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Posts posted by (PSN)MrNishi

  1. On 2019-01-23 at 7:00 AM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Knowing the way they've played this kind of thing in the past, they'll have one ability or specific function that gains shields and over-shields, either in the same vein as Harrow, or as part of her passive that lets her... gain her shield back every time she performs a specific action.

    On top of that, this is likely the return of the sentinel mods, with the Taxon's abilities, the Shield Charger mod and that one that instantly restores your shield to full if it goes down. With all of those as backup... and the fact that everyone forgets Shield Restores exist... I don't think that economy on her abilities is going to be much of an issue.

    However, what she needs is Lore.

    Aside from Revenant, who had a small Lore-based line on him, there's Khora, Garuda and Baruuk who got nothing Lore-based in their releases. Considering that the six frames before that all had some kind of quest or Lore around them, and that if you skip Nezha and Wukong (who were for the Chinese Release) every other frame has been some kind of Boss drop or quest-related frame right the way back to 2014... Having these newer frames be pure grind rewards has been... weird.

    Khora had this wonderful build-up with the collectables that pointed to her being on the Plains and part of a quest... and then nothing, she was Sanctuary Onslaught loot. Garuda and Baruuk weren't even given that much.

    So hopefully Hildryn and Wisp will have actual Lore, whether or not they're superior frames to anything we already have.

    I strongly concur

    On the flip-side we also have redacted or conflicting Lore in terms of Valkyr screams coming from Alad Zanuka Torment...yet enter Valkyr Prime retaining screams (Although Hunhow did refer as "Orokin called Alad V" & then infamously Nova being a modern council (DC) Warframe and then that being changed to accommodate Orokin Era Prime.

    Even so there was lore, that is definitely missed from Baruuk & Garuda. Which is odd considering we are missing Syndicate quests from Steel Meridian & Arbiters of Hexis. (Maybe 2 of these upcoming new frames will utilize those Syndicates)

    Potentially since even Baro has Inaros Quest, Darvo and Mario could have specific quests as well as a Tenshin (Conclave Syndicate) Quest-derived frame. (Would love to see Arcata or Lunaro themed Conclave or Arcata count as a separate weapon that replaces both melee and gun for modding Ball separately from Arcata)*

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    The first Aura you get is most likely gonna be Physique, and Excal will get two more Capacity from that than Mag / Volt.

    I popped in to this thread to share this ^ 

    Glad, I was beaten to the delivery.


    A new player not looking to wait for Aura Alerts, or quite running content that drops these Auras (Earth Shrine) :

    There are 3 Aura Mods a player can get early avoiding the above farming methods

    Physique at Europa Junction (D Polarity)

    Toxin Resistance from a Nox (Also a D-Polarity)

    Mecha Empowered from Fortuna Bounty or Corpus Trencher Target ( Dash Polarity)

    All 3 of those Auras benefit Excalibur in terms of additional Mod Capacity more than Volt or Mag.

    So Volt and Mag are handicapped from the start not including other player handouts, Aura Alerts in which a new player needs a taxi to, or Earth Shrine farming in which a player needs Silver Groves access.

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Gurpgork said:

    Using Venari to target an ally or enemy should just force Venari to teleport to that target. Also Attack Venari should be able to use the Kavat mod that melts armor.

    You mean having Sharpended Claws apply to the Attack Venari animation? (If so +1)

    Venari can strip armor with Sharpened Claws but that doesn't seem to be reliant on Venari stance as the mod itself allows for attacking to strip armor.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cerebrum123 said:

    If enemies didn't start swinging around like they were on an amusement park ride the ability would be fine IMO. Just change it so they are pulled to their spot, and stay there. 

    Or let Ensnare Pull override Strangledome enemy entrapment.

    Or let Strangledome slide/slither enemies into the center of the "Web like Dome"

    Strangledome is not melee friendly on what I apparently mistook as being a melee-bias frame.


    • Like 2
  5. 23 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Yes, but augments are optional, they aren't mandatory, and even when we do have 4 usable augments, we might not want to use them all together because two of them might be something like Molecular Fission and Escape Velocity, which promote playing Tank Nova so that she gets sustained defense and consistent speed boosting, while the other two might be like Anti-Matter Absorb and the prospective one I mentioned for Null Star that boosts the damage with your orbs, which promotes a completely different tactic of consistent AMD usage.

    This is exactly what I meant about this kind of change being at the expense of regular play. The six mod system would not produce builds that work effectively across the board for every frame and Augments would become a mandatory part of the experience, otherwise the build wouldn't be complete.

    And that's not the point of Augments at all. Frames need to function entirely without them first.

    But... Abilities when they were mods were "Optional" just as Augments are now. With my suggestion abilities would go back to being slotted mods with the 6 Mod system; just Augments and Vanilla abilities would count as towards the same slot. (Meaning you could have Paralysis (vanilla)or Prolonged Paralysis (Augment), but not both slotted at same time.

