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Posts posted by JuanDeages

  1. Split Chamber is mandatory on every weapon that can equip it.


    This. On the Soma you MUST take Split Chamber, Serration, Vital Sense, Point Strike, and at least a rank 6 heavy caliber. This leaves you with 3 slots open for combos. If you drop any of these mods your damage tanks. Mutations are a trap, hammer shot is a trap (these are niche case mods). Don't use them on the soma.

  2. What are you making this build for? Are you playing in a four man, or solo? Tanking up is best in solo, but in group play you can afford to build more damage/utility. Either way, energy siphon is useless on Saryn. Either use rejuvenation, or corrosive projection.


    This is my solo build I've been testing: http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Saryn/t_30_300440044_2-7-10-4-2-5-19-3-10-37-8-5-55-1-5-57-4-5-59-5-3-471-6-3-481-0-10_481-7-55-11-4-9-19-7-57-8-59-9-471-9-2-6-37-14_0/en/1-0-17/


    You can face tank level 80s no problem with this. Your ability damage isn't modded for, but you will run out of ammo before they have the ability to one shot you. This is mostly for soloing in the void. Haven't tested against infested much, but I imagine all the parasites would make quick thinking nearly useless.

  3. http://warframe-builder.com/Primary_Weapons/Builder/Soma_prime/t_30_23002222_131-3-5-132-0-5-133-2-5-137-7-10-140-4-5-141-1-5-150-6-6-159-5-5_132-8-141-6-133-11-131-11-140-5-159-5-150-6-137-7/en/2-0-65


    Just use this. You can take up Heavy Caliber a couple of ranks if you don't mind the loss in accuracy. Full Heavy Caliber and a dual stat will give similar damage. Modding the Soma isn't supposed to be rocket science, but looking at some of these builds makes me think it is.


    Change your combos accordingly.

  4. If you care about DPS enough you could still slot all those fire rate mods. You'll still have the same DPS as the old one, but you'll run into ammo problems. So I guess the weapon actually has a trade off in that you trade ammo economy for raw DPS. In that case you can slot ammo mutation for less DPS and better ammo economy.


    I don't think it's that bad that the weapon has an inherent flaw now that has to be considered and built/played around. You can still use the weapon without any ammo economy boosts as long as you're willing to use your primary here and there and scavenge ammo a lot.


    I do think they hit it a little bit harder than they should have. But it's still perfectly usable.


    I feel like this argument is made time and time again by people that have not used it in long endless runs. I've taken the current Synoid Gammacor to t3/t4 survivals, and it takes entire magazines to down 70+ enemies. Another crippling issue is the actual status chance of the weapon. The status in the arsenal is incredibly misleading.


    Assuming a Dex Furis with 20% status (1 dual stat) and a Synoid Gammacor of 80% (2 dual stats), the Dex Furis far outpaces its procs, which reclaims lost damage in longer runs. The Gammacor just doesn't seem to proc, ever. If the procs were fixed, maybe, I would be inclined to change my stance, but as it stands, this weapon only seems suitable for killing nullifiers.

  5. This is what I came up with for you to try solo. Tested. Parameters being that you don't want to be using life strike. I hate that too, if I go melee, I go melee whole game and build accordingly.








      With this, at 30 minutes, I let nulifier hit me and 1 shot dropped me to about 400hp, at 35min, it dropped me to 2 hp and full energy and at 40 minutes, that 1 shot just killed me from full hp.


     Game play is to keep on the move, spam Miasma as stun and Regenerative Molt for heals. Even without any power strength it is good enough. Use cover, use stun to focus and eliminate the biggest threat first and try not to get hit by Nulies. They won't 1 shot you before 40 but QT might stagger you and then rest of mobs have an easy job.


       Regenerative molt is your key to keep your Vastos and Boltor in your loadout. Vaykor Marelok and Burston P, while nice as aoe dmg/kill boost from time to time, activate to seldom to keep a frame such as Saryn topped up, frame that will inevitably take damage often due to lack of prolonged CC.


    To sum it up, this is what I ended up play testing: http://goo.gl/ueHoOH


    A very small modification to what you were using, I'm quite used to having steel fiber on Saryn, and I found out it affects quick thinking as if your energy were health, which is great. I actually got to a point where I was running out of ammo instead of getting one shotted... which is a nice change of pace.

  6. I always say the same thing, but here goes again: If boosters were ingame time instead of the abomination they are now, people would  buy a LOT more, i would never play without one! i would be addicted to the thing, i would kill baby seals to sell their skins to buy more so i can play with them FOREVER.


    So yea... i agree.


    I don't think it's gonna happen though.


    Another reason would be... DE is kinda encouraging binge playing with this lame boosters than run out of time even when you are sleeping like a human being (filthy casul human beings) so... boosters that work only during logged in time would be both fun AND healthy.

    i would pay double the current price for that.

    To be fair, DE is looking to make money, bottom line. If this would increase sales, im sure they wouldnt be terribly against it.

  7. Had some time to test out regenerative molt today... my god that mod is a monster. Full health, all the time. It may not exactly solve my issue of getting one shotted, but it does open up a build possibility I didn't see before. The energy "income" with no shields is so much higher than I'm used to.


    Thanks for all the suggestions. I think this solves my problem.

  8. 225px-WindsofPurity.png

    Totally OP for health regen. Also happens to be an excellent weapon for popping spores. Anything health-cycling's best friend.


    Also I'd suggest looking into Venom builds for longer gameplay; works surprisingly well, especially with the augment to boost teammate damage significantly. It actually works best without 4x CP, as once you have that people start to bring Virally equipped weapons along, but it's still a much more reliable proc than most weapon choices.

