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Posts posted by Nichivo

  1. If you have never failed, you either aren't pushing yourself hard enough, or haven't played enough to see things like capture targets fall off the map, or fall into rotating blades on grineer underwater missions, or hover in mid air where you can't reach them. How many people recall capture turned exterminate where all the mobs would vanish preventing reaching the kill count? Or even better the only way to leave frame fighter counted as an abort, even though they fixed it, I never go there because leaving is still named abort, and there is no quit in my vocabulary.

    I'd say half my failures were bugs, the other half well earned in endless multi hour runs or things like, 4 embers t4 def go until failure, for the fun of it, but all 31 aborted missions are straight bugs cause, I'll never quit.

  2. 3 hours ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said:

    Banshee is still serviceable for sure, one of my favorites along with Vauban who is still serviceable as well.  She is probably one day going to get a rework regardless or something changed. 

    And with the missions, Fortuna and Mot are still probably the only missions that remain somewhat difficult for specific frames when you solo for some time. I feel like they can do better in terms of such content though, something that would encompass all of which they have done in the game in terms of missions including archwing. 

    I wish they would put more time into Archwing. Higher level mobs would be awesome, without having to sit around on interception waiting for them to grow up and provide a fight. Then again I am probably among very few with all the Archwing stuff forma'd, and it was pre gravimag days so it was done in Archwing missions.

  3. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said:

    I mean it is a good idea to have Soul Punch do that and I tried to place it within the updated rework in some way

    Even if its not an issue for you, I still would think its a possibility that can make the frame essentially worse than Banshee in pretty much every way or somewhat close to Ember.  


    Banshee may have taken one to many nerf bat, but is still serviceable. Ember on the other hand, is not nearly broken as people say, I solo sorties with her frequently. I think many people just can't deal with a finesse frame. If they could, more people would play Harrow. People make claims like Baruuk is bad, or dies easily, when neither is the case. There are people all the time calling for reworks, on frames that do not need them. The OG Vauban is still in my top played frames, people forget he was once a king, and nothing really changed except new frame releases.

    Exalted blade has clearly made Excalibur players weak. Back in my day we did 2 hour voids with super jump, and never complained about it being 3 feet of snow, or uphill both ways. Now if one key press doesn't wipe a map, people cry for reworks and buffs.😜

    Orb Vallis was a lot of fun on release, then tears turned it into a watered down. *sorry I fell asleep, what was I saying?*

  4. 1 hour ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said:

    Hmm but wouldn't it always be better to recast Shadows, instead of constantly recasting Soul Punch for 1 Shadow and potentially losing all others? I can see that being used mostly when Nekros dies, but you won't be able to gain all Shadows back upon death so it's still a risk vs risk in terms trying to gain back all energy for Shadow of the Dead/Terrify and trying to gain Shadows one by one through Soul Punch/Terrify. 

    And either way, Desecrate would require Nekros to still kill things which would be impeded by a number of weapons/lvl of enemies

    So would it be enough for just Soul Punch to change? I'm no too sure 

    If his first 3 abilities used Health instead of energy, I think that would also at least help because you'll always start at full health to be able to cast enough abilities to get back your Shadows without the use of Desecrate/killing to gain energy based on rng. And also you'll re able to cast Terrify and Soul Punch more to get easier kills while managing your Shadows with energy, which is how Nekros most viable/versatile build for multiples types of content is played. 

    I wish there were more updates to Warframes in general. Hopefully whatever they're working is good. 

    Not at all shadows scale, and that ancient healer really needs to lose his soul, and come to the dark side yesterday. Even back before despoil, I never had energy issues. I actually miss the old EFF build, and spamming desecrate. I'm not much for the Ron Popei, "set it, and forget it" treatment given to a lot of frames.

  5. 7 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

    Back in ancient days, it made sense. Wyrm, the only other sentinel in the game, attacked everything on sight. Shade allowed a stealthy approach since you couldnt turn off alarms once they got on.

    The whole concept of Shade need update. Ghost seem good on paper, but has far too long cooldown and effect can be broken instantly when it triggers, wasting it. Only value it provides is covering you while you rez someone, but even there Sanctuary is better option.

    Sanctuary is a wasted mod slot, operator in void mode is the better option. Ghost 10m is not as effective as Stalk 24m kubrow version. I still maintain even if we go back in time, that ranking Revenge which adds range, is a detriment to it's usefulness.

  6. Nope! Like I said, the mod is backwards, think about it for a minute. Why would  we need yet another mod that does the same basic thing as a couple others. It would give you a way to make your robotic companion, more passive, which could be very useful for certain things. As it currently stands it is a mediocre mod, that is shade specific, and loses value if it's ranked, because it gains range, and there are other universal options that do that better.