    I use Escape Velocity and Anti-matter Absorb on my Nova Builds. Hoping to fit in Molecular Fission when it arrives.

    Granted if I had to slot Null Star or Neutron Star because abilities would no longer be innate...then Molecular Fission would no longer be in my build.

    23 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    It's not that they don't want more augments for the abilities, but not every warframe even has 1 for every ability yet ^^

    The policy is to ensure that all of them have functional augments for their abilities first, then we can put in more augments per ability.

    I already acknowledged that not every ability had an Augment yet.

    It doesn't seem as though the policy is to have "functional Augments" as looking at discussion of Dive Bomb Vortex being changed for Target Fixation seems like the opposite direction. Same as how Nidus players may have felt with Larva Burst, or Wukong's Enveloping Cloud (Just received this Augment on PS4 and Switch will be receiving in soon).

    23 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Benevolent Blessing: Duration of buff is extended for every enemy killed while stunned with Well of Life ^^

    That seems like a "more work" version of Perpetual Vortex. So while not technically powercreep, it wouldn't be a functional Augment; which you listed as the main Policy for Augments.

    It may be useful for Solo gameplay where the healing from Blessing is not needed and you only want to extend damage resistance duration.

    It would have also been useful back when you Blessing could not be recast until duration ended. (Back when a long duration build would utilize Well of Life for topping off Health, rather than just another health low hit map-wide Blessing during early trial days.)

    Otherwise a player would just continue to Recast vanilla Blessing to have a reliable team heal over a 50m (+ if Vazarin) area which is larger than Well of Life's modded Area of effect.

    It would be one of those Augments that majority of the community may not use. 

    I think I would have an easier time defending Abating Link in my build than explaining why I used a Blessing Augment that requires me to use a completely overshadowed ability "Well of Life"

    It would be more energy efficient, but Trinity with Energy Vampire doesn't really have efficiency concerns. 

    Would be harder to justify Benevolent Blessing in the 4 Ability/Augment and 6 mod slot scenario as it would require slotting either Well of Life or Pool of Life. But that is making a stronger case for not moving away from the current innate abilities and 8 mod slots.

    (*Unless Augments that rely on another ability also included that ability, so that Slotting an Augment could in fact give you 2 abilities for 1 mod slot.

    Example: Molecular Fission & Benevolent Blessing in one of the 4 Augment/Ability Slots granting innate Null Star and Well of Life, respectively, without having to slot those Null Star Ability Mod or Well of Life ability mod, nor third augmented mod. Basically freeing up a mod slot*

    Back to reality: I can no longer see DE revamping how Augments/Abilities are implemented in terms of reverting back to Mods needing to be slotted, giving us an Augment slot, nor slotting Augments on the abilities tab.


    It is weird to me, that you are still allowed to Slot Augments that affect an ability that is not yet unlocked, except for Hydroid Pilfering Swarm as that Augment works with his passive.

  6. 19 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    One issue with this, though? None of the players will want to go back to the six-slot method. That, to all of them, will feel like a massive nerf to the system.

    Except in the case where a Warframe has 4 usable Augments...having 6 slots to mod would be better than the current 4 mod system. (I used Nekros as my Example because Soul Survivor is useful when paired with Vazarin Protective Dash; Vazarin Protective Dash is also a band-aid to Heal Shadows of the Dead and objectives when all energy is consumed from Soul Survivor resurrect.)

    If all Warframes could have 4 useful Augments: that would put them in the spot where 6 slots to mod is better than 4. But as you mentioned : Augments need work to for then to all be useful.

    19 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    For now, the first step is getting DE to actually work Augments through the right way. Make the Abilities and the Augments work together as a whole on each frame in turn. After that, on to the bigger step of fixing up the modding system to account for that.


    I agree Augments need to be revisited, a lot of them are not practical & then we have had some Augments removed that were more useful than their replacements.

    Tail Wind could have still had 2 Augments Target Fixation (which is in need of QoL mechanic change) and Dive Bomb Vortex. It was basically Prolonged Paralysis without the slow pull. 

    I don't understand DE wanting to only have 1 Augment per ability, since it would be more customization if abilities have different Augment choices.

    Some WarFrame and Archwing abilities also seem to be void of Augments , since the base abilities are just that good.

    Trinity Blessing : not sure how you Augment Blessing without it being powercreep.

    Same goes for any of Amesha's abilities. How do you Augment any those abilities without it being powercreep. I mean: where Warding Halo needs an Augment to cast on allies; Vengeful Swarm can be cast on Allies and objectives (AW MD) as base mechanics.

    Literally if Amesha's ability set was a Warframe...I would have 1 playstyle for Archwing and Warframe. 

