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Posts posted by JuanDeages

  1. I might be *ahem* *@##$ing a bit, but something needs to change. you see way too many mastery 2's running around with a rhino and boltor prime, some even trash talk the other pugs for not being as good as them, in what way does stealing mommy's credit card them a better player? on the topic of gaining the weapons by themselves, you're usually not even geared to get the items until you're mastery 6-7, this would only prevent new players from cheating the system.  I also do not dictate how other players play the game, I don't even talk back whenever I see one of the more..... feisty players, but seeing how they talk down to others ruins the community.

    What year am I in where people are still complaining about Rhino Prime?

  2. Because you don't like it, it should be higher mastery rank. Ok. The MR locks in this game are honestly pointless. Also, even if the Boltor Prime was moved, people would just give lower ranked players a different cookie cutter answer. Then people will cry about the Hek or whatever is next on the chopping block.

  3. * Strun Wraith. No no no no.  Huge fail. You killed the Strun Wraith. It is dead.. The defining feature of the Wraith was the fact that it had a reasonable magazine size with a good reload speed. It was quick and flexible and fluid. Now it's slow, painful, and clumsy!  Now it has the handling of a pump action shotgun and modern "shoot one, load one" tactical doctrine, but it doesn't have the actual damage to back up such a play style so it is totally outclassed by everything else. It still has strong status performance, but status is irrelevant when the enemy is dead, which other shotguns doing 2 to 5 times more damage with better handling will accomplish faster. No.  Either restore it previous fast-reloading magazine and leave it near the bottom of the barrel for damage, or, increase its damage to the level of the Drakgoon and Hek because its practical rate of fire with current mechanics is about 1 shot per second.


    This sums up how I feel about the Strun Wraith right now. I cannot fathom who thought that this, of all weapons, needed to be made into a pump action. RoF mods are far less effective than before, and RoF of the weapon in general is just abysmal; the full reload is painful, and the pump action/reload feels janky. Thankfully, it retained its status chance.


    The Boar Prime would have honestly been better off in its original state, with no changes to damage falloff even. The new Boar Prime not only got a random status nerf, but its RoF makes the gun feel bad. The old RoF felt better, and made it a better status weapon.


    Please revert the changes of these two guns. If that means they receive lesser buffs than the rest of the pack, so be it. The Hek is the king of shotguns right now, with the Tigris in contention with the most insane damage buff I have ever seen in my gaming career. Why use anything else?


    Edit: It seems that the "pump action" is gone, but it still loads shells individually.

  4. Agreed with everything except Ancients/Scorpions having hooks. Imo, Scorpions were designed to have a hook in the first place, whereas ancients were given one as an afterthought, and still don't even have a unique animation for it. They should have never been given a hook in the first place, especially not when they can pull some behind the back bullS#&$ and still hook you with perfect accuracy. The infested have become, with every new update, increasingly more obnoxious.

  5. There is the problem. Dex Furis is nothing compared to Aksomati in damage per shot (lower base damage, no crit potential). If you kill the enemies in a crapload of shots, it's only natural that the ammo they drop won't balance the ammo you consume. Fire rate way above 20 is unsustainable if the weapon is very weak per shot, like Dex Furis. But Aksomati has Soma level of damage per shot, so you can sustain the ammo easy when everything dies fast.


    For example, a simple mutation is enough for any rifle with fire rate with 20 firerate, like a Shred-moded Soma or Amprex, to never run out of ammo within 50 min, solo. If you run out of ammo with a Primed ammo mutation which is around 2x as effective, then you are either firing cotton wrapped bullets or way overkill any enemy.


    50mins with x4 corrosive projections is not the same as solo. 50mins solo with anything that isn't a ridiculously damaging single shot weapon will run out of ammo by then... Also your base ammo pool with secondaries is typically 210+Mag size, which is nothing. Have you used this in the void solo? I have. I'm not just pulling magic numbers from thin air. This is about how far you should expect to take it. You could go farther if you switched weapons every now and again, but if you aren't getting kills, a mutation doesn't do anything.


    Also, this would include not using any outside damage sources/buffs. Just the gun on its own makes it to 30mins.

  6. A primed ammo mutation gets me 30-50 ammo per pickup. Unless you are writing smileys on the walls with the bullets, you can never run out.

    Solo, get past 30mins in t4, and maybe I will take you seriously. That mod stops being infinate ammo after that point. I use it on the dex furis.

  7. Obviously you don't drop Primed Heated Charge since it's best-in-slot for elementals.


    I'd have to run some numbers to be certain, but I feel like the weakest link in the build shown is that dual-stat event mod.  And the way I look at it is this:   You lose a fraction of your damage per shot, but with ammo mutation you can afford to fire twice as many shots.

    Even with all damage, it starts taking entire magazines to kill eximus units. Even junk units take a decent amount of shots. At best a mutation would take you 5mins further if you used it often, but I doubt it. Crit weapons lose a lot more damage for dropping a damage mod than non-crit weapons.

    I tested the build I listed in a t4 survival, and hit the 30min mark with ammo to spare, then I hit a brick wall.

    Again, in this particular case, I don't think the mutation is as helpful as you think. The Aksomati functions almost like a sawn-off Soma, for lack of a better term.

  8. I heard you like running out of ammunition :D


    (I consider primed ammo mutation pretty much mandatory on anything with a fire rate this high)

    Burst/tap fire with its slow spindle time is not hard. I honestly don't think a mutation helps as much as just building more damage. Dropping a 90 or Primed Heated Charge loses too much damage per shot for my tastes. With 2 90% elements, primed heated charge, primed pistol gambit/target cracker/multishot/hornet strike all maxed it does about 2.2k damage a shot, on average.

