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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 51 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Her Regenerative Molt Augment remains the same! “Saryn regenerates health over a span of time after casting Molt.”

    REALLY should be integrated into the skill....and then make a new augment imo....

    apart from that...im liking the changes...though i really think Miasma should have more duration and/or a lingering cloud effect.

    saryn is already good in onslaught...makes me wonder how well she will do with these proposed changes.

    as for the damage type swap...idk...would love to see it in action first before commenting...as i love the spreading of viral...its basically like Nova's Molecular prime...except with much longer duration and damage.

    Seeing others comment on the damage type switch....at least currently her 1 is useful against EVERYTHING....corrosive procs are useful only against grineer....and even then that is really only on high fire rate weapons. IF corrosive status had some kind of scale where it stripped off the amount of armor based on damage dealt...compared to now where it is a diminishing 25% current armor per proc (i would rather see it as as minimum 5% flat per proc...increasing based on damage dealt with a cap of say, 50%, so 2 shots at most no matter the armor....which would help with the apparent over-reliance on scaling armor late-game...and thus help with low fire rate weapon (snipers and bows) AND high fire rate weapons (nearly everything else))

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  2. 21 hours ago, FreeWilliam said:

    Also, small bug, but it seems like I'm having a weirdly hard time picking up orbs to bring back my kitteh, even if I make sure I take damage. Anyone else noticing that? 

    not a bug....the bug was that kubrows/kavats were being revived with health orbs when they were in bleedout....now you HAVE to revive them manually.....if that is what you mean?

    this was fixed probably about a month or 2 ago.

    On topic: wth did you do to focus gains...even WITH a booster I dont get what i used to get....and it seems to be getting worse and worse with each hotfix....i for one DO NOT want to be spending 2 hours everyday grinding focus (AGAIN...) i was perfectly happy with running onslaught normal to zone 11 and getting 135k focus....now...i barely get 50k by zone 8...at that point efficiency drain to kill ratio is crap.

  3. at least one weapon type with radiation status to knock out the Auras for non eximi ancients.

    Most people will say corrosive for pure damage, but I have found viral/rad combo to be just as good, if not better.....particularly against healers due to the linked damage to any enemy in range going straight back to the healer, statuses included....thus radiation ftw.

  4. her 1 is pretty good...

    Her 2...eh, i wish it would make the ensnared target (initial target) invulnerable to damage so its actually useful.

    Her 3 needs more mod interaction specifically with Energy Conversion. Can you guys PLEASE make Venari affected by Energy Conversion upon her using her healing, either by command or on the threshold limit? Also, it would be GREAT if Range affected her Healing Aura.

    Her 4...enemies are still being ragdolled like crazy, making it hard to hit enemies quickly.

  5. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    Cryptic should be something you gain through casual play. There's not much to build with it so 30k isn't alot. There's plenty for new players on excavations so I do suggest they play it.

    cryotic grind is FAR worse than (for example) kuva grind ..100 cryotic on average of 90 seconds if your lucky (200 w/ booster) is REALLY bad.....especially since there actually IS a good amount of stuff now that needs cryotic (such as some plains resources)

    30k would make sense for a CLAN research...NOT for personal..this is a blatant plat purchase weapon for mastery fodder.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Get_Singed said:

    I use Duality for dps in High Index and have no problems with its duration. You aren't meant to get all the duration you need on a frame out of just Primed Continuity. Put more duration on her.

    a MAX of 25 seconds is rather low....and that is with ALL duration mods on...which is quite low compared to the buff from changing forms.

  7. literally just threw this build together and the healing is really nice..though im at 135/sec  at 270 str...and stand united instead of rejuv

    noticed this yesterday...just wasnt sure if it was a bug or not....even if it IS a bug....god its nice to have a frame that can tank AND aoe CC.


    as i already had a forma on khora, i was able to tewak your build a bit for even more lankiness.



  8. 42 minutes ago, RealPandemonium said:

    It's a more efficient Hydron, which is what a lot of players wanted, I guess.  But does DE really want to encourage factory farming like this?  I guess they do.  

    Of course it is....After Onslaught was added i found that MANY players were EASILY able to get the focus cap...multiple days in a row.....something that WAS NOT possible for casual players beforehand.

    personally, I've hit my cap each day since Onslaught was added....all within an hour...WITHOUT having to resort to cheesy stealth mechanic abuse.

    Even one of my clan mates who doesnt have affinity boosters going still manages to cap his focus within 2, maybe 3 at most, runs of up to zone 8-11.

    I am kind of hoping they incorporate the spawn mechanics to survival, as it WOULD drastically help with keeping life support up and the flow of enemies coming...because as of now, well enemies are spawning god knows where and having to hunt us down from 200-800 meters away.

    Defense...eh, yeah we are on a timer per zone, but its not like we are defending an objective.

    Interception...same as defense.

    i think the only thing i dont really like about it is the Efficiency...because then it effectively gimps us into frames that can mass kill (not back to back constantly...but all at once, be it small clusters *maiming strike slide2win cheese* or massive groups *such as Spore Saryn, massive range Octavia, Nuke em all Equinox, or Resonating Quake Banshee *of those 4, only Equinox I have yet to try as i don't find that style fun at all*, though Ive had good success with Mesa until Zone 11)

  9. 2 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

    It sounds like a good idea, but... the complaint will be that "this will make exalted weapons overpowered, and they are already powerful."

    except it would be no different than it is now....just giving us even more flexibility in our builds (which is a good thing) as we wouldn't be required to mod our primary, secondary or melee for exalted abilities.

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