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Posts posted by German

  1. Great post and I agree with almost all points.

    I'm talking about this frequently with mates and bring up most of your points.

    I really hope DE takes this to their heart.

    However I think a map that isn't generated (ooen world) makes players feel familiar with the enviroment and that is more a strength than a weakness.

    BUT why not combine both? Fortuna will have like what, 30+ caves? PoE has like 8 or so, half of them beeing deep. Have caves generate like normal Warframe missions, have existing gamemodes in them and even on the surface aswell, hek even make them dungeons with their own challenges and loot tables.

    There is so much more room for things they can add and existing systems they can build on on the open world areas and I'm certain the devs know that aswell and I'm also certain we will see that happening in future open areas, proof for that is Fortuna.


    I'm with you on pretty much every other point.

    Great post, really!

  2. I think another good way to make the open world maps relevant to the core game and later down the line is to simply put existing gamemodes like mob def, excavation etc on the open world maps as selectable missions, not bounties and also with the normal loot table for those gamemodes.

    Additionally you could let people choose the difficulty so all the open world maps support all mission tiers and their loot tables.

    This gives players the choice to either play on the open areas or play on the mission nodes.

    Of course this can and should also mean Alerts, Fissures, Syndicate missions etc. on the open areas.


    More variety never hurts right?

  3. vor 3 Stunden schrieb Blade_Wolf_16:

    I suggest they get removed from the game. 

    Tbh, I don't see the point of having ridiculous crap happening everywhere. I'm not even talking about mods slots and all, idc about that. It just feels like a Skyrim Mod that changes dragons into Macho Man Randy or Thomas the tank engine. Or a Fallout mod that changes mini-nukes into baby Shawn or Paladin Danse into Buzz Lightyear. 

    Imho, peculiar mods are just as illogical and idiotic. I've seen only 1-2 players using Peculiar mods ever since they were introduced, so I don't think they're even popular enough to stay. I wouldn't even call those "content". 

    They are fun to use, at least for me. I use Peculiar Bloom alot.

  4. Mods work on online games, just look at space engineers.

    Host enables mods from steam workshop on his "server" (squad in this case) and everyone else downloads them automatically. Mod configs are saved locally for consistency.

    Client side mods (hud changes, visuals, audio, ..) should (?) work regardless of the squad or host though.

    Personally I'd like to see the latter happening. I'm not really for other kind of mods (content).

    There are better ways to take the community's creativity into content for the game.

  5. His 4 should turn him into a dragon, same wing effects,  kind of like titania in terms of ability to fly, but more dragon like (alpha/dominant behaviour, screaming aka im the boss here now)

    Chroma is special (an anomaly maybe even) lorewise, translate that into his gameplay.

    Warframe needs more "crazy" warframes and ideas in general, dont hold your creativity back DE, let it all out!

  6. vor 18 Stunden schrieb Vesiga:

    I believe there is an option in settings to never be a host unless you're solo

    but also those people who are complaining should fix their ping settings to be lower if they don't want bad connection 

    Ping setting can only do so much. What if the lag starts seconds/minutes into the mission? What if the lag is just the host having a bad pc?

    There should be a "make me host" option.

  7. The least they can do is revert all the trades so you get your items back that you lost to the chargeback scammer.

    Edit: Oh and also another thing: According to ticket replies if someone gifts you items and then charges back you don't get the gifted items removed but instead get the plat value of those items removed. Surely there isn't a better way to handle this...

    I love DE but this whole thing is a mess and reports about these things have increased by alot now since tennocon and the new wave of players.

  8. Only way to avoid it is to not trade. The whole things is beeing handled extremely poorly by DE.

    When your account hits negative plat you get suspended UNTIL you get enough plat to be positiv again.

    Only way to do that when suspended is by buying plat until you hit 0 or more.


    I hope some big youtube channel reports on that issue because that bit of pressure might be what gets DE to finally sort this out.

  9. vor 5 Minuten schrieb TerrahFyrefly:

    go complain to DE I dont really care but I wont sit back and watch you try and make a DE look bad when the whole mess you landed in was on your own part.. as always folks.. theres one side, theres another and theres the truth.. and this is what happens when you trial your case in a public arena.... and im a girl.. go figure huh

    Any criticism makes DE look bad though so that not really a point and surely doesn't justify spitting lies.

    And also no this isn't just me. I know many people that are unhappy with the matchmaking system and the lack of a "make me host" option.

  10. Gerade eben schrieb Omega-Shadowblade:

    I find best way to proceed is to generally just move around it. Its true, neither side can be proven without a further violation of forum conduct. Its a My word vs. their word situation.

    If they are right, I suggest you think about the circumstances leading to this point

    If they are simply trying to derail. Shame on them and this isn't the place for it.

    I'll just say that and leave it. Focusing on that part is of no use to this thread.

    well said. the discussion was going on nicely and i'd like to keep it that way. we got good comments on this post.

  11. vor 6 Minuten schrieb TerrahFyrefly:

    Im pretty sure it was DE that kicked you and not for the reason you stated above.. I also made a comment in that chat asking you to stop your racial slurs you were so trying to hide

    There are actually people like you going on the forums, joining good discussions and spoiling them with lies trying to direct the hate towards other people. That's pathetic and I'm fine with any moderator posting the chatlogs in here to prove that.

    I know there is no reason to believe me but this is literally a complete lie and I'm sure I can report you for that to the support if you really want this. actually i'm gonna do that just now.

  12. vor 3 Minuten schrieb CoreXCZ:

    Either Kickbot is on drugs or I am not sure what's going on.

    Anyway, I would understand if you were suspended from chat for vulgarism and everything that goes over normal behaviour. Complaining and criticizing is a form of feedback and can serve to open discussion. However, Kickbot really began to be a problem lately, going overboard with some suspension. We have the right to say our opinion, we have the right to express ourselves freely, Kickbot should only take action if there is obscenity, vulgarism and serious profanity.

    If DE allowed Kickbot to get out of binding chains, they should take responsibility and fix it. There's a tight line between freedom of speech and prohibiting it. 

    I'm seeing alot of talk of kickbot on this thread now so I just wanted to say that we shoudn't limit this to kickbot. without naming anyone, there are certain people in region chat that do have the rights to kick/suspends which are at times very over-sensitive and so called "trigger happy" if that makes sense in context :D

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