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Everything posted by Pseudozz

  1. Personally, I'm not even farming it until a minimum of 2-3 weeks passes. I won't farm just to find out Jade is in the dirt with dante. I don't even know if I have the motivation to farm it either...
  2. DE releases new frame. It's pretty good, and super fun. DE sees this. DE nerfs frame. Frame is now just meh, a large portion of people find it not fun anymore. Then people like yourself think this is ok? They spent their money on something that, in some people's eyes, has been almost ruined. Where did you gather the ignorance to think this is ok? I'd like to go there too, matter of fact. Sheep who will follow a company to the end. Jesus. It's like buying a pair of wire cutters just to find out they can't cut wire.
  3. So, you've played him in some of the most expansive maps and claim to not have issues. Lol.
  4. Sadly, this still doesn't remove the ultimate fun-killing issue of I have this 80m range ability but this wall keeps me from killing the mob 6m away.
  5. My two favorite suggestions I've seen were: 1. Remove base damage of tragedy. Make the ability a nuke that require beforehand priming. 2. Reduce base range. I personally like the second option the most. Seems to make sense and keep it in line while also maintaining the fun of it.
  6. It has new features. It's not a new system. It also just so happens these features did #*!% all for the ability. The system is still trash, it's just shiny trash marketed as new.
  7. You haven't played the new maps. I have too many clips of a TABLE blocking LOS in 180 degrees. Dante HIMSELF blocks the LOS sometimes. An ENEMY'S DEAD BODY ON THE FLOOR blocks LOS. A PEBBLE blocks LOS. Work harder? I have to go through a 10-year internship, 15 years of job shadowing, 10 years of college, and 600k in student debt to MAYBE hit enemies. :(
  8. Glad you've had a good experience. Rant inc. That said, I'm almost sure you haven't played on the new maps. They are HORRIFIC. Table in front of you? Great, no LOS in that general direction in front of you, no damage on cast. Pebble on the goddamn floor? Yeah, you clearly can't see that mob standing 5 feet in front of you, no damage on cast. Hell, Dante HIMSELF can block your LOS. The changes are laughable. As for proposed solutions, I've seen you suggest a myriad of things. Your wrong on every single one. It's not a setting, not armor, it's not some weird glitch with games. It's the LOS system they've had for YEARS. It's just trash. Great example is Ember. Good damage, big AoE, fun. Why is she dead in the water? LOS. A better example is Saryn. Good damage, big AoE (chain), fun. Why is she so great? Map nukes with no LOS req. Same goes for Nezha with his shiny new augment, although to a lesser extent than saryn. Same also went for pre-nerf Dante. Good damage (not crazy without a primer but still), big aoe, VERY fun. Why is he currently on life-support like a geriatric man? LOS. I can continue, but I won't for sake of length. LOS seems to ruin every frame it touches unless there is a good reason for it to be there, such as a 1 button nuke that needs no setup, or just a strong buff ability like pillage. An ability that required a 2 button setup, a primer at higher levels, AND WAS ALREADY LIMITED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED SETUP ABILITY'S LOS apparently needs actual dogS#&$ LOS? BS. Ok. Contrary to what I've said, I'm fine with LOS change, on one condition. Do it to every nuke frame in the game. Make it fair. Saryn? LOS. Nezha? LOS. Gauss? LOS. Put it on every goddamn nuke. Then we'll see how great LOS is right? They nerfed Dante's survivability too. Now do it to every other frame as well. Rev? Nerf that. Nezha? Nerf that. Rhino? Nerf that. Xaku? Nerf that. Styanax? Nerf that. If we go nuclear with one frame, we do it with all. It's only fair. Rant over.
  9. Assuming you meant the general complaints about LOS and the community uproar, yes. Doesn't mean they're discouraged from playing, just for dante.
  10. Maybe this is just me but has anyone felt really disheartened to play since the dante LOS changes? I got dante and played my fair share of him, just for him to be literally torn to pieces. DE realized and put him back together with a glue stick. Now he functions like a geriatric man with critical heart problems whenever he casts his 4th ability. I never saw an issue with him. His limiting factor was the LOS check on dark verse, therefore I didn't think he warranted any changes. I feel disheartened to actually play now. I log on and look at my frames. I want to do some farming, and maybe some high-level stuff today! Saryn? No too boring. Rev? Same issue. Octavia? Nope. Gauss? Played him too much. Dante? YES! Yes, dante is super fu- wait. Right, now his 4 somehow makes me feel like a psych ward patient. Never mind... actually I think I'll go play X other game for a while... Anyone else, or is this just a me thing?
  11. So, I'm going to try to understand DE here. Nerf og generation. Ok. We nerf the generation, but the issue of og gen mixed with frames that don't want og (inaros, chroma) still exists... Guys how do we get rid of this remaining issue entirely instead of balancing overguard so it doesn't interfere with those frames? Guys I got it! We make it so no one wants to play dante at all! *LOS change for Tragedy* Alright guys, problem solved! we didn't have to do any work, balancing, or really anything at all! We just had to nuke the best frame to release in a while off the goddamn map! Woohoo! In all seriousness, WTF DE? What was this? Anyone know if I can get my money refunded from that lil dante package? And maybe my time refunded... somehow?
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