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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Hang on, when did lore ever state that the Tenno were infected/using the Technocyte Virus?

    probably nowhere, that simply makes sense when you put it all together: hints from devs, darksector, and just because it would be cool and unique rather than an iron-man type suit that is just metal on your skin.

  2. to the comments above: I am pretty sure these suits are a combination of the virus found in darksector and a incredibly advanced technology and engineering by orokin. So basically orokin used this virus to their advantage to create suits that morph with it's owner perfectly while adding their own tech. These suits probably change the owner so much you become one thing and you wear the suit permanently. And that's why it resembles skin-tight human inside the frame.


    And that's why warframes without helmets is a stupid idea I think, very little fanart does it right, so better not do it at all. So much good about warframes is that all you see is a helmet that lack any facial features. Coming to the game and seeing all of these warframes faceless makes such a good impression.

  3. They don't even have to re-balance weapons to keep them in game.

    Just make it obvious they want/have tier weapons meant for beginner/advanced/high-end players

    then why things like soma (until fixed), galatine and hikou/kunai are available so easily?

  4. have you tried it in full game with strong aoe nuker like rhino and new 60% less energy cost mod? and something like flux with new dmg mod for heavies.

    i bring every group to 15 min marker on non corpus maps.

    That's void man, that's so much more complicated.

    (I was in the team)

    Nekros had unlimited energy, rhino kept stomping all the time. I don't think getting t3 survival rewards should require the best possible mods in the game.

  5. Basic and simple: I want current sound quake to be much louder and tweaked, possibly with no sound increase to other players.

    Bumping this up in hopes of this getting noticed :(


    I don't think I have to explain why sound quake being noisy makes sense. The new sound effect is OK once you turn up the volume but in comparison to other sounds, it's way too silent after the initial blast sound. I miss the WUB WUB at the start which really fits the sci-fi theme.


    And I'd love if sonic boom sounded more like a super high pressured wave (or "boom") instead of just "puff'.



  6. Can I suggest a flip to get back up when you're knocked down? Current animations take too long, which leads to getting lynched before you could do anything and is not as ninja-like.

    You mean flip from this mod? 250px-HandspringMod.png


    Your job as ninja is to avoid being knocked down, sadly poor mobility does not let to do that so successfully.

    All i have to add on this is that Constitution should also use the animation from handspring mod.

  7. Performance looks rather "fine" but could look a lot better.
    What I am more concerned about is how bad parkour is on these maps since there are so many irregular surfaces and you will almost certainly end up being stuck or not where you intended to go.

    The update that revisits parkour, improves it a great deal and makes it fluent... would be better than any other Update no matter what it introduces.

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