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Everything posted by PhantomDrifter

  1. 1. Planet Bosses - Noticing the repetitive appearance of Captain Vor, Lich Kril. Bosses are annoying and easy at the same time; Some Bosses can be one shotted, and other bosses are still living because of invulnerabilities. Suggestion: Create additional bosses unique on each of every planet (Just like the Jackal) plus, make their HP just like Fragmented murmurs, no invulnerabilities just damage attenuation. making each boss battle longer and challenging. Change the Uranus and Sedna Boss Fighting Style, they are always hiding and its annoying. 2. Identical Maps - Missions on Venus, Pluto, Neptune - Mecury, Sedna etc... are really have same map design, Suggestions: at least give them unique designs just like Mars Jupiter, Earth an Ceres. 3. Remove Riven Disposition - Player are buying plats to buy better Riven, then suddenly got nerfed through dispositions. Suggestion: Buff Enemies, instead nerfing Rivens. 4. Update older Warframe Abilities and older Weapons Stats - no explanation needed. 5. Buff for Condition Overload, Blood-Rush, Weeping Wounds, Berserker, Gladiator Mods Meta - Nerfing this mods are the biggest mistakes, these mods must be buffed, for other melee weapons to shine and be useful not only for mastery ranking purpose. Suggestion: Better to buff enemies, instead nerfing weapons and mods. 6. The Fragmented One Rewards - The F1 is one of the best bosses ever made in the game, make it drop meaningful Rewards. 7. Excal Umbra Transference Bug - resets buff abilities after transference out/in. 8. Give Kullervo, Inaros, and Nidus a Shield (or Similar Buff) - HP only is not enough. there must be something like a shield equivalent to them. 9. Make Drifter walk more naturally just like the Operator 10. Make Dax Equitem appear more often in Duviri Mission - Fighting with him/her is really cool. 11. Make Drifter's Camp a little bit crowded with other brothers. 12. Make blood splats more obvious and brutal during fights. 13. Defense and Interception is kinda outdated mission types that every Tenno is dodging.
  2. Overguard of Styanax augment Intrepid Stand may reaches to over 1 million. Styanax has shield, while the needy no shield Kullervo was capped, and Rhino was tied on Ability Strength.
  3. Excalibur Umbra ability reset after transference. Its been a while problem. Abilities resets after transference.