    If we are even given the chance to make a Suit from Archwing Abilities that would be my go to.* 

  7. @Birdframe_Prime

    I guess I looked at Accumulating Whipclaw as being a replacement for Power-strength mods and this allowing the flexibility to have more range mods equipped. Although in Gun Only- missions Accumlating WhipClaw is still wet noodle damage wise not having those melee mods to scale from.

    I do agree it is a direct damage increasing Mod

    In regards to Target Fixation: I had rembered casting Tailwind -> Wall Run ->cast hover from Wall Run and the damage boost remaining. But it seems you are correct in that recasting cancels the damage stack. I guess that just makes it a bad Augment as it is unpractical to use. Although I would still have to say it is powercreep over non-augmented Tailwind; just really difficult to justify wasting a mod slot on.


    Ice Wave Impedance would be an example of an Augment that changes what mods scale the newly augmented ability.

    Prolonged Paralysis doesn't change the affected mods for scaling the ability, but the scaling has bonus affect. Originally Prolonged Paralysis could have been looked at as a direct buff to normal Paralysis; since enemies were still standing but pulled together (Ensnare) for easy headshots or Stealth Multiplier quick-melee polearm head strikes. 

    ~ But DE made it so Augment knocks enemies down leaving them in a dog pile rather than easy punch-through headshots or finishers.

    Due to that mechanic change it makes the ability feel entirely different even though the modding had no change. Power-strength still increases Shield conversion Damage, but now also increases Stun length or enemy recovery duration. Due to the pulling of the Augments it incourages modding for Range which is counter to normal Valkyr modding aside from Ripline. Ground-pound from Hysteria works well with Dog piled enemies and Hysteria Charge attack is a better/more mobile enemy finisher prompt than casting non-Augment Paralysis. 

    (So both Valkyr' Prolonged Paralysis and Khora's Accumlating WhipClaw encourage a Range oriented build because grouping more enemies together makes it more effective to damage said enemies. While both abilities are mainly Power-strength focused for modding, both are direct-buff Augments.)


    I do greatly appreciate you taking the time to reply and share insight.

    I guess I'm still tunneled-vision on seeing Augments as the new ability mod slots, except we have less mod slots than before. Which is exactly how I felt with slotting all 4 Nekros Augments ... if Augments and Ability Mods were an either/or mod back when we had 10 mod slots my 4 Augment Nekros would have been better than 4 Ability Mod Nekros. (So either Soul Punch or Soul Survivor could be slotted but not both)

    When looking at Augments being the equivalent of the now-defunct Ability mods & future expectation that each ability would have a variety of Augments : I don't see how we really moved away from the abilities being mods. (Other than we still have access to the vanilla abilities that we can neglect through Min-maxing an Augment)*

    I do concur that it would be Powercreep to just put Augments on the ability tab.

    The most balanced soultion would most likely be bringing back ability Mods and having those and Augments count as the same mod type.(Meaning only 1 could be slotted) That would result in a Nerf to players because we would lose mod slots in order to slot abilities/Augments, returning back to just an Aura, 4 ability/Augment slots, and then 6 normal mod slots possibly with no Exilus adapter (due to Capacity restraints). (For Warframes where all 4 Augments get slotted this would be a buff to return to old 10 slot-style but for players that prefer to run Augment free & use vanilla abilities it would be a Nerf. (I am assuming majority of the community would fall into the latter category.)

  8. 16 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    But that's not precisely true. Augments that buff the warframe overall to produce a difference in game play would not be considered power creep as long as those augments are still costing a full mod slot.

    We are still having to give up the best build for specific abilities, or a specific play style, in order to get a new one. That's why I believe frames that have augments like Jet Stream and Molecular Fission are the ones that offer the most diversity.

    I see your examples for Jet Stream and Molecular Fission as still being the same as powercreep and also as Min-maxing.

    Modding for Jet Stream can still make sense for Funnel Clouds but counters Target Fixation Augment. Which promotes always building for Funnel Cloud as basically now a staple mod for Zephyr. If an Augment Mod that affects the other abilities to the point of making other Augments for that same frame obsolete, then I feel that is the opposite of build diversity.

    To me Jet Stream is to Zephyr as Accumulating Whipclaw is to Khora. Both boost an ability that that allows lingering effects to boost or synergize with other abilities. 

    ✓Ensnare synergy with WhipClaw gets boosted with Accumulating Whipclaw, like wise for using Strangle Dome  followed by Ensnare this allowing Accumulating Whipclaw to count for full Ensnare combo damage.

    The only ability combo that doesn't directly benefit is Venari. Unless counting dead enemies as increased Survivability for Venari OR that if Venari died in place of Khora... Accumulating Whipclaw makes it easier to kill enemies to speed up Venari respawn.

