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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. No, this won't be the old raid mission type in which we needed to ''fetch a artifact and extract''. This will be something completely different.


    Yesterday I posted a screenshot on this topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/282650-has-anyone-encountered-this-already-5-players-in-a-game/




    Later a user called 'Jennibear' quoted the picture and typed this:


    now i want raids lol


    This gave me an idea of these missions. Why don't we have some extremely hard missions, with huge and very challenging enemies? Something like a mission full of level 100-150 enemies with squads containing 10-20 Tenno? Multiple boss fight in each missions for extreme challenge and most importantly, fun. Going through those missions would require a lot of team work and very high-tier weapons and Warframes, which would make Forma'ing our guns actually worth it. The enemies we currently have melt too easily against 6-Forma Somas and Amprexes.


    At the end of each missions, the Tenno would be rewarded with massive amounts of credits and resources, as well as a chance to obtain some unique weapons BPs, which are only available from the Raid missions.

  2. There are actually way too many of them, compared to the number of non-electricity elemental weapons.


    Amprex for primary, Castanas for secondary and Serro for melee. That's the best electricity only weapons you can probably have.

  3. I really like Oberon. One of my top 3 favorites actually, but due to how mediocre he has been, I just haven't been using him a whole lot. I am also really excited for this rework or buff, or whatever. I'm hoping for a rework though since his skills won't be that much better even if they buff their DPS.


    I heard that Hallowed Ground might get chanced completely. Instead of dealing damage, it would debuff enemies and buff teammates. That could come handy in some high-level missions.

  4. The Oberon buff has already been confirmed couple of days ago, and I am very excited for it! I just wanted to share a picture of my Oberon.




    Silva and Aegis for sexy looks with life strike for healing, Amprex for high damage and Embolist for... Well, every Tenno needs to have a infested bug spray can just in case!


    Feel free to post pictures of your Oberons as well, and tell me what are you hoping to see in the Oberon buff.

  5. And yet, a Tenno was ready for battle right after being released from his pod in which he slept for a thousand year or something.

    Just want to say that logic and games usually don't go well together.


    this is space dog, logic do not applies. Didn't you see the excalibur kicking @$$ right after idk thousands years of cryopod?


    If I recall correctly, Lotus restored all our powers instantly after the Tenno waking up in the prologue. I doubt she has time for doing the same for 18235123 Kubrows.

  6. That is hard.I should have the freedom to take any kubrow I want.Suppose I am farming with a sahasa and suddenly I get an invite from my friends to do t4 survival,I would obviously want to take my sunika or huras.


    So you just assume that your Kubrows are ready for a mission after being completely FROZEN? You have a perfect logic right there.

  7. I loved them because they where fun to fight against. They where mindless but that's the charm of them. They got harder as the Survival mission went on during those times because they'd take more bullets to kill they also got dangerously powerful when they got close with their claws. Ancient out of no where knocking your power and shield out was actually dangerous.


    Here they get so ridiculous that even Grineer and Corpus on twice the level are easier to deal with. They got too cheap now.


    How did they get harder if the weren't even able to land a single hit on you? If you liked the easy Infested, just go to Venus with the other cry babies.

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