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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Please please please quote when i said I was the expert? I'd love to see that post...


    All you're doing is changing the goalposts of the original argument, so now we're going round in circles - so i'll reiterate....


    "Transmuting is a substitute for in game satisfaction"


    Clearly you two have ZERO conversation skills that it results in name calling and utter nonsense, so yeah I'll leave you "big boys" to play now, just lemme know when you need changing and I'll send for the nanny...


    Talking nonsense has proven to be the best way of getting rid of people I don't like.

  2. Yes, i don't have it, you're so completely aware of everything in my inventory - I knew this would descend into muppetry sooner or later....


    Transmuting isn't an achievement it's happenstance fuelled by credits


    If you think so, why don't you go make a suggestion to remove transmutation? Flaming my thread won't help anything.

  3. 10 millions credits was the reference - "it took me 10 millions credits, you think that's easy blah blah"....


    You were bragging about you being an expert telling me that I don't play the game blah blah....

  4. Try not to be too butt-hurt when people call you out on things.. you shared a screenshot of a random act - you didn't share a technique or improve the community's understanding of how to farm the mod - did you even say what mods you used to transmute?


    And just telling someone to leave cos your nose is a bit out of joint is well - pretty laughable.


    Also as a sidenote - you know other mods/resources drop when you're farming right? And that you can play with other people for a co-op game right? So all those missions - knowing what warframe is - turns you off? That's not my problem - I'm fully aware of what endeavours need to be undertaken but I take enjoyment in the satisfaction it was more on my terms and I enjoyed the teamplay


    I play Void missions with my friends to farm credits and have fun. You have obviously never had fun in your life.

  5. Oh good - we've descended to name callin - was a bit overdue


    LOGIC a)  - farm for credits, spend credits waste mods.


    LOGIC b) - farm for mod, get credits, other resources and play the game whilst getting XP.


    Play the game how you want - just don't brag like you got it to drop "wid all dat skillz"


    ''FAN ZONE - A place for lore or anything else you want to share!''


    I shared a screenshot of me getting something that I have been trying to get for over 100 hours. That is not bragging. The only one here without any logic is you. Now get out of here.

  6. Yeah you're right cos grineer are only on one missio.... oh no wait hang on a sec...


    The lack of logic defies me, just play the game - mix it up and know that anyone can press transmute


    Bombards are the only enemy who drop the mod. If I wanted to properly farm this mod, I would have to do Grineer missions for a very long time. 

  7. You're totally right - lets never play the game, just use the transmute button...


    Heaven forbid you would bring a loki, nekros rad/viral builds and actually work a way to increase your chances, god no - playing the game? F*** that!


    Considering that I have spent over 10 MILLION credits on getting this mod, are you seriously telling me that I have NOT played this game? My 1000+ hours of gameplay tells otherwise.

  8. No, it drops, rare but that's why you work hard - all you proved is you knew how to spend credits and got lucky - GJ


    I prefer having fun instead of farming one type of missions for two weeks. You should try it too.

  9. Transmuted... good job - now go get it to drop like a true tenno...


    I'm pretty sure that nobody has received this mod as a drop before getting it from transmutation. DE should make farming mods actually worth it.

  10. bbec78be1ac774b45715acae7ec9e0f7.png


    I can't see a S#&$. Nekros isn't even a big Warframe and he still blocks 50% of my damn screen. Give us a non-3D option so we could actually see what we are doing.


    Problem #2: I would like to see my WHOLE gun when recoloring it. This is a problem with mane Warframe stances.



  11. It's because how the mechanics of the Jackal works. Jackal has VERY high shields unless you shoot his leg(s) first. The first shot of your Ogris probably just took one of his legs down. Then the second shot after that actually damages his health. That problem with Ogris is its slow firerate. Some times Jackal might get up before you are able to land the second shot on him.


    Bosses also scale higher in levels now than before.

  12. Void has pretty much always been the best place for loads of credits. Dark sector was just a cheaper, easier, less effective way of doing it. Unless the credit rewards have been changed in the void since I last needed credits.

    But really, just go recruiting channel, look for any higher tier void missions, and it's basically free credits.


    First DE has to fix the chat and the matchmaking problems. That might take even a week.

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