    Compared to Jet Stream which negates any reason or benefit for slotting Target Fixation since they promote opposing playstyles. Target Fixation is more suited for stationary playing utilizing (Float Hover) where as Jet Stream can be more flexible for normal mobile game play. That could mean Target Fixation is just a bad Augment, or that Jet Stream is just literally that much better when currently a player can look at these Augments as competing for the same mod slot. 

    Molecular Fission basically does the exact same thing of making Neutron Star not worthy of competing for a Mod slot. Giving a better alternative to maintain Null Stars. On PS4 it is common to build Nova with a heavy duration focus; even when building for speed Nova build for faster spawns. Molecular Fission is straight powercreep beating out Neutron Star's utility & thus not being an equivalent for competing for a Mod slot. Speed Nova with Overextended and/or Power Donation still works for high duration build and greatly speeds up endless defense waves and also allowing for faster Survival Spawns. 

    That is still promoting Min-maxing to the point of making an Augment a staple mod for Warframe builds.


    I believe there would be more build diversity if there are multiple Augments for each ability & those Augments being on the abilities tab. Allowing for new Augment stats that may require Strength, duration, range or a Survivability stat that now affects the newly augmented abilities.

    I still see it as powercreep with a Single Augment that allows a Warframe to better utilize their whole kit & it is powercreep if each player can slot Augments on abilities tab with 8 mod slots available for normal mods to scale said abilities. An Augment that offers an improvement over the base ability is powercreep - plain and simple. (Especially when most Augments do not have a downside in comparison to vanilla ability.)

  9. On 2019-01-04 at 3:25 PM, peterc3 said:

    That's an entirely different weapon, then. The point was a weapon that acted like the Arcata in Lunaro.

    I'm hoping at this point we can just get a Lunaro  Arcata themed WarFrame (can even be Tenshin/Conclave BP's) or that the Lunaro ball return is just an alt-fire.

    I was really hoping for Arcta in PVE to be a thing. Basically already have the Melee stance as it could just reused the attack combos from Lunaro PvP.

  10. On 2019-01-14 at 12:24 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:


    What is DE's incentive for giving us dedicated Augment slots when the actual solution even with this new slot would still include 'we have to rework the augments'? Why not skip the extra step and just rework the Augments?

    Rework the Augments, rework the Abilities they apply to.

    Make Augments stop being only direct buffs to the Abilities themselves, or band-aids to them, and start being buffs to the Warframe as a whole instead.

    That is all fair.

    My response to that is DE removed the abilities as Mods to give us access to all 4 abilities which was powercreep in the sense of Warframe ability access but was a Nerf for those of us that had Zero or Single ability builds.

    Edit: You even covered this issue 

    Currently some of the Augments are basically pandering to the same issue DE was looking to curb by making all abilities available all the time: They did not seem pleased with players having a single ability build.

    I fall into the problem-category with Valkyr where I had a no ability build where I was just utilizing high non-ability Survivability. 

    With another (different crafted and Forma'd) Valkyr built around nothing but pre-augment Valkyr.

    When they removed Abilities being slotted as a Mod: My no ability Valkyr lost 2 mod slots, basically ruinging my build; but hey I got r abilities which I had abandoned.

    My non-Augment Paralysis build only lost 1 mod slot with me now using Prolonged Paralysis Augment and having Exilus slot to pseudo make up for 1 of those lost slots.


    So if the idea of DE not wanting players to min-max for a single Ability hasn't been fixed with players (me) still min-maxing over a simple Augment.

    Now I strongly agree that Augments and base abilities should just be fixed without band-aid Augments, but that would still just be powercreep without diversity.

    The multiple Augments for a single Ability caters In-line with Frame customisability and thus play style diversity.


    Personally - I vote for powercreep with Diversity over just plain powercreep. (Correlating Augments being a buff to the Whole Warframe and not just the ability as still being powercreep.)

  11. 21 hours ago, (PS4)caoshen0625 said:

    By the way if you have a dedicated augment slot, then what if someone doesn't like any of the augments, can the player use other mods for that slot? cus I'm sure ppl will ask for that if augment slots actually came true.

    If Augments were to be slotted on the abilities tab themselves...

    then a player that does not care for Augments would have just the base abilities as they are.


    I agree Accumlating WhipClaw is a Prime Example of an Augment that is just powercreep. Same for Vampire Leech on Trinity.

    While Whipclaw without a Melee weapon does become a wet noodle, Vampire Leech loses usefulness in the rare no Shield Mode. (Oddly, still providing unseen Over Shields, same with Harrow Codemn and Penance being usuable in No Shield Nightmare mission or the rare tome I have seen Valkyr Paralysis apply damage in No Shield Nightmare when Taxon has provided Shields.)

    I don't know what DE has in store for the future.

    If multiple Augments for the same ability are a possibility, than it would make sense to have the Augment slotted on the ability tab: changing the description and affected stat values dependent on which Augment was slotted.


