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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. I love the fact they remove the gold trims. Makes the primes look good!

    Worst offender is nyx prime

    I agree....sometimes I want the stat increases of the prime warframes, but the looks of the normal frames (would give me a reason to get the immortal skins, of which i only have Ash and Banshee).


    though with loki, nyx, rhino (all prime versions) still keep their "bling" when changed to the immortal skin/rubadoe plated (rhino) (though that is in the preview as i havent bought them yet)

  2. I've been having a ton of fun with the torid, but it really only works well against infested as they tend to follow the players (survival) or go after the defense objective. I've got mine built for gas + electricity and I tend to fire off 2-3 shots in one spot so they ticks hit really fast...they get stunned by the electricity and take tons of damage from gas/toxic.

    Never really used Ogris much as I dont like the charge up time and fire and forget mechanics.

  3. why dont you guys just KEEP the 11 slots (aura Plus 10 non ability slots) so we can have more variation instead of less -_- 


    I was talking with my clan about a week or 2 ago about why DE didnt just make warframe abilities part of the frames and let us use the 4 slots for other mods from the start......and you just did exactly this with these changes BUT cutting us down two slots to 8 :(

  4. I used zephyr alot yesterday. she is great for survival (havent tested towers yet) due to highest health and shields (450 without vitality/redirection/vigor) and with max vat/redir can get to 1110 and 1290 with maxed vigor. Her turbulence is really good against corpus by always deflecting the normal laser rifles (ones with travel time) (except instant laser rifles) and can block grapple effects from ancients and scorpions (Grineer) and its decent against grineer as bullets can still get through. She can move around really quickly and while i cant speak for other players, I havent had issues of loot being flung all over with her Tornadoes. 


    I'll add other frames as I can remember them.

  5. hmm, and here i though bounce was just a troll move.


    OT: hmm that is odd at the amount of procs, as its only supposed to proc once.

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