    Does that mod work on the dex furis or no?

  9. Well to be honest with you in my opinions your builds are wrong in every possible way. Steel fiber will give you absolutely nothing after 40min on your t4 surv! Its a waste of mod slots and thats it. Personaly i run for survivability with vitality, primed flow, rage and QT.other than that is fleeting, streamline, TF and BR R7.

    And i totaly agree with Darzk "Winds of purity" works perfect i every possible way.

    After 40 min most of the frames in game will be one shot chickens, the thing is you have to be in movement allvthe time, Saryn is not frame for staying and shoting. Use coptering to change positions, use covers.avoid cross fire

    My original build was made long before the advent of primed flow. Also, assuming max energy, qt offers about 1000hp, which redirection and steel fiber come close to offering in tandem (assuming vit in both builds). I think i would need all 4 to maximize my raw effective health the most. Because of her high base hp, armor actually boosts her hp more than you might think. If qt/primed flow is enough to break 40-45mins on its own, i would be a bit suprised. I normally hit a wall at 40 with saryn, but i can sometimes cheese it to 45 if i had a good early start.

  10. I've been using the burston prime a lot too lately, tried it with the max heavy cal and it was ****,

    I prefer to land my headshots personally, which the burston is awesome at.

    my build if anyones interested, (may not be the best, but its mine) open to feedback.


    Honestly, without heavy caliber, its damage is not very impressive. I would prefer the most raw damage possible. Even with 1 dual stat, its proc chance is pretty good.

  11. I agree with this^

    Having done a few runs today solo, molt only was useful when I was hit with a slash proc.

    I have not played Saryn for a good while before today, but done a 20 min run on Palus in regards to testing for another thread, had it not been for the life strike I'm afraid things would've got messy, real quick.


    In regards to the OP, the burston Prime with the gilded truth syndicate mod is IMO awesome for solo duo survival play nice HP buff too from truth, when procced. Life strike, I feel naked without it, a must have IMO (unless running low level stuff)


    For the Saryn Fans.



    I'm not sure exactly how viable the burston prime is in terms of longer runs, but I have been considering getting one just to see for myself. The burst and sustained dps numbers are not very good, but its damage per shot looks strong, as does its status chance, so perhaps this is one of those cases where it looks bad on paper but works in practice. I'm on the fence about that one, but I can see what I need to make one. It doesn't take that much forma either way.


    Also cool Saryn lol. Most recolor's I've seen are pretty awful, but that's pretty dope. Mine is default. I only recolor stuff I think looks bad... like Frost Prime...

  12. I meant that as more of an of icing on the cake which is the health regen itself. But that said decoy aggro is definitely wonky can could afford to be improved.


    The problem is not being able to maintain health if I take a few heavy hits. Nullifiers can outright gib me if they get so much as one good shot off. Molts don't seem to distract them too much, and they get an open second or two while im trying to pop their bubble where I'm not behind cover casting miasma, or ninja flipping around. If need be, I normally just drop a restore when I take near lethal damage, so I'm normally full hp, or very close, all the time.

  13. I understand she isn't the greatest, she is just an old stand-by I refuse to just toss by the wayside. She has a stun, and she has viral procs, but her stun's base range is awful, and the venom spores don't always pop when shot, making her one ability that does scale clunky. Also if molt more reliably pulled aggro and had at least 1 second of invulnerability maybe it would do something lategame.


    I just try to make it work best I can really.

  14. I've been racking my brain trying to come up with a solution to nullifiers 100-0ing me at 35mins (solo), and 30mins (duo).


    It has been bugging me for a long time, but I haven't had much time to play the game lately. I mostly come in for events on my days off.


    Anyways, this is the build I've been using for the longest time: 




    It really irks me that a nullifier can 1 shot me with 3 tank mods installed, but they can. The best I have come up with is this:




    The only problem I see here, is in making Saryn better suited at surviving one shots, I had to drop shields, which means I now need some form of health sustain. The molt augment is off the table, because there is no room. I normally haven't been one to use life strike, so for my goal, if I did opt to go that route, which weapon is best suited for the job? I typically just run around with my Dual Ichors, but I don't melee much so I just loaded them up with damage for when I got rushed while reloading.


    My other option would be to use a syndicate weapon with a heal. Since my very early days in warframe I have just used my Boltor Prime/Akvasto. I would normally start the early mid game stages with my vastos, then use the boltor as needed. The vastos are my favorite weapon in the game, so having to drop them for the sake of not getting gibbed is something I would like to avoid, if possible, but I do have a 4 forma Vaykor Marelok if push comes to shove.

  15. They could simply design different sigils for weapon classes instead. (e.g.: Rifle; Shotgun; etc.) And for example, each sigil could go from Bronze to Gold, depending on how many kills with a certain weapon class you have got.


    Yes please. I want to cash in on all my akvasto kills.

  16. Most players (not necessarily including myself) don't actually care too much about the lore. That is, they care what weapon they get more than any potentially interesting moral choices. I can absolutely guarantee that if the weapon reward wasn't shown up front, there would be ten times as many threads asking to be told the weapons.

    This. The lore is there to prevent a sameness, but it is just a distraction in a game where you just run around and shoot things in the face for new weapons to shoot people in the face with. Personally, the karak was the first weapon i ever put a forma into, but I've trashed it because its dps is just too low. This may well be false hope, but i hope the wraith makes my old standby good. I dont care for the dera at all.

  17. Seeker is the only mod in that list worth anything. Shred is far more useful than metal auger, so it likely wont sell. The only max mods people care about are 10 rankers. Lurking around the forums and trade chat will help you price more expensive/rare items, but warframetrading is mostly fine for cheaper items.

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