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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. yeah, as you already have a tenno, doing the new tutorial (1st mission) doesnt do anything but show, well, how to play....otherwise it just unlocks Vor's Prize quest. If you did the tutorial from a new account then, yeah, you would have the tenno and weapons you chose. the frame choices are excal, mag and volt.

  2. imo, after using Oberon for the past 4-5 days.....the only ability i fine useless is Hallowed Ground due to its short, direct-in-front-of-player, path. I would see it more as a circular aoe where i target instead. Otherwise, Reck and renew are absolutely good. I cant remember how, any times I've saved myself or a teammate using renewal.....or taken out a large amt of enemies using Reck or smite. These are obviously ranked up....but from unranked they do sort of suck lol.

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