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  1. Have you been leaving the Larvalings with the weapons you don't care about alone? Or have you been using a finisher on them to turn them into a Kuva Lich? When you down a Larvaling, it should show over its head what weapon you'll get if you use a finishers to turn it into a Kuva Lich. If you don't use the finisher on it and just finish the level, then the weapon you didn't take will be removed from the possible pool of items. Meaning every time you find a Larvaling and don't finish it, another weapon gets removed from the pool, making it that much more likely that your next run will give you the weapon you want. This means that you're guaranteed to get a Larvaling with the weapon you want after N tries, where N is the total number of Kuva weapons. I hope this helps!
  2. I'm unsure why so many posters are writing that Warframes are machines, when The Sacrifice made it clear that they are very much not. Regardless, to answer your question OP: Warframe's are biological entities, and they die in much the same way that any other biological organism dies. And we've seen Warframes truly die: to pick the most animated example, remember the initial scene with Ballas and Excalibur Umbra in The Sacrifice? Ballas kills him. We rebuild a clone of Excalibur Umbra from the tattered remains of what little is left of his original body. We also know that the Helminth in our ship provides nutrients and medical repairs to the Warframes in our care. And we know that they need oxygen to live according to lore in Survival missions as well as Mag Prime's codex entry. So while Warframes are hardy and have special powers, they are still animals with needs that aren't dissimilar to you and me. If they don't get the things they need to live, or if their vital processes are sufficiently impeded (for example, by decapitation) then they will die.
  3. It actually has been considered. A few years ago they showed off some concepts for "modular Archwings", but as DE only has so much bandwidth that idea got shelved because DE decided there were more important things to work on. I personally like Railjack, but I do have to agree with DE's priorities: most people aren't that into Archwings, and most people aren't into Railjack, so devoting their limited resources towards making new Archwings doesn't really give them much bang for their buck. But DE is very experimental, so I wouldn't be surprised if someday they add new modes to the game that benefit from Archwing, and maybe at that point they'll feel like it's the right time to add some new Archwings. My armchair guess is that many players haven't really given Railjack a fair shot since the dusts have settled. Railjack had multiple botched launches and took years to finally get to a place where it was functional and fun, and I wouldn't be surprised if the years leading up to that were enough to poison most players to the point of giving up on it, and that that vibe has become the narrative that gets passed on to many new players as well. Which isn't to say that there aren't valid reasons to dislike Railjack, but it often gets a variety of flack that it no longer deserves. As a game designer, I totally get that vibe. It can be challenging to see potential for something in a game you love and know that it might never reach that because efforts were focused elsewhere. I don't know if it helps, but I've found some measure of serenity in just trying to accept that no game will ever be precisely what I want it to be, and that the developers have well-intentioned reasons for making the decisions they do. The best we can do is to give them our constructive feedback, and wait to see what wonders they deliver to us. It will rarely be exactly what we want, but if it ends up being something good, I try to find satisfaction in that. There's no place where you can guarantee a reply from Digital Extremes, but if you want them to see your suggestions, desires, feedback, etc, you can write that in the Feedback section of the forums; there's no guarantee that they'll actually implement anything you write about, but they'll read it and consider it. (as opposed to General Discussion, which they rarely read) https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1219-feedback/
  4. The goal of the upcoming changes isn't for players to no longer armor strip: rather, it's to make sure that armor stripping isn't the only game in town. So if you like armor stripping, there's nothing to fear; that's still going to be a worthwhile tactic. It just won't be the only worthwhile tactic.
  5. If I recall this isn't actually a part of any frame at the moment, but I feel like it fits the vibe: I want any frame with a meaningful timed buff to have the time left on that buff be part of the special UI for that buff. For example, with Gara, I find it difficult to keep her Splinter Storm up because the timer gets lost in the dozens of buff icons swimming around the top of my screen. Since that 90% DR is something I'm really depending on for survival (not to mention that I lose all the accumulated damage if it ever drops) it would be great if the timer associated with my personal Splinter Storm was front-and-center as part of the special Splinter Storm UI.
