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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. I don't like it when people rush, but sometimes I am forced to do it myself. For instance when I am leveling up a low ranked set up, and I have a secondary mission like 20 pistol kills. If I'm in an online game, and 3 full rank 30's come in tearing everything up with high DPS and AOE's I'm not going to get enough kills. Only chance I would have is to rush ahead to an area where they are not.


    So that is why people like me who dislike rushers would be forced to rush. In no way is this a complaint, and telling high ranks to stay out of low rank areas. But I'd like know if other people feel the same way.

  2. I just recently did an alert, and then did it again by joining some one else's game who was doing it. I did get 2200 credits twice so what I am thinking is it possible to get the rewards twice if it's a "?" alert. More interestingly could I get more than one orokin cata/reactor with this method.


    If so would this be something to report as a bug seeing it could be exploited.

  3. That wouldn't appear to be the case since The Stalker shows AI behavior. I got him stuck on a corner once and just picked him off at range as he stood there taking it.

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