  9. I noticed this the most when the Synoid Gammacor had around "66%" status per second with a dual stat. It almost NEVER proc'd anything. It seems better now, even with a lower listed status chance, but it is still awful vs typical projectile weapons.







    Ah, I see. You're assuming I'm using the Arsenal displayed percentages.

    I'm not. I'm using the "real" percentages.

    What I'm doing is as follows.
    Base Strun Wraith:

    • no mods
    • 10 pellets
    • 40/100 = 0.4 base
    • 0.4/10 = 0.04 or 4% per pellet

    70% status Strun Wraith:
    • Toxic Barrage[2] + Fridgid Blast[1]
    • 10 pellets
    • 0.4*1.75 = 0.07 or 7% per pellet
    • 0.07*10 = 0.7 or 70% per shot

    100% status Strun Wraith:
    • Toxic Barrage[3] + Fridgid Blast[3] + Scattering Inferno[2]
    • 10 pellets
    • 0.04*2.65 = 0.106 or 10.6% per pellet
    • 0.106*10 = 1.06 or 106% per shot

    I rounded the 6 off for the sake of providing even numbers to stay in line with the first two. I'm not using any multishot on any of the builds used in the tests. Maybe I should have been more clear about this in the OP.



    I'm pretty sure 100% status on shotguns is actually rounded UP to 100%, and never truly hits that value. Instead, it gets incredibly close, making the chances of failure a percent of a percent.

  10. While we're at it, let's talk about Boar Prime's status chance going from 40% to 30%, something that didn't happen to Strun Wraith.

    I found that to be a strange change. The RoF change makes the gun feel clunky though, which concerns me a bit more. Either way, both weapons feel bad to use atm.

  11. Well you post makes little sense first you complain about me pointing out issues, then you suggest I should try out shotguns(laughable I have a few hundred hours playtime with the boar prime alone and know shotguns very good, because I use them every day, every mission all the time) and then you say shotguns are still bad. What gives? Absolutly nothing, you make zero sense.


    I hope you realize that you don't use a status shotgun for on paper dps numbers(seriously you can outdo them with a mk1 braton), nobody cares about on paper dps numbers, I in praticular do not care. It is not about changing a bit reload, damage and magazine size, it is about massive nerfs to the only thing that made boar prime and strun wraith good for people that actually use shotguns at high levels. It is not about on paper dps, you don't use a status shotgun for on paper dps and it should never be balanced around just that. I do not care about a bit more range and a bit more "on paper dps", since a status shotgun stands and falls with how good and quick it can do stackable status procs(and only that because it is useless outside of it anyway), not range or dps.


    Even if they did "nerf" boar prime/sturn wraith back to before patch status, both would be still better then now with her "improved dps and falloff". I also don't really care about Hek, Tigris or Sobek, dps shotguns are terrible and will stay terrible, even if they are now a little less bad, because they are dps shotguns that can't outdo the kohm and can't utilize status like status shotguns. You could even say all dps shotguns are terrible because of the mara detron, that does the same thing just better, without long reload, small magazine, ammo issues or damage falloff, with unique status mechanics, that makes it the ultimate dps shotgun with Ember, on top of it. This will hold true till DE considers to actually give non status shotguns working status mechanics, since this would have a much bigger impact and would be a better change then allowing people with the Hek one hit low level stuff at 100m(again I don't care and I don't think that it makes the shotgun better or even worth useing at all).

    I agree that our status shotguns should retain their identity, as that is what made them useful, but saying DPS shotguns are bad no matter what just isn't true. I think the Hek in particular is in a great place. The damage feels meaningful for a more single shot oriented weapon, and it goes to 50mins in a solo t4 survival just fine, which is more than I can say for a lot of weapons.

    Anyways, the new versions of the boar/strun just FEEL bad, numbers aside.

  12. The full reload time, and the buggy forced reloads are pretty crippling to the weapon. It also seems like the "pump" animation ignores RoF, which massively tanks the weapons' true RoF, especially when coupled with any of the mods. It is just clunky, and does poor damage to boot. I don't understand this change.

  13. Uhhh, how about no? Shotguns finally have a decent place alongside weapons like Bolotor P and Latron P. I never expected THESE kind of threads. 


    Have you used the Strun Wraith lately? It is FAR worse than it was. The Boar is still usable, but it feels clunky. I vastly prefer the higher base RoF, and faster reloads.

  14. it's an aresnal bug. the reload speed is actually faster than it used to be


    ther IS a bug with the gun though (I hope). It reloads after every single shot you take.


    EDIT: alright just restarted my game and tested it. The reloading after every shot was indeed a glitch. HOWEVER, the gun reloads each shell individually now.


    Yeah it would appear they retrofitted the Strun Wraith (and maybe the other weapons in the strun family) into a pump action. Why not just release a pump action instead? The weapon feels really janky right now.

  15. I decided to give all my shotguns a look after downloading the patch, and the new reload speed for it is 4.1 seconds? That doesn't make sense. Its damage looks fairly similar, its magazine is still 8, but it received a small crit buff.


    I will test to make sure this isn't an arsenal bug.


    Ok, so after testing some more it would seem they wanted this weapon to be made into a pump action of sorts, where each shell is manually loaded. The problem with this is RoF seems really messed up, and it forces reloads on you more often than not. With Accelerated Blast my RoF is still about a shell every 2 seconds. 

  16. As a Saryn main, I'm not so sure she needs a rework persay. Her 3 is awful, and should be replaced, but her 1/2/4 are all great. Her 1 could use better hit detection from basically anything that isn't a shotgun... which pops ALL the spores more often than not. Her 2 just needs to pull aggro more reliably. With regen molt it has become a self-heal and cleanse, which has made it a great ability for solo players to sustain with.

    Basically, she needs two abilities to recieve useability buffs, and a new 3.

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