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Posts posted by JuanDeages

  1. I'm really not sure about all this. Some of the mods look interesting, but scrapping the entire mod system as is could make current late game endless missions nearly impossible to deal with in terms of scaling. There is a lot of situational damage buffs from what I can see in that screenshot. What exactly are we losing to make room for these mods? It all seems too gimmicky. If they were to buff weapons to make up for a lack of base damage mods, weapons would have to receive insane buffs to be on the level they are now. Honestly, I would prefer if weapons had special utility slots to make room for some of these niche mods to exist and increase player choice, without scrapping the existing modding system. The system works by and at large, there is just a lot of fluff that currently can't be utilized.


    In the case of Warframes, I especially don't see any reason to reinvent the wheel. There are a lot of choices you can make depending on how you want to play your frame, and where you intend to use it. You can't just axe them all and massively buff everything. It takes away the playstyle choices we had, and replaces them with these little niche buffs here and there, which I don't agree with. Certain frames do better with different defensive stats, but even within the same frame a different build could prefer a different setup. Example: Trinity would normally prefer Primed Flow/QT/Vitality for a basic defensive mod combo (excluding rage, as it is more of a supporting mod to QT/Flow), but if you were going for a more blessing oriented build, redirection suddenly becomes more attractive for a self damaging, duration based build.


    Warframe really is an interesting hybrid of a hack and slash RPG (like diablo), and a third person shooter. You have gear, powers, and mods to improve them, but at its core you shoot at things. This game isn't simply a shooter, and should not be treated as such.


    That's my 2 cents at least.

  2. I would want an option to bind heavy attacks to the useless channeling button so that I can continue to use my mouse exclusively for attacking. In fact, just get rid of channeling and replace it with charge/heavy attacks. 


    Can we please get charge attacks back while not switched to melee while we are at it? QQ

  3. IMO Shred is optional on a headshot weapon like the Soma. This is because headshots don't lend themselves to punch through multikills nearly as well as body shots do. That being said, Shred might be a good idea anyway just to decrease the spool up time.


    BUT if you're going to take Heavy Caliber, that means you'd be shooting for the body more often, which means Shred (or Metal Auger) becomes a lot more valuable.


    This is another thing that needs to be taken into account for Shred. Because the Soma is a multiplier based weapon, headshots are extra valuable. Heavy units are typically taller than normal "junk" units, so if you aim at head level against one, you will be hitting the body, or maybe even nothing, on the other unit(s). I'd say if you are hitting 3 units per bullet, it's still worth it, but its something to keep in mind.

  4. Nice guide :) but one suggestion. Please add Fire Palette B2 to the list. According to a lot of people (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/375737-what-is-a-good-prime-gold-color/) this looks like the Gold closest to the original Gold on Prime Frames before PBR, like on Loki or Nyx for example.


    Here are screenshots :


    1. Fire Palette B2 on Volt Prime




    2. Fire Palette B2 on Prisma Yamako Syandana on Loki Prime




    3. Fire Palette B2 on Prisma Yamako Syandana on Nyx Prime




    Notice how the color of the original gold portions on Loki's back merge seamlessly with the Syandana. :)


    No joke that's a damn good match.

  5. Why this???

    Because I don't agreed with your point it means I don't have argument???

    And almost everyone here put Shred some ppl Metal Auger on their Soma and you are the only one right???

    Your basically saying because I prefer full damage, my opinion is on the level of the guy saying split chamber is bad, with NO argument whatsoever. That's why. Don't pretend you have some moral high ground. And stop assuming S#&$. I made consessions in my arguements. Its my opinion shred is situational for the soma.
  6. Yeah, and how often do you see level 80+ enemies outside high-end play?


    I pretty much only play endless, so I see them plenty. What's the fun in beating on level 30s? I did already concede iron skin is near god mode against low level enemies, but to be fair, I don't have to be Rhino to be tanky. I can face tank level 50s with Saryn. I can even do that at level 80 if I'm very careful.

  7. You'll only struggle with ammo consumption against high level heavies if you aren't bothering to aim for headshots. Soma/Prime gets 3.5x damage from aiming for the head; In fact, HCal is a damage loss once you get out to a decent range as you can no longer headshot reliably.

    Yes, using Shred requires more trigger discipline. But all high RoF weapons benefit from trigger discipline anyways.

    Normal heavy units are doable, eximus units eat major ammo no matter what. I've seen a lvl 90~ sanguine corrupted bombard take a double red crit headshot from my paris prime for 1/10th of its health.
  8. After all that you still say Shred lowers ammo economy and dps, I think you are a wasted case.

    Like the guy who dont like Split Chamber :|

    Uh huh. No corrosive projection with a soma at 40 mins. Tell me how fast you're dropping restores. It does poorly against heavy units. The boltor is better with shred than the soma, but you can put a square peg into a round hole if that's your thing. Shred is only straight up better in two senarios: 1. You have Vortex up all the time. 2. Hallway camping. No worries tho. You can be a keyboard warrior with no actual argument.
  9. Tell me what Rhino is best at and I am sure that I can tell you a frame that does it better. Be specific fighting what faction and what level mobs along with what game type. I have over 2000 hours in this game please try and prove me wrong.


