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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. I play Survival because I like killing everything. I wish we had a true hoard/survival mode, no LS, no extractors, just a S#&$ ton of grunts running at us like chickens without their heads. 


    killing things is fun. that's why survival mode is fun to a lot of people

    and this is the reason i play survivals :)

  2. My clan leader said that they were thinking of removing TB from the attica......my answer to that is take a look at what is causing the issue (Mirage's HoMs) and go through the coding of that so it actually works like the description says...which are False Illusions, meaning false weapons that shouldnt be doing damage...alot of weapons can be used with HoM......just attica with TB seems to be the main issue as every time you fire while HoM is active that is 30% chance at least ONE of those 5 bolts will explode....which actually happens 95% of the time from what I've seen.

  3. I for one LOVE the mastery tests and wish there was a way to repeat past ones just for fun....what i really hate though is the 24 hour CD.....YES, I can do other stuff during that time frame of waiting...but what if I had technical issues that prevented me from doing the test correctly? for example, I'm doing test 13....for whatever reason, it wouldn't allow me to wall run or wall climb to the other platforms, thereby causing me to fall and fail that attempt....all 3 times that happened...watching a video on how to do the test and actually doing the test are 2 completely different things...so i would much rather see a 12 hour CD than a 24 hour CD.


    I would like to be able to practice the test in a practice session as many times as I want to before it actually is taken.....for example...you dont go into a self defense class not knowing anything and expected to do the right fighting styles right off the bat...you take the class and learn it, then practice it to improve...THEN you take the test for what you learned.


    Choosing a mastery test to practice (up to the current one you can take) or just for fun after you have passed them would be great.

  4. augustus mars...MD (i think), cap, and ext. normally shows up after round 3 - 5....though its rare not to have one show up until round 6 or 7


    from wiki


    Tower IV Exterminate, Capture, and Mobile Defense keys can appear Round 3 or later on ‘Medium’ Interception missions (starting enemy level 10-20).
  5. There was a theory I saw knocking around (in one spot, but the rest of the information in the page was very precise, and accurate) which stated that, in each Survival mission, one player is randomly marked, and has a higher chance of spawning LS with their kills, with the mark moving every five minutes or so (The theory also said that the 'mark' could be moved by the player getting downed then revived).


    If this theory is true, then you would encounter more LS due to 1/3 kills having a higher drop rate, compared to 1/4.



    That said, I would not consider the study valid with any fewer than 100 of the same mission, due to WF's procedural levels and RNG.

    A dev already confirmed that that theory is not true...I'll find his post in a bit


    here it is:




    Impressive analysis of the survival level structure and underlying mechanics :)
    You're partly correct on 'tagging', specific players are targeted by AI periodically.  However, a new random player is targeted around every 10 seconds, so it probably isn't worth throwing yourself into a pit of infested to get temporarily removed from random selection ;)  AI will fight whoever they encouter on the path to their target, whether it's a player or NPC from another faction.  Defense works in a similar way, except enemies always target the cryopod.  The life support drop rate is the same for all enemies and doesn't change for specific players.
    We made some changes to survival procedural levels to improve enemy spawn consistency for U14.  Sometimes there are too few valid spawn locations for enemies if a team of four spreads out.
    Here's a summary of the survival changelist for U14:
    - Removed the locked door to extraction, as it only limits the available spawn locations within the first 5 minutes.
    - Increased the number of small dead end rooms (caps) which can generate in place of red locked doors, providing more spawn locations for enemies.
    - Added some new small cap tiles for Asteroid, Settlement, Outpost and Galleon tilesets.
    - Restructured the Derelict Survival procedural level so it has more small tiles between the main areas.  There are still three larger main areas which have life support capsule spawnpoints.  The large root room no longer spawns on the main path between the spawn and extraction, only on a side branch.
    - The 'stacking' bug was fixed, capsules don't spawn instantly on activating a capsule if the level is full.
    - The first room's capsule spawns are no longer switched off after one use.  Since the first room is reused, each level may now have 2-3 more simultaneous capsules active before it reaches capacity.  Originally the level structure was a little different, disabling spawns was intended to keep players closer to extraction after moving on from the first room.
    Thanks for playing!  I look forward to hearing your thoughts when these changes go live.


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