PS: While you're headhunting, find the coder who made the Alert system and poke him with a foam weapon of your choice: I missed an alert for my highly desired Volt helmet this morning by 10 minutes, it's not random at this point, the alert system is purposefully and maliciously messing with me at that point. That made me sad before driving to work. 


    PPS: Yes, I know rectangles aren't squares, I just don't want to type the extra letters. Don't judge me, it's 10h40 PM. 
  4. No wall of text incoming for once: I haven't had the chance to comb down the Orokin Void meticulously, but as far as I can see it looks pretty solid. Of course, there are glitches here and there, but not much is popping to my eyes as of now, but whatever I found I'll post it here. Just like my two other "Explorafun" threads, people can participate, but I'm getting the guts feeling no one will (just like in my two other thread). 


    General feedback: What is there to say, the Void was made to be pretty, and boy is it pretty. The place tells us some things about the Orokins: First, they had a hard-on for the lotus emblem, second they like to write in stylistic designs that almost doesn't look like writing, and third they really like traps. 


    Knowing however little I know about the Orokins, the traps were probably set up in order either to train their tennos/warriors or to slow down their enemies, since the void was their "Panic room" according to Steve. Further, there are some rooms that looks like they had purpose, like holding government meeting, but in general the rooms look like they were made to be pretty. I would hazard the guess that the void towers were built when the Orokins were at their apex, and they wanted to have monuments to prove how crafty they could be with their pocket of space. That would explain why the place looks like postcard and made to attract tourist, but bite me as to why there is so many traps and cover that seems built-in. Maybe they built it as a pretty bunker that would also serve as a tourist trap for times of peace. 


    Anyhow, let's get those glitches out of the way and make the tile set better, shall we? 


    As always, I separate my pic in three category: "TBF" (to be fixed) when it's clearly a bug/glitch, "TBC" (to be considered) when I'm suggesting changing a detail I think could be improved and finally "... !" for random stuff I liked or details I noticed.



    #1 TBC: Momentum glitch.


               No pic for this one, and honestly I am not sure if it's intended or not: Basically, upon running fast enough and gliding, you would end up keeping momentum in a set direction for a rather long period of time. Example: There's this parkour room which has a floor made of lasers that you can wall run above, and at the end of this course if I slide I would almost invariably get trapped on a wall because I would be "pushed" into a wall even tho I'm running in the opposite direction. Annoying when you're racing against the clock, but that could be the point of the "feature" as far as I know. Next report features a pictures in the same tile set, but earlier in the course area.



    Final thought: I think the second bug (momentum bug) and the lack of elevator calling button are the biggest priorities level wise for the Void, without getting in the more complex matters of RNG. Let's just keeps this thread about quality of life changes, not discussion about drops or secret rooms loot content. 


    EDIT: Removed a lot of reports. More culling is probably coming in other posts.

  5. 1) What niche did you plan for the Resistances mod (diamond skin, anti toxin, lightning rod, etc etc)? As it stands, they feel like they offer too little for the mod slot they take.


    2) Are we going to get more frame slots, or slots dedicated to mods like resistances that can't compete with mods like say Master Thief in term of utility. 


    3) Sentinels, I will spare you the obvious "Are there more sentinels in the work" question cause I have a gut feeling you do. No, I want to know if we'll ever get to name our sentinels? I really want to give cheesy cat names to my sentinels (I already do, but it would be fun to have it visible to others). 


    4) Will sentinels ever get more mobility? Ospreys are seen circling pretty widely around the Corpus they shield. Getting sentinels that can re-position to get a better line of fire or get some cover if available would be neat. 


    5) Would it be possible to get two sentinels at once? Like with a mod that cost 16 or something capacity and maybe some restrictions to how Shade works.


    6) What niche are you planning now for Wyrm, if Cube is the DPS bot and Shade is the stealth-utility bot?

  6. I've lucked out and found the Cave Hangar rather easily. Fortunately, you guys fixed the framerate issue, I don't know what was the problem but I'm glad you could keep the lightning effect. And even more (un)fortunately , I have more reports for you:




    #30 TBF: Sunken loot container.

    1371314160-props-glitch-sunken-loot-cont            Speaks for itself. Located in Cave Hangar.



    #31 TBF: Constructor wall can be glitched through.


    1371314159-props-glitch-walk-through-con             I could glitch into the highlighted part. I don't know if it's generalized to all constructors.



    That's all for now, keep up the good work! 

  7. Wall o' text incoming, sowwie. I tend to take a lot of pictures and share them all at once rather than one at a time. Spoilered for convenience. I try to name the tiles where I found the stuff, but I really rely on the designer to recognize his stuff since I am not all knowing. 


    Other people can participate if they have feedback on the Grineer asteroid, I just happened to start a thread for it because I visited it a lot to farm and felt comfortable sharing my opinion and all the glitches I found. The glitch list isn't exhaustive obviously, I did not ram every wall on purpose (some of them yeah, I confess), so you can report the glitches you find here if you please.