    Rhino does nothing best, but does pretty much everything.

  10. Rhino is easier to play than most other frames and is accessible incredibly early in the game. He promotes a very nonchalant playstyle early game due to Iron Skin being OP in the early game, later on when iron skin falls-off many players who had grown accustom to using (dependent on) Iron Skin to keep them alive are left flapping about with no idea how to adapt. The only playstyle that is going to leave you with trouble playing Rhino (in early to mid game content) is wearing the arcane thrak helmet equipping the hobbled key, refusing to use your abilities, and trying to kill things with a MK1 Braton.


    Well, to be fair, if you go for a roar based build, iron skin IS the only thing that can allow you to take a hit without instantly melting. Man does the build take some slots.

  11. http://warframe-builder.com/Melee_Weapons/Builder/Dragon_nikana/t_30_000000222_224-3-5-226-5-5-239-4-5-241-1-5-244-6-5-247-7-5-251-0-5-254-2-5-364-8-3_251-11-241-11-254-11-224-9-239-9-226-9-244-5-247-5-364-10/en/4-0-53


    You could run some variant of that build. Berserker really is a ridiculous mod, I would use it. Your only other alternative, would be a raw damage per hit/channeling build with pressure point/spoiled strike/killing blow/fury+4 element/physical damage mods. I think the Dakra Prime does a raw damage build slightly better though.


    Edit: I'm not a fan of life strike, so you could change your build accordingly if you need it in the build. Focus energy is your friend if you do need it obviously.

  12. I actually agree with this (Shred over damage mod).

    It is a conclusion that comes from looking beyond the numbers.


    My reasons for this:


    - If we are facing a lot of enemies (e.g. endless missions), where punch through can at least hit 2 targets total, Shred will deal more effective total damage (rather than single target DPS) than a damage mod. And the amazing thing is: it doesn't have to stop at 2 (more more "thin" enemies, but a max ranked Shred is usually enough to punch through even the heaviest unit available in game at least once).


    - if you are NOT facing a lot of enemies at one time (e.g. non-endless), you could just relax trigger practice (for ammo conservation) and bring the weapon to full auto/longer bursts. That should be enough to ramp up the actual DPS to compensate for the lack of an additional damage mod. Damage gap "feels" lower than the numbers suggests when under use probably partly due to the increased fire rate as well, and the fact that non endless missions usually have a cap on enemy level. Also, the reduced ammo efficiency is sort of also justified by the fact that the mission is not endless.


    - Punch through increases tactical options - being able to hit enemies behind thin covers, like even your squad-mates. This is something that can increase the effectiveness of the weapon a lot, but cannot be expressed by the raw numbers. imo, reduced theoretical damage is less impt than actually able to hit the enemies with more rounds. With no punch through, some of the theoretical damage will be wasted anyway, on either already dead targets, allies or environmental obstacles.


    but of course, this is just my own experience/opinion ;)


    That's why I consider shred debatable, because it has the ability to outperform. I actually like Shred a lot, just not so much on the Soma/Soma Prime. I feel like the Boltor Prime is a better candidate for shred personally. My main issue with shred on the soma is, when you aren't hitting more than one enemy at once, the ammo economy isn't the best, especially considering its rate of fire is already incredibly high.


    Basically, I feel like the way crit stacks with damage, taking a "non-damage" mod lowers ammo economy while achieving similar, if not lower, single target dps. Raw damage weapons pair with RoF mods better imo.

  13. Endgame? No, the advice for 'how do I use this for endgame' is 'DONT and wait till you get Soma Prime'. OP never really specified what he was looking for.


    Also, HCal and 3x 90%'s means you've dropped Shred, which is worth far more than the 3rd 90% element. 


    Things that come before Split Chamber; Serration and 2x element mods, plus punchthrough if applicable. *Maybe* Ammo Mut for endless missions. If you've still got room because of forma or using status elements etc, then you install SC. So yeah, for a potatoed Soma, there should be room because of the innate polarities. But SC isn't just automatically included in every build without thinking about it for a moment.


    I'll give you the first point, but shred is debatable, and ammo mutation on the soma is such a massive loss in damage its never good.


    And assuming forma, Split Chamber is always in your build. Even with little to no forma, after serration, its the most damage you can get if you have a spare V polarity. Its near double damage and status for one mod slot.

  14. Rank 6 HCal adds about 6% more raw damage than a third 90% element, and is thus by no means essential.


    Split Chamber is a valid removal choice when looking at a build with no forma; you should probably still bring it if you've installed a catalyst, tho. Given that this thread is a discussion on the Soma and not the Prime, it's actually fairly likely that people aren't going to be investing consumables and time into making the weapon more powerful when there's a prime version out there to farm.


    Mutation can be very useful for longer missions. Doing only like 77% damage is better than the 0% damage you're doing after burning through all your ammo >.>

    What? You take heavy caliber AND 3 90%s. Thats the point. If your going to use a weapon for end game content, you need to forma it to do so. The soma isnt the best choice to use with no forma. Crit/Serration/split chamber is the minimum core you need to make it do any damage. If this is a get by weapon for void farming, it can get the job done for a while. The barrier to entry for farming forma isnt that high. I was farming forma when all i had was a karak, saryn, and an akvasto.

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