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Posts posted by Aure7

  1. Define "Messy Dojo"

    because its kinda hard to keep everything all neat, when you have a full Dual Dojo lol

    a nice layout and easy to figure out where's what. All research in one place, dueling and parkour in other sector and so on... It's not that hard since you can destroy everything and start from fresh with all resources given back because of the dojo tile updates.

    How is your clan called in game? I received some kind of random invite and declined it because was not from "The valkyrne"

  2. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT NAVS for the love of DE. There's PLENTY of them EVERYWHERE. Play several missions and you already have 15-20 of them. Resource and credit costs are being lowered as well so stop being such a baby. 

    Now on the other things, I do agree that void is cluttered and derelict is a little too empty.

  3. it already looks and feels like a prime. Kind of sad because weapon balance is now all messed up. Some faction weapons suck, while clan faction weapons are awesome (that's ok) Then some tenno weapons suck, and some are better than the endgame weapons, for example this SOMA

    I wish it was faction weps < tenno weps < research weps < primes

  4. I think it would be awesome to give warframes exclusive sets of moves, it would be weird looking at rhino rolling like loki or stupid to see a fast warframe like loki rolling like rhino, rhino rolling needs to look like the huge rolling stone at the end of Indiana Jones, while loki should look like agile and fast like Raiden in metal gear rising revengeance... maybe create diferent sets of movements for diferent speeds so depending how fast your warframe move, he is going to use a heavier or an agile animation set (this is just cosmetic but will help to give them some "personality" without taking off the ambiguousness that makes you think he could be everybody but seems to be nobody)

    well they've said heavy, light, medium(or something like that) animation sets are coming. Would be nice if DE confirmed it. Although the current parkour looks good on all of them, so I don't see why they couldn't pull it off on all of the warframes.

  5. Bo (and probably amphis) have a different animation on a attack on fallen enemies. Character spins it in the air for a split second and only then slams it into the body, although the damage and incredible force is applied to a ragdoll immediately. So in the end it looks incredibly awkward to see the enemy die and fly out of the screen and then your character slamming empty ground afterwards.


    I'd love if animation would stay the same but timing and the damage increased.






    ...and you secretly nerfed it's CC abilities, why? :(

  6. No one has to buy Platinum.


    Balancing a game + creating unique content at the same time is VERY difficult!


    It is still Open Beta and we have a long way to go until it's not beta anymore. Until then, they work on balancing the game + adding new content.


    Be patient. Embrace the future.

    they could learn that from valve (tf2) I am very serious.

  7. The thing is, the 'Rusher Problem' is what DE wants.  With the short timed respawn rate, or the spawning of enemies from every where, you HAVE to rush through every match, unless you go in full team, all the time.  Which more or less means you cannot set this game, or play, Solo (And by play I mean Private and Invite Only and still play alone.)


    So this is just confusing me.  Do they want to chase people away from the game?  Because unless you keep moving forward, and hope you don't get cornered, you're not going to survive long without rushing through the map.


    And for the record, I HATE rushing.  I want to loot and see everything the maps have to offer.  But the spawn rate doesn't let me.

    It's just that at the current state mission objectives are rushy and they encourage you to do so if you don't care about loot. They have to lower the % of rush type missions and just make rushing preferred strategy in only FEW gamemodes intentionally.

  8. While Dark Souls is a slower game, its Upper Mid and Fast Rolls are actually pretty good dodges from a standing position.


    Dark Souls is a slower game, but many bosses still require you to dodge fast-moving projectiles and a boss's "MOVE OR DIE!" attacks. If your character really moved THAT slowly, then you would very much die (a lot more than you already do while playing DkS).


    But I can understand people not knowing this; most newbies in DkS use heavier armor on their first few hours because of the added padding. Most pros end up going in light armor so that they can dodge and move faster.


    A good example would be the Dark Wood Grain Ring -- that sort of movement is very similar to what Tenno do in Warframe.

    well but in dark souls as much as i saw - you walk and sprint at the speed warframes usually walk. In warframe it's much more simple to just quickly slide jump or just sprint out of the way. However this new roll would be a better option.

  9. I do wish we weren't fatrolling (See Dark Souls) all the time.


    I remember Saint's Row rolls; I remember using the rolls to vault over fallen lampposts (I am a very very horrible driver on purpose; the game rewards you for it) and I was thinking "Wow, I wish my Warframes could do that...."


    That little "jump" into the SR3/4 roll is awesome. It actually allows you to jump over small objects that are about waist-high.


    Also, I'd like to see Dark Souls-type evading.


    They could allow us to double-tap a movement key (WASD) to perform a quick Dark Souls-style roll (please use Light or Mid Roll, not Fat Roll).


    THIS style of dodging would actually be useful as you can fire it off in a split second.



    There we go. THAT is rolling done right.

    dark souls is a lot more slow paced, so slow rolls are actually useful there. In warframe they need to be amplified to cover larger distances.

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