    *However, if there are no plans to have multiple Augments for a single Ability, then having Augments on the abilities tab, might appear as overkill. Except Hydroid and Nekros (see bottom of spoiler; below)

    *Wall of text in spoiler* (Example of 3 Augments per each ability)



    In my opinion, each Syndicate could have an Augment for every Warframe ability, just different Augments for factions.

    Example : Valkyr's Augments currently are available from Perrin Sequence and New Loka. Swing Line, Eternal War, Prolonged Paralysis, nd Hysterical Assualt.

    Steel Meridian & Red Veil could have 4 Valkyr Augments :

    1) AoE Rip-line pull similar to Ensnare or Larva but no duration  to keep enemies in place just quick enough to group together and apply Ripline damage.

    2) WarCry Augment that instead changes from enemy slow and Ally melee attack speed & armor Buff to being a redirection Aura where all incoming attacks are directed to Valkyr and allies in range are healed for a percentage of the damage received. (Like Amesha's Benevolent decoy but as WarCry Aura)

    3) Paralysis Augment that stuns enemies setting them up for Finisher, but Shields are no longer used for damage but instead 1/3 of Shield value is converted to supplying energy to allies in Range. (Paralysis has a pretty short Range and players don't tend to normally build Valkyr for Shields, but might encourage some build diversity)

    4) Hysteria Augment that removes invulnerability instead granting 75% damage reduction, draining health instead of energy, and converting delayed damage to added Hysteria damage. (So this Augment for Hysteria would be for attacking and not cheesing Invincibility)


    Arbiters of Hexus and Cephalon Suda would have 4 different Valkyr Augments ... 

    1) Rip-line Augment that allows Rip-line to utilize Melee mod on equipped melee weapon, add to and benefit from melee counter, and benefit from Stealth melee multiplier

    2) WarCry Augment that increases allies health pool instead of armor, increases multi-shot, and instead of an enemy slow it grants a Puncture proc or 30% energy damage reduction.

    3) Paralysis Augment that panics enemis from Valkyr relasing health instead of Shields. Losing 1/3 health per cast is lost and ability is now duration based. Health amount lost is calculated for range modifier...the larger the health amount the further the range.

    4) Healing Hysteria : valkyr retains invulnerability, damage multiplier is removed, Valkyr now heals allies and objectives for with innate life-steal affected by Range. Delayed damage ramp-up can be lowered by amount of Ally health healed.


    Having the Augments on the Ability tab: Would allow for a player to have a total of 4 different ability choices per ability.

    The base vanilla ability unaugmented or one of the 3 Augments.


    Letting a player use the Augments to be more supportive or offensive, as desired. While having the available mod slots to bolster and tailor build effectiveness without the Augments taking up mid slots.




    Nekros is good example of a WarFrane where all 4 Augments can be useful but doing so requires a different approach for Energy efficiency.

    Soul Survivor - doesn't care what your efficiency is: a single cast to resurrect a teammate is all of your current energy. So it would be unwise to use Soul Survivor with Flow, Primed Flow, Streamline, or Fleeting Expertise....all of your energy is consumed in 1 cast.

    Despoil works with Soul Survivor and Equilibrium to let health give energy to replenish since all energy is consumed upon Soul Survivor cast on Ally.

    Creeping Terrify allows for the enemies that are debuffed by Terrify's armor removal to be easier targets rather than fleeing around.

    Shield of Shadows allows for some tankiness via Link, and also makes it easier to distinguish which enemis are Shadows to avoid targeting.

    Because that is 4 Mod slots already gone, with a 5th Equilibrium being needed to combat Soul Survivor energy loss with Despoil...that currently leaves 3 Slots an Aura and an Exilus.

    Power strength helps 3 of those Augmented abilities

    Although with 5 slots taken up by the Augments and Equilibrium it really limits any build diversity if using all 4 Augments. While 3 of the Augments could greatly benefit from either range or power-strength that doesn't leave much room for any Survivability mods or Natural Talent (for those long macarana dance-casts). 

    ✓ Nekros having those 4 Augments slotted on the abilities tab would greatly benefit from having 4 Mod slots to help make those Augments scale better.

    (Hydroid is another where all 4 Augments on the abilities tab would make him a better, as he needs the mod space to cover some of his mod scaling for abilities to work well.)



  12. On 2019-01-09 at 1:50 PM, Gurpgork said:

    The ones that provide only mobility already can be. 

    Except for Ripline Swing Line Augment, because Pablo...

    On 2019-01-09 at 1:58 PM, Gurpgork said:

    At any rate, does anyone else remember the days before U15 when we had 10 mod slots, but abilities took up mod slots, leaving us with only 6 if we wanted to use all of our abilities? That system got reworked when augments were introduced into what we have now: eight mod slots with four abilities. That was our mod slot expansion. 


