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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. It is a way for PC players to get their stuff on PS4. But it can also be used by PS4 players to reset their account with an "empty" PC account in a similar fashion to the account reset that PC players got last year (except that it's considerably easier to exploit due to platinum from trades being refunded).


    DE didn't ruin anything. Calm your Boobens. They gave quite a bit of advance notice that migration would come when U14 dropped. They also made it abundantly clear before and during the migration period that it would be temporary.


    Anything else is on you. Sorry bud.


    I personally wouldn't even mind losing my platinum, as far as I had something to start playing with. Starting this game from scratch is a pain.

  2. Because it could also act as an account reset. If a PS4 player who didn't have a PC account wanted to, they could make a PC account and roll back their account and have all the platinum they ever spent refunded... including platinum they used in trades or dojo building. It's incredibly easy to exploit, and had it remained there would likely be a lot of players doing this veritable reset, which would in turn severely damage the economy (due to an influx of platinum that'd been traded to people who don't reset).


    The reason it was so short and not a permanent option is the same reason why the PC won't be allowed to do another reset.


    I thought it was just going to be a way for PC players to get their stuff on PS4. I guess I will be playing Destiny instead of Warframe with my friends. DE sure knows how to ruin literally EVERYTHING.

  3. For instance i ran an alert and was never rewarded the payoff so who do i contact?


    Support since normal players cannot refund your items. If you have a problem which normal players can solve, then post to the forums' 'Players helping Players' section.

  4. DDOS In time of a Catalyst alert... I'm starting to think DE &!$$ed off someone who has issues :)

    Btw I did the alert in solo mode, squads didn't work for me also...


    It's was a low-level alert. I can still imagine new players being disappointed since it can be very challenging for them to do the MD alert in solo mode.

  5. So bar new players from getting the clan weapons for over a week because some players go in, take the research, and get out...


    Sorry, but punishing the many because of the crimes of the few doesn't sit well with me.  Even then, you'd still just be punishing "the many", because you know what those players would do?  They'd wait, grab the research, and leave.


    Many clan research weapons require mastery rank of over 4, so new players wouldn't be able to acquire the weapons anyway. One shouldn't keep switching clans constantly, instead people should find a clan which they really like and stay in it.

  6. Situation: For a storm clan, the quanta research costs 35 neural sensors.

    For a ghost clan, the quanta research costs 3 neural sensors.

    Problem: Players from storm clan leave and join a ghost clan that already has completed the research. They buy the blueprint and leave just to join back they're own clan.


    What's the point if a smaller clan can finish research contribution faster than a high tier clan? Isn't that unfair?

    What's the point in contributing materials for your clan research when you can get it from other clans who already completed the research without any effort? This problem makes high tier clans useless, more problematic.

    Why waste a lot of materials into a research that costs 10x or 100x when you can contribute them into a small ghost clan's research?


    It is unfair and for some reason people fail to see that. They just keep defending DE and the already existing content, which is the reason why we never get anything good in this game.

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