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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. On the bright side, at least it would be rather short-living, but very good cash cow. 


    Very good cash cow for a while indeed, but then everyone would quit the game because they have nothing left to do.

  2. Current thoughts on plat: 

    Most players I know won't buy plat without at least a 50% off. 

    Getting 20% off for two days is crap, if it hasn't been changed, ruins your chances of getting a good discount. 

    It totally sucks to rely on RNG for discounts. 



    So i'm thinking "why not offer everyone the same discounts at the same time?" 


    Think about it: if players all had days where they'd all get a discount, sales will rise. Some players would log in just to buy that plat before the discount changes. 


    Sales will rise and soon there is nobody actually playing the game because everything is bought with plat.

  3. Ik someone would bring it up but the DS was meant to be a horror game, problem right now Infested still don't feel scary enough and with everyone just being able to shoot around.


    This. Infested are too easy to be scary. The music would fit Orokin Derelicts much better because of the dark enviroment, especially when fighting Lephantis.

  4. If you could please have a look at the screenshots I posted, at what point am I standing inside the absorb radius?


    Note my position relative to my squad-mates positions on the mini-map


    The ''real'' radius is much larger than the visual is. But the second screenshot is indeed something I cannot explain.

  5. I understand that Absorb also absorbs friendly shots. It's a great mechanic to have. However, that does not explain why it causes players to fire behind them if their back is turned to a squad-mate who is using Absorb


    As long as you are in the radius of Absorb, and no matter which direction you shoot, the shots are absorbed by Nyx. That makes it a extremely annoying. But that is also how it works on enemy shots, which makes Absorb a great alternative to Snow Globe when defending objectives in Defense missions.

  6. Soon..

    In update 15.9"


    In update 18723514361263123*



    The most interesting possible addition to the dojo's decoration imo :




    I like fishes.(and killerkarpfen)


    Pet Killerkarpfen Prime confirmed!

  7. They have been trying to shoot down their own planet for a long time. I've seen them, trying to take down Saturn for quite some time with no luck. It would be devistating to see if they succeed. 


    One does not simply destroy a gas planet. I wish good luck for the Grineer attempting to succeed on that.

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