    On 2019-01-09 at 2:15 PM, Xardis said:

    And do you remember that on most frames you would put 1 or 2 abilities at most? That means that you had 8 or 9 modslots, not 6. There were almost no synergies in using different abilities of the same frame. So no, that wasnt the points where we got more slots.

    And do you remember what was the highest nonendless enemy level range? Yeach coz I do, regular starchart as it is now. Sorties with its 80-100 level 3rd mission were introduced 3 updates later in 2nd Dream.

    My case for 1 more slot purely for augments is that right now, for serious build you dont have slots to put another useful augment, in many cases you cant put any augment at all.

    I actually believe Augments should be slotted on the abilities tab. 

    Some of the reasons :

    Makes it weird that a player can slot an "Augment" without access to the ability that will be augmented.

    Some Augments change what stats affect the ability. (Ice Wave not being affected by duration, but Ice Wave Impedance makes it a duration ability.)

    Then there are the few Augments that alter the ability from base to be utilized differently.

    Example : Prolonged Paralysis being a CC lockdown/knockdown AoE instead of an AoE finisher stagger.

    Mesa Waltz & Nyx Assimilate allowing stationary abilities to be mobile.

    Escape Velocity with Nova Wormhole or Jet Stream with Zephyr both granting Volt Speed like boosts for rushing. Both abilities not being power strength dependent, but both Augments change that. A slot that would be useful to have a power strength mod for the now affected ability due to Augment.


    Maybe one-day Augments will be slotted on the abilities tab and the stats and description will change with the slotted Augment.

  13. Not a glitch, unless they changed Exalted weapons.


    Ever since exalted weapons got their own mods, all my duplicates share the same Exalted weapon. 

    *What might be a bug- selling all duplicate frames to start fresh, leaves the exlated weapon as-is. 

    Meaning the Exalted weapon persists.

    Same goes for Venari with duplicate Khoras where selling all Khoras and crafting and claiming a new Khora keeps the forma'd Venari. Even though there was no Khora; it seems that exalted kitty was in an unseen inventory slot and not sold.

  14. 12 hours ago, Fiewel said:

    If I remember correctly I just switched some mods and instead of wetnoodling everything to death, I ensnared them with a big range and arca plasmored them to kingdom come.

    Whipclaw is just one of Khoras tools and so far there wasnt any sortie condition which forced me to switch her out (I use Ivara for spy).

    I can switch to a different build for Gun-Only missions.

    For my Accumulating Whipclaw build still has 190% range for Ensnare to effective CC without switching mods around.

    - Just if melee mods are not applicable due to mission type, than that is a complete wasted Augment

    As such : Making Khora's Whip behave like Garuda's Talons would not fix that issue; since Garuda's Talons are removed in the same Gun-Only. 

    ✓Meaning loss of Rivens for stat boosting just to have a unique whip weapon, that still doesn't persist in Gun-only missions. Seems like a waste to me.


    As for the Sortie Spy: Khora Ensnare works to disable Cameras and Grinder Spy Drones in addition to normal enemies.

    (Works well when Gun-only Sortie as wet-noodle Whipclaw will just trigger propagation)


  15. On 2018-12-27 at 5:03 AM, MakubexKido said:

    this topic has been brought up before ( god knows how many times )

    the moment they turned her whip into an exalted weap , it will lose a heap load of dmg coming from rivens / weapon augments

    turning into a boring weap similar to garuda's, is just a NONO for khora users


    I agree that I do not want to lose Riven access


    However, I would at least like if Melee mods stayed in -effect for WhipClaw even in Gun-only missions. That way Whipclaw doesn't become a wet noodle because melee weapons were not allowed.

    (I'm against Garuda-like melee weapon since Garuda's Talons are also removed in said Gun-only (non-melee) missions. Which would not fix the issue of Whipclaw melee mod dependency and the ability becoming really weak with no melee weapon being registered in-mission.)*

  16. 22 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    Thank you kindly for that quick reply.

    I am still hoping that can find a way for skins to just be applied as a forced overlay. Much like Snowball & Candy Cane version of "Quick Strike Nikana & Hikou" where the mechanics are kept but visuals and sounds are altered.

    (Almost wish the Conclave team was in charge of adjusting skins for "Procedural Weapons")

  17. 3 hours ago, (PS4)negativ21 said:

    Did you find Venari's actual healing stance to be insufficient? Prolonged Paralysis works too, but I personally don't find its worth a mod slot, but, to each his own. 

    For objective healing : Yes healing stance for Venaris too low compared to Protective Dash from Vazarin.

    For Khora/Sentinel/Moa/Team healing(aside from Inaros) I feel Venari Healing Stance is sufficient even with me running Power Donation as my Aura.

