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Posts posted by Xoxile

  1. If you're being left behind and don't have the proper loadout, the wise thing to do would be to rush on ahead as well, it's what I do when running with new frames, people ain't gonna wait for me, so I just leave what I'm doing, not going to risk it. I try to get people that stay behind, but usually they're really behind >.< now that there's vast credit rewards, I could see players taking to using it knowing they'l be "refunded" quickly. As long as you're not one of the few that stay behind because they have to kill everything they see, then yeah sounds useful for your situation ,but if you are then no, why cater to poor decision making?


    Yes yes. There always is the option to just rush with the rushers. So let's rename the game to "Outrun All the Infested On-line".

  2. But you have your ultimate abilities  which most people save for those kind of situations and most times gets them the breathing room they need to either escape or recharge and get back at it. Plus, I don't see many people stay back and clear every room on the way to extraction unless it's absolutely necessary. I'd blame the person that stays behind and the rushers that get ahead. I tend to either keep up with someone who's going at a good/moderate speed or go at my own pace, letting the rushers do their thing and the thorough/slower to do theirs. I wouldn't really see the investment in this, people would just spam it and start the countdown no doubt.

    I gave one example of when it could be useful. I don't mean to focus on that particular subject. I'm just addressing being left behind by rushers in general.

  3. Tell me what you people think of this.

    If there was consumable that would teleport you to a desired player in your team. So in those cases where you are trying to clear a room wondering why it's taking so long only to find out that you have no one backing you up, and they are already at the extraction you can just click on this consumable, then a player name then maybe an interuptable cast time to prevent just porting out of a near dead situation.

    It would cost about 15000 credits for one in the store that way people who would have the idea to just free load on a team and then teleport to extraction would be losing money buying one for every mission.

  4. Yep. That would be nice. I love spawning in front of a camera in the beginning of a mission then moments later a horde of shockwave moas turn the corner all lifting their legs up like a dog peeing on a tree.

  5. From what I can see the actual ammo drops are scaled to the weapons. Such as pistol, and rifle ammo dropping more times while sniper ammo drops the least amount of time. On my screen it appears that shotgun ammo drops too much, but that's only because I have never used a shotgun in this game so I was never able to pick the ammo up. Lots of little green boxes for me in endless defenses.

  6. Stick to Redirection and Vitality trust me. Steel Fiber is kind of bad considering it only effects health and it's your last line of defense.


    Steel fiber is extremely useful for Rhino, and Frost. Trust me.


    As to where to find it; it's a D polarity so any faction has an equal chance to drop it. It's also a common mod so any level of difficulty has a good chance to drop it. So I would suggest low level endless defense missions with infested.

  7. 1. What do you mean good solid range weapon? I can suggest Latron/Snipetron for a good bolt action rifle, Gorgon for a good high fire rate rifle.


    2. I haven't played a Rhino, or used a heavy weapon yet.


    3. You can buy some weapons with credits, and the rest you can buy the blueprints with credits then build them. They are all in the store.


    4. Default is T.

  8. Abusing bug few times won't trigger wipe because i am 80% sure that it will come anyway. With all these changes they are making imbalance between new and old players. 

    That's why it doesn't matter what people do. Exploiters are actually helping devs to fix the bugs, so that game doesn't fail on Official release. 



    There has been no notice of a wipe of any kind. In fact I am positive DE said they are done with wipes.


    Though you are correct in all these changes there should be a wipe to keep balance, and you are correct that people finding these bugs will help the devs fix them (hence the open beta).


    But this thread is not about that. This is a call to everyone to abuse a flaw in the system. A better way of taking care of this is to file a report.

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