  7. I was getting rid of excess mods today while theory crafting, and stumbled onto Revenge for the Shade again. This mod still makes no sense to me, because to be useful it's backwards and frankly why not fix that and make it usable on all robotics.

    Currently the mod causes the Shade Sentinel to only attack if you have been attacked within 5.8 meters non ranked, or 10 meters fully ranked.

    I propose changing Revenge to cause Sentinel or MOA  to only attack if the owner is attacked within 10 meters un-ranked or 2 meters fully ranked, this would not  only be useful but make sense. That would be 2 meters per rank, although 5-1 with 1 meter per rank would also be fine. This would serve as a cut off switch that still maintains full function that many, myself included, would love to have for robotics.

  8. 2 hours ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said:

    Well what I meant was simply the fact that you can use Soul Punch as a way of not using your weapons to get new shadows like any player would do, because in your suggestion you’ll be able to create new shadows from soul punch without the need to kill as you say. This is not bad in the case you mentioned, which is one of his flaws. 

    I too would like him to remain mostly the same. The only real thing I changed without adding suggestions was the ability to kill shadows and a greater ability to CC enemies to the point where it would streamline the process of killing them and getting new/stronger shadows. In terms of playstyle, I think he’ll be largely the same frame but a lot more use/management out of all abilities especially if going for the passive. 

    If anything, I think your idea should be borderline for a Nekros rework. Although, I think it can be developed more within reasonable ways to solve other things that his kit doesn’t have such as the ability to kill shadows to make new ones or debuffs to enemies on a kit that relies on weapons. 

    It would actually allow for that, if at 7 shadows you cast soul punch, it would create a shadow of the target, and remove the oldest shadow. Wish he could have  some updates to go with the Bat ephemera 

  9. I'm bumping this because as a completionist myself, having things in the codex that can't be finished is annoying. 4.7k hours and over 16k missions and still have never seen a

     Reinforced Orokin Container. Everything in the codex should be in the game, or removed from the codex. If it is so rare you never see one, what is the point in it existing anyway?

  10. 2 hours ago, (PS4)yandelyandel2000 said:

    I think this suggestion is a very different point of view because it would allow Nekros to forgo killing enemies in some situations whereas I want Nekros to keep killing things with his weapons in order to manage the amount Shadows. I just him to do the killing part better. 

    One suggestion that I read which seems to be a compromise to my general idea and your idea of Soul Punch is to have Soul Punch kill an enemy when the enemy is below a certain health threshold. 

    Anyway I put down your suggestion because it would be better. 

    My idea has no dmg on soul punch, you still have to to kill the target, all you get is the short cc from the rag doll and a new shadow.

    Soul Punch remains my only real complaint on Nekros. I never could see the point of a single target cc, with almost no damage, when I  could just Terrify.  The augment for Soul Punch, doesn't make me want to giving up a mod slot either. I would absolutely be fine with DE making just a change to soul punch, as the rest of him is fine, and I would like to see him remain Nekros.

  11. 2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

      I don't find the in game logic troubling, given it's a different weapon from the Tekko, as reflected in its separate mastery.  In any case, I'm glad DE handled it this way rather than get into the rat's nest of signature primes.

    I don't see any reason signature primes would be an issue, it's not like a minor boon is enough to cause people to play the signature over something else, for any reason other then flare or roleplay reasons.

  12. Tekko is Atlas's signature weapon and gains 6% status when wielded by him. Tekko prime is not Atlas Primes signature weapon and gains nothing when used by him. 

    It doesn't make sense , and logic clearly doesn't have a place in the matter. I have to say I find it an odd that Atlas forgot how to use the Tekko just by being primed.

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  13. The only change I have ever wanted to see for Nekros is for Soul punch to create a shadow of the dead. Because it would allow us to choose our undead army, and in the event of death say 3 or so hours in on a survival, we would have a way to get an army back up without killing things first. Granted they could remove the damage from soul punch and for all I  care let the target live, just have it literally knock the soul out creating a shadow of the dead. Freshly punched target replaces oldest shadow, and casting shadows refreshes them as it does now.

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  14. 46 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

    excal prime and lato prime

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    im jk. frame.. they all have their uses. weapons, i would say any melee with less than 4 meter range. a couple have a use being a stat stick but with the way melee is they arent truly useful when you can destroy an entire tileset in 5 seconds with a polearm.


    Don't forget the Skana Prime... LOL 😜 

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