  18. 18 hours ago, (PS4)negativ21 said:

    Hmm Not in my experience. I'm not talking occasional life steal on demand, im talking constantly needing that life steal to survive. Like I've tested (granted only a few times), facing high enough level enemies where I definitely would have died if I had not had Hirudo's constant LS even with High Str Warcry active the whole time. At that level, without the life steal, I would have died within half the time fighting unless I was constantly popping in and out of Hysteria (at which point I might as well stay in it, except it wouldn't last). Maybe my builds not up to par, though I think its close (at non-umbra level) but permanent life steal without having to use 4 is pretty handy for those scenarios. 

    Also, but that 4 is energy expensive, completely shut down by nullies, and has an exorbitant casting time which makes it difficult to cast on a dime. Plus if you combo the Hirudo right (namely spam the first two hits of one of its combos) its actually very mobile. 

    At those levels where incoming damage can nearly be the end of non-Hysteria Valkyrie: I tend to rely on Prolonged Paralysis for the CC which then increases the Survivability.

    Since it is one of the few spam-able pulls in the game, you can technically corner camp for protection.

    I have sinced moved over to Khora as my main:  Venari in Attack mode with Hunter Recovery to be a pretty constant heal and added DPS. Using Vazarin Protective Dash with Rolling Guard for emergency heals if non-1 shot.

    Also Rolling Guard "buys" just enough time for Ensnare to propagate. Ensuring Accumlating WhipClaw is being used most efficiently.

    Looking forward to eventually getting Deconstructor Prime onto a Moa like how my Deconstructor Prime is on Taxon, so that both can benefit from the Umbral Mods on Khora along with Pack Leader healing Moa and Venari, giving them some sustainability.


  19. 21 minutes ago, Pixues said:

    And they are not exalted weapons. So they need to be categorised as melee weapons and generate focus the same way melee weapons do. 


    Garuda's Talons have to actually be leveled as equipped. Instead of leveling passively like Exalted weapons.

    That saves me from buying her...I'll just eventually farm her. 

    Does this also mean Garuda's Talons are still disabled in Gun only Missions, rather than being equipped because melee weapon is removed?

  20. @DeMonkey

    I greatly agree with Stat and Passive adjustments

    These are some ideas towards a Wukong rework to fit Wukong Theme and keep some of current Wukong Ability traits.

    Because of Fortuna, I can see Wukong rework going like this:
    Iron Jab can become Primal Fury charge attack. Arbitrary 10m range restriction removed. Would also work as Melee 3.0 Heavy attack.

    Cloud Walker can become an Invisibility K-Drive...Augment leaves Cloud as an Invisibility placement (like Cloak Arrow) on Dismount. 
    Mounting and Dismounting Cloud Walker (Nimbus) could be an Iron Jab into ground animation that retains the AoE stagger (finisher setup)

    Defy left as-is but with each Trigger Synergising with a new Clone ability:

    New Clone, but let each Defy Invincibility trigger (without recast) add a Shadow-Clone to the casted Clone, up-to limit of 3 Shadow Clones. (Equinox Duality specter but Specter gets Mirage Hall of Mirros with each Defy-Trigger)

    Defy-Triggers will refresh Clone duration. Recasting Defy will start a timer countdown similar toOberon's decaying Buff of Renewal on turn off. If reactivated in that time period Shadow Clone buff remains at same level of 3 for when Clone is recast. This allows for sustainability in keeping Clone with 3 Shadows-up for duration length without having to start from scratch if Clone and Defy are recasted.

    If Clone remains with Equinox Duality AI, but ability to be buffed by a Shadow-Clone (Hall of Mirros) with Defy synergy...I think that would fit the bill.

    Equinox Dualtiy AI would mean: Clone would only use active weapon when cast. In this case Primal Fury can be considered an active weapon when cast.

    **Unsure about self-harm to Wukong via Clone and Shadow Clones: If like Equinox Duality the lingering Pox/Torid/Zakti clouds allow for Defy-Triggers that could be a good thing or it could be a liability.

    Augment for Clone ability, can be that each clone kill is 50% chance for additional loot.

  21. On 2018-11-28 at 7:57 PM, (PS4)teacup775 said:

    For those liking endless, they could enjoy the quicker onset of crazy. But remember, most people do 4 waves and out because they are farming. And here harder enemies just because is does not add value. A real elite mob or mini event that has crazy to beat (or just annoying little bastards) but a huge reward might be different (like legendary loot midgets and other special enemies).

    Strongly concur.


    In my opinion, all missions should have reward/resource/credit multipliers that scale with enemy level. (Even if they only matched the affinity multipler scaling it would be better than we have now.)

    -For the base star-chart and for higher level Alerts that would mean greater reward scaling.


    If DE were to implement an Elite Mode Star Chart that allowed for enemy-level difficulty scaled from MR  similar to Simulacrum, but also allowed for the average MR rank of players in mission to be factored in as the enemy scaling percentage accelerator & enemy spawn accelerator; that would be closer to better scaling for end-game.

