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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. But the idea of moving around the battlefield via leaping into the chests/bodies of your foes is both a visually and conceptually exciting mechanic.




    conceptually exciting? I think you should try ash or loki.

  2. A BSOD is a form of crash and can certainly be precipitated by NVIDIA drivers.


    From your original post I have no way of knowing that you aren't talking about this:





    You could post exactly what's in the event log, or otherwise detail the error you are getting.


    "Display driver Nvidia Windows Kernel Mode driver, driverversionhere has stopped responding and has successfully recovered." Often isn't an application issue either.


    Without more details, I would double check the stability of your CPU, memory, and GPU with some stress tests.


    I've heard bad things about nvidia and it's latest drivers while googling, so that's why I assume that it's nvidia drivers not working properly with warframe. (and some other games) It annoys me how easy it is for you to just push me away by saying "check the stability or whatever" but I can't argue even though the chance that my parts are broken is really low. If you're talking about overheating or overclocking, then neither of them is happening, my gpu and cpu are all chill and stock-clocked.

  3. Using Nvidia GTX 650 Ti and now using beta drivers because the old drivers did not help and it doesn't make any difference anyway, it keeps crashing. Multi-threaded does not make a difference either.

    With PhysX on it crashes even more often so i have to keep it off, what's the point in having nvidia card with PhysX when it keeps crashing with it?


    Windows 7 64bit
    Intel Core i5 3570 (stays at low temp, 55C-60C max I think)
    GeForce GTX 650 Ti 1Gb (stays cool too, framerate is very clean and high at maxed settings and temp never goes above 50C)
    8 Gb RAM
    600 W power supply http://www.chieftec..../gps-600a8.html


    playing 64bit mode, dx11.


    Re installed drivers (and looks like updated them at the same time) played WITH PHYSIX on for like 3 days without any crashing, then it all returned again, with or without physx, nvidia driver crashes.

  4. For rolling I'll just leave this here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/108086-betterfaster-rolling-animation-gif-example-move-to-animation-feedback-please/#entry1250287

    I am sure everyone will agree that we also need a roll that is even faster and covers larger distance.


    And in general I don't see how community won't CRY AND WHINE ON THE FORUMS AGAIN when something like this get implemented. I am personally always open for these changes but there will always be rage and complaints from the rushers. "OH I QUET DIS SOOPED GAME IT SUUCKS CUZ UR FAT NINJA" 

  5. Heres an idea for you

    I have a suggestion that can fix your problem almost immediately. don't use the Dethcube weapon on shade. Problem now solved.

    I am not using it. It simply bothers me that everyone else can use it and dethcube has lost a lot of purpose (even thought i did not use him)

    And more importantly there's no point in using anything else than deth cube rifle now.

  6. All it has is 1 SINGLE ABILITY MOD unique to that sentinel and that's it. Because now you can simply turn shade from stealth focused sentinel (which it was meant to be) to another deth cube with cloaking. What made deth cube unique and useful was it's weapon, now you can slap it everywhere you want.

    I was seriously depressed when I've heard about these changes, but it seems everyone else likes them. So can we at least have more specific per sentinel, or something else that would make them more stand out?



    EDIT: okay apparently there were topics about this hidden deeply in my search which I did not see. However this will raise odds of being spotted by DE (hopefully)

  7. ogfv.jpg

    I feel like i wasted 30 plat.

    Old masks looked OK, but for example this new one does not make any sense to be slapped on top of it with so much distance. I know it simply attaches to the white cross on sentinel, but can we please have a tweak on some of the parts to make it look better:


    - push some masks inside the sentinel, make it clip a little but at least we won't have these double horns and double faces.

    - get rid of so much rotating on the wings of the carrier, it looks stupid.

    - more tweaks on parts with each sentinel, so on each of them parts are rotated and positioned to look best, I'm sure people responsible for art in DE have an eye for what looks good.



    If not then can we have an option to push parts around and rotate them? turn off some animations like crazy spinning wings?

  8. Its MOSTLY setup like that. All the Research rooms are together, Right beside the Obstacle Course, but the Dueling is on another floor.


    The clan should be called "The Valkyrne"...and you should have an invite in just a few minutes.


    EDIT: It says you are already in a Clan. You may have to clear off any invites you already have. :)

    looks like someone's spamming invites of a random clan to me xD

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