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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. To repeatedly get a common mod which would drop 100% of the time from a level?


    We're talking about a reduced strength version of redirection, vitality, serration, hornet strike and pressure point, being rewards for running one planet mercury - so noobs can, you know, play the game?  Anyway, lets not muck up your thread as this topic merits its own thread.


    What would this have to do with nightmare mode ???

    was just saying that nightmare rewards are very unbalanced. And I don't want any future mistakes like this.

  2. @aure

    Drop 2.0 is flawed in concept for the exact reason you mention. What's the difference between per enemy drops and per faction drops when all enemies of a faction spawn on every one of their missions?

    There needs to be some mechanic in game, either certain planets or specific conditions in missions where you can at least look for a particular type of mob. IE : lua planet always spawns at least one group of grineer rollers on alarms. Another planet might spawn at least one group of commanders on alarms.

    It would have made a lot more sense to just add each mods to reward tables for specific missions, unless they were going to do something like above.

    well my topic is suggesting ways to improve it just like you've just told.

  3. Drop 2.0 should be fixed anyway. Now I'm always anxious about whether specific enemy drop the mod I'm looking for or not all the time. I'd like to just concentrate on "hack and slash a tons of enemies". I think that's the core of this game.

    that's why enemies unique to planets and missions would be great. You wouldn't have to worry about that during the gameplay, just pick the right spot.

  4. I am guessing you've not reset since,, I have farmed long and hard for 120 hours, and just now got a Serration.


    I had to farm Toxic Ancients for 2 weeks to even get a Hornet Strike.


    Beforehand every race had their own drops, now they crammed the rarest mods  onto each rare enemy, and if the mod is a rare mod itself... good luck.

    the idea of spreading players across the solar system rather than having 50% of players sitting Xini is still good

  5. Just to add to the mod drops, people would also LOVE more enemies just for the gameplay itself. And making them unique to some kind of planet rather than faction would be awesome AND would help the mod farming.

    Saw a lot of complains about the drop tables 2.0 
    So Quick and basic adjustments here:

    Since it might be hard to search for specific enemies:
    Make some enemies specific per planets and maybe some missions. For example capture on pluto has a lot more fusion moas and only survival on Ceres spawns a variation of some enemy that has it's own drop table.
    And more variation in enemies? Like less new weapons but more enemy types on updates? So every planet and mission would feel different even though there are only 3 factions.



    we have different variations of corpus tilesets like corpus ships and corpus outposts, so why not have:
    Enemies specific to tilesets or certain tiles in them? So you'd have to search the ship or an outpost for let's say barracks to find more of the enemies you need.

    Pretty much what we have with phobos, only there you can find jetpack guys and so on.

  6. This is likely the case.


    Really, there is no excuse for them sending you a part that is not stable at their specified stock clocks and voltages. I would RMA this GPU if at all possible.

    Well thank you for all the help. Then for the final part, how much voltage is too much? I crashed once with +12.5mv so I tried +25mv and it seems stable and very cool, like 56 celcius max. I've heard that you should mostly worry only about your temps when playing around with voltage.

    But I still think warframe is a little unstable. I've played loads of other games with stock voltage that are very demanding and draining my fps to 20-30, but the game runs fine.

  7. Could be the GPU or the PSU.


    Anyway, when is the last time you cleaned out this system, including the PSU and the fins of the GPU heatsink?


    If you GPU is not stable at the clock speeds it comes with, with the stock voltages, it's defective or broken and you should get warranty service on it.


    Rule out the PSU as a possibility first, if you have any way to do so. A failing PSU can potentially damage or kill everything connected to it.

    well I just played loads of warframe with increased voltage, PhysX on and no crashes. So I guess it was an unstable gpu?

    I've cleaned my system few days ago.

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