    I separate my pic in three category: "TBF" (to be fixed) when it's clearly a bug/glitch, "TBC" (to be considered) when I'm suggesting changing a detail I think could be improved and finally "... !" for random stuff I liked or details I noticed.


    General comments on the tile set : I have to admit, I really don't like the tile set all that much. The tiles are mechanically well made (in general), the individual design of some parts in the tiles looks good and you can instantly guess where you are upon seeing a Grineer tile set, you clearly aren't in Corpus controlled environment. The tile also fit thematically with the Grineers, who are obsessed with growth, growth of population, of territory and of power. As such, they are more interested in expanding their stuff without any concern for problems, and then patch fix their problem using technology on their body, or disregarding it all together.


    Example of that: the very fact that they are a population of clones obsessed with numbers, the canalization popping out of the ground in the middle of hallways in the Galleon, all the other exposed pipes, bridges that pass over doom-holes of ominous smoke, wherever they prefer to use natural formation rather than fixing those and of course their overly complex mining installations. Now, it's great that it fits thematically, but it makes poor level design, I have two particular tiles in mind that are choke full of stairs, very vertical, and those are so confusing I get lost in those even to this date. I am not yet familiar with the Galleon, but it doesn't have as much problems as the two tiles I'm talking about, so I hope it keeps going this way. That's my biggest gripe with the Grineer's map really, it's hard to navigate at time, otherwise it leaves me rather cold. 


    Anyhow, let's get those glitches out of the way and make the tile set better, shall we? 





    EDIT: The glitches that has been fixed have been removed, hence the jump in numbers. 

  8. I'll try my luck finding the Cave Hangar (that sounds better than my name), but I had rotten luck finding twice the same tile on purpose. As for the joke, I thought it was great, do sneak in more stuff like that, gives the map more depth than "Tile #3, featuring 'ships'". It's great to see that the designers have some humor.


    As for the glitchy platform, I have some pictures from the same area but not looking directly at said place, hopefully it can points you out to the right area.


    That pic is taken on top of a container on a platform overlooking the glitchy rock platforms. 



    That pic is taken from a bit farther away, you can see most of the area around the platforms. Said rock platforms would be approximately behind Dethcube.


    I guess I may as well bring up the problem with my sentinel and frame's texture in that spot. I honestly don't remember much of the details that led to me losing all colors save for energy color, but it involved me trying to wallrun up the branch of that tree. Treerunning is a $#*(@ BTW, if you can fix it it would be cool, but honestly that was a last resort attempt to reach the platform visible in the distance in the first pic, not really anything major. 


    As for the "Floating ninja", sorry but I have no other pictures of the tile. If it can help you single it out, the secret room as a door that leads to stairs, but the doors is always locked so you need to pass by the balcony. The tile also have a prominent ravine in the middle, with some sections that needed either wallrunning or a good long jump to skip from across small holes cutting the path circling the main ravine. There's also a tree that is almost horizontal that can be used to cross the final hole and land near the balcony. 




    I also bring more reports, yaaay.


    #23 TBF: Loot containers spawned in rock.


    Said containers are only visible when using loot radar, and are pretty definitely inside the rock. If it isn't, I'm giving back my lootdar and my loot-hunter badge. Said rock is located in the revised defence tile with a river now flowing through the lower part. Rocks are on the side of a ledge with a bridge nearby.



    #24 TBF: Floating ninja in an orange container.


    Pretty straight forward I think, the tile is the extraction tile (the one where you can use an elevator to get down to the actual extraction point), and the orange container is above the 2 landing pads.

    #25 TBF: Disconnected floor and wall.


    Again, in the revised Corpus defence map with a river flowing through it. The problem here is pretty apparent.

    #26 TBF/TBC: Rock glitch and lost wallrun.


    Again, river defence tile, located under the bridge seen in the previous picture with containers hidden in rock. You can see in the red square a wall that can be glitched into, and the green square highlights a pillar that I used to wallrun on and then land on the bridge behind me. I don't know if the bridge is now too far away from the pillar, but I really liked having that pillar to ninja my way up on the bridge rather than use the stairs made for suckers. I'd appreciate it an awful lot if it could be fixed back to what it used to be. 



    I mostly have new stuff based on the revised defence tile as you can see. I also want to point out that the tile now looks gorgeous, great work whoever re-did that tile. 

  9. Further question on Nyx: I heard her Psychic Bolts were borderline useless or un-usable because of how they work, is that still the case today or was it fixed? What about her ult? 


    As for Frost, I am not really worried about his abilities (except 1, which seems kinda weak or situationnal).


    Also, I played Rhino and Ember/Volt/Trinity before, so I could really go either way with Nyx or Frost, hence why I'm indecisive.  

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