    The higher your MR the more of a threat and thus the more enemies and higher enemy scaling incurred. (Hopefully giving some meaning to MR outside of Unranked Mod slot capacity and other inventory capacity thresholds(loadouts slots/void trace/syndicate daily rep)*

    (since CR combat rating is no longer a present in-game marker for scaling enemy difficulty. Like when it was used for Tactical Alerts to restrict a players loadout)**

    I had hoped we would have had a Gate/Portal (Sanctuary mode) that allowed same endless mission types but with different game modes being tied together: Exterminate to Mobile Defense to Spy, to Survival, to Hijack, etcetera.

    Similar to Divisions West Side Pier Resistance mission mode. 

    •Division was an endless Horde mode with a Boss after every 5m

    Warframe could simply tie all the mission types together, where Capture leads into Sabatoge, which leads into Assassination(Could also be G3/Zanuka/Stalker/Tomb Guardians/Juggernaut Behemoth/Kuva Siphon), which leads to communications Interception or Salvage(like the earth interception event), which lead to a Spy, Capture, Hijack/Defection/Rescue (Escort mission)* , then Mobile Defense, 5 wave Defense, Extermination, 5minute Survival, Rathumm, Index, Assualt...

    even to where each boss fight could imbue players with matching Vault Dragon key so that a vault being opened is the mission objective.(Matching* so that if a player disconnects the vault can still be opened.)

    Combined with scaling enemy spawns and scaling enemy level leading to scaling reward multipliers would be better for promoting harder starting enemy level for better rewards.


    DE seems to be doing a decent job adding more content to expand the amount of things to grind or do, but not really increasing the challenge nor allowing for ease of farming by scaling the amounts received.

  22. On 2018-11-14 at 9:19 AM, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    It would make her 1 kinda pointless aside from synergies. True Garuda's 1 uses her claws, but her 1 is so much more in depth than that without even including it's synergy. Khora's 1, on it's own is just damage and some cc.



    Only bonus I can think of is if as a modded weapon when no melee is equipped, it would allow for WhipClaw stats in gun is only-missions.

    Accumlating WhipClaw is back to wet paper straws when Gun-only condition strips melee weapon mods. Same applies to Atlas.

    Weirdly Exclaibur Slash Dash and Wukong Iron Jab also suffer from no equipped melee even though their respective modded Exalted weapons is used in the animation of the attack :facepalm:

  23. On 2018-11-17 at 3:22 PM, Caelward said:

    Uhh... unfortunately ridiculous parts grinding is nothing new for Warframe.

    Mesa is a giant pain since you need to deal with the Salad V stuff.

    Do you hate spy? Have fun grinding out Ivara.

    Vauban prime is easier to get than Vauban since you have to wait for his parts to appear on alerts.


    Most of us eventually run into at least one warframe where the grind just turns terrible because RNG refuses to yield the part you are looking for. Don't stop fighting the good fight, but be aware that this seems to be the regular way of things.

    You left out Harrow farming?

    Mesa is not as bad due to Mutalist Alad V coordinates being lowered to only 1 being needed for key craft down from 3.


    The absolute worst Warframe farm in this game had to be original Hydroid when you need the rainbow of beacons to craft the Vau Hel Triangulator key back when prosecutors actually provided immunity to all enemy units unless the correct single non-combined element damage was applied. Then Ceres and Prosecutors got nerfed down to what they are now & Hydroid became a quick farm.

    I think of normal boss Frame farms: Trinity from Ambulas requiring Animo beacons; Saryn from Kela requiring Rathumm points; and Nekros from Lephantis requiring Lephantis beacons from Orkin Derelict which also requires crafting other Derelict keys are a bit grindy.

    Equinox, Harrow, Khora, Ivara, and Atlas can be RNG pains to get the last part needed.

    Vauban Prime is material costly, almost being an Alert frame for the amount of Oxium, Nitain, and Crytoic needed. 



    On topic:

    Personally, I would like if Sanctuary Onslaught Rep could be used to obtain Khora parts. (so that if a player did not get lucky with RNG they could at least use the Syndicate rep to acquire the Blueprints; same would go for Cetus and Fortuna standing for Gara/Revenant/Garuda)


    DE could also make it where Tenshin Conclave standing clould be expanded beyond Excalibur/Mag/Volt being fully crafted purchase able to covering any frame that is conclave eligible. (That would also mean new frames, since they are eligible when released.) This would give some incentive for players to participate in conclave to only need 60k standing to buy a fully crafted frame rather than farming.

  24. 22 hours ago, Thaylien said:

    But why would you sell the blueprints for 25,000 when even the ones that are available are 100,000? Makes no sense...

    ^ this

    But I assume Math and price-comparison is not the common-sense trait associated with most of Warframes playerbase. With the evidence of which weapons are of popular use even though they have severe viability drop-off compared to the weapons that perform nearly the same regardless of scaling enemy level.

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