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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. came into this expecting something to troll the hell out of players or get answers based on the same.

    but for real: Saryn is your answer. Her 1 is corrosive, her 2 is a toxin after it detonates, her 3 applies toxin to ALL weapons, with a boost to melee, and her 4 is a viral type...which if timed correctly, can spread her 1 really nicely.

    run a good power strength build and her 1 will proc corrosive every tick. and it has a base chance of 50% per tick to proc. so it will strip armor like no tomorrow

  2. 5 hours ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

    It looks great. But this could be done as tennogen. It's not a big enough change to warrant it being a deluxe skin. 

    Deluxe skins drastically alter the entire body structure of the frame.


    4 hours ago, Wrum said:

    doesn't valkyr already have a deluxe skin? the gersemi skin.

    but you should absolutely make this tennogen.

    i would love if it was tennogen...IF AND ONLY IF we get the current deluxe files so we dont have the damn bolts in the skin.

  3. 34 minutes ago, (XB1)ChrisCraft007 said:

    So I was thinking about how we can trade in our clans and moroobazar so what if when we In invite people over to our orbiters we could trade with them there like in maroobazar?

    and thus make dojos and maroos even more pointless? no thanks...as nice as it could be

  4. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)Mahd2_7 said:

    Corpus Nullifiers - Where to start it's not even the energy bubble negation thing it's his weapon - The Lanka. I definitely know that my Lanka can't shoot through an invincibility period like it can against Frosts snow globe 

    i have more of an issue with Techs than nullies...at least in terms of weapons...and dnot even get me started on bloody bubbles stacking of 5+ nullies in a single tile.

    28 minutes ago, (PS4)Mahd2_7 said:

    Ancient Healers - Where to start these things with its damage reduction can become so op especially in a group you'll start seeing just zeroes pop up on your screen. That hook thing they do that is broken you could be invisible and they'll still hit you. You could be on the other side of the map and they'll still hit you 😂

    bring at least one weapon with radiation (either modded or inherent...arca plasmor can be a great choice)...knocks out auras for a duration

  5. Are you an admin on your computer? If not, then i could see why there are a number of issues arising.

    Also where is your steam installed to on your remote drive? Best practice is to have steam NOT in /Program Files or /Program Files (x86). Having Steam and any Steam Libraries in those two locations can cause a bunch of issues exactly like your describing.

    Common practice is to have steam installed on the C:/Users/{user logged in}/Desktop/Steam and then have a library on the main directory of the hardrive or even in another folder on that drive (such as D:/Games/SteamLibrary). Doing this would, i think, also not needing to run Steam as Admin, though I'm not sure as I've always done /Desktop install method.

    For example, my steam warframe install is here D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Warframe
    and my standalone is D:\GAMES\WARFRAME

  6. 3 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    or....it's just RNG. don't quote me saying 45m, that doesn't change anything

    while that maybe the case....its still REALLY low...for it to not proc AT ALL within 45 minutes is just messed up.

    imo, the fact that the Charm has only a 27% chance to activate every 28 seconds is just insulting as it is with the amount of possible buffs it has anyways.

  7. 36 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

    Opinions are funny...



    That said, my biggest issue with the event is how low the spawns were. It may be rose tinted glasses, but I remember the last time Proxy Rebellion showed up the spawns were higher than normal. The enemy level on the later missions was a bit disappointing as well, the first time (and only other time it was a guaranteed drop) we got the Rift Sigil it was level 100-150 enemies, and keep in mind these enemy levels were considerably harder than they are now because of powercreep.

    i dont understand why everyone is saying low spawn rates...did they just run it solo? heck the only one i found to be a snooze fest was the interception...but is just due to how to AI go after control zones.

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