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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. Glad people are digging the idea. Anyone have any ideas on making this better?

    I'd say drop the item's icon, and just keep it text. Keeps the UI more lightweight. And have a line just above the items for credits to roll up (count up) as having 100 "+1 credit"s dropping down would be more annoying than the system in place now.

  2. No. You only get that "max capacity" message when you are fusing a mod that you have equipped. The reason it gives you that message is because you have no more points in you mod points pool for what ever frame/weapon you have that mod in.


    The RNG is terrible. it's not skill based, it's not reliable. You just have to hope your not sleeping, working, or otherwise doing something not on the computer when the artifact you want FINALLY pops up. Here are some numbers, for the kick in the teeth. Currently counted, 726 ALERTS have come out on twitter. Only 4 are for Energy Siphon. You have a 1 in 181 (and a half) chance that an alert will give you one of the better, if not best, artifact around.


    This portrays the idea you might not know what an RNG is.

  4. Actually just go on warframe wikia it seems to change per user but this is how it went for me:


    Raid Missions: Chassis

    Spy MIssions: Systems

    Defense Missions: Helmet


    I just farmed it not too long ago, it is quite similar to farming parts from a boss. It is also not restricted to planet, and I have seen that you have a higher chance of getting it when you do a mission you have not unlocked. So for example if you went to a Spy mission that is yellow you seem to be luckier than one that is blue.



    sarcasm is hard to understand isn't it?

  5. And yet its useless against bosses or in high rank defense. It has high damage and yes it is silent. Usefull in any other mission besides these two.


    It's wonderful against bosses since it has a 100% stagger. But for defenses yeah you're better off with latron, or snipetron for long range.


    That's beside the point. I find it very worth super charging.

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