  6. I'll be honest: when I was watching today's Devstream and they specifically brought up Cold while implying it would be getting some changes, my immediate guess was that they'd be nerfing its current functionality. Because while Cold hasn't been able to get my attention with its damage-dealing potential, its CC ability is in my opinion some of the best in the game because it's one of very few methods of CC that work on "mini-boss" enemies; that's a significant part of why my Sentinel's Helstrum is built specifically to spread Cold procs! So I was pretty surprised to hear that not only is the base functionality remaining intact, but that it's getting buffed. (I will of course gladly accept this change) That said, I'm sure that this decision is based on analytics that show that players aren't using Cold, so maybe I'm one of the few using it this way (or at all). I'm curious: what has your experience with this most recent iteration of Cold procs been?
  7. Initially I was thinking there'd be no way they'd add this back, but then I realized that enemies still get ragdolled all the time because after removing the old Blast effect they literally added Lifted and built it in to numerous weapon combos. So maybe it can make a return?
  8. I read this sentence in the same tone as Liam Neeson saying "I have a very particular set of skills." XD Personally, I would hope that they don't think of any players as whales. From my own history in game dev, I've generally found that labeling any individual or demographic as a whale results in discussions and strategies that dehumanize such players and treat them as little more than bottomless wallets with legs. Which I find distasteful, to say the least. I would far rather devs not directly think about "whales", instead just focusing on the balance and quality and value of their game's transactions. If the economic situation for the game becomes one where the devs don't simply need to consider these general aspects of microtransactions, but need to actually think about ways to cater to the desires of whales, then I think something has gone significantly wrong elsewhere. Same! Yeah, that's how I feel about them as well. And the price tag on these is sizeable enough relative to other offerings in the Market that my guess is that this is supposed to be how most players interpret them: that you're giving DE a big chunk of change to support the game, and in exchange you're getting some nice trinkets (almost like backer rewards) as a thank-you. It's not common to hear people say something like, "80? For that much I could buy a new game," and it's like, "Yeah, that's the point!" Personally, given only the text and no access to the writer, my best guess is that it's the latter as well. Ah, I understand. That makes a lot of sense. ^^ Thank you for taking the time to so thoroughly and thoughtfully share your thoughts!
  9. But isn't that literally what happens for frames with no shields? If they were concerned about that it would seem better to not give that to any frame, rather than just giving it to a few.
  10. I love it. I don't expect this to be perfect right out the gate, but I anticipate it being a great improvement. Thanks for taking things in such a positive direction!
  11. Me in this thread: "In theory Blast can be useful." Actual quote from Pablo on stream: "Blast is useless." XD
  12. Generally speaking, Rage doesn't apply to Overguard; Rage only applies to Overguard when the Warframe has literally no shields. That means most Warframes don't benefit from this.
  13. I would give Mag any other passive, even the ones that players widely consider worthless. Rhino's slam, Valkyr's immunity to falls, Loki's lengthy wall cling...any of them would be better than the nothing she has now.
  14. I mean, in theory a 75% accuracy loss for enemies is roughly equivalent to 75% DR. So what you can do if you know that you've built up those stacks is similar to what you would do if you had instead built your frame with an additional 75% DR. I wouldn't sneeze at that. Some armchair theory-crafting suggests to me that Blast status would probably best complement a shield-gating build in content where enemies are hardy enough that CC (as opposed to killing) becomes worthwhile. Quartering the frequency with which your shield gate is broken would certainly free up some bandwidth. This is a really good point, and it reminds me of one of my criticisms of Xaku's passive/Vast Untime: it's very difficult to experience the impact of passive evasion, because players don't get any meaningful feedback when attacks are evaded in Warframe. And the same can be said for reduced enemy accuracy. This also extends past Blast: many players don't know — and those who do can easily forget — that it's actually hard-coded that the higher your Warframe's velocity is, the less accurate enemies become. Because again, it's hard to experience the concept of enemy shots being less accurate during gameplay. For Blast, I honestly don't know what could make it feel better. In RPG's there are dark cloud FX over the eyes of enemies when they are Blinded? Perhaps adding some significant shaking to enemy weapons to make it clear that they're off-balance and clumsy? It's a tricky challenge to overcome, especially on a budget.
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