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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Why do you think that? 


    He just explained why he thinks so. First they release two almost identical guns, then it turns out that the design was from an another game.



    Secondly, it is drastically different form intricacies other than its shape.


    Both weapons are also mining equipment.

  2. I remember when I had Sabotage missions and then after destroying the ships power core (or whatever it is), Lotus gave us a Deception objective. It totally makes sense to derail an already disabled ship.


    But yeah, the missions still exist, as people have already said.

  3. If they keys ever get added as alert rewards, the keys should be a tertiary reward. What I mean by this, is that they should have a own drop table and they have a chance of being a reward in addition to the BP and resource rewards. This way they won't make the helmet and resource rewards more rare.

  4. A lot of ideas of Warframe comes from elsewhere. From Deadspace DE learned that using mining tools as weapons against space zombies is Bad. @$$.


    They should have at least used a less obvious design for the weapon...

  5. I agree with 2 and 7. I would also like to see us be able to add more decorations to each room. My supposedly ''full'' rooms still look empty with max amount of decorations.


    About the number 8, it's the problem with Strict NAT. If there is somebody with Strict NAT hosting the Dojo, most of the players are unable to join the Dojo.

  6. I remember when Hydroid got released, I bought him on the first day. Later that I day I was hosting some T3 Defense and one dude didn't want to play with me because I had bought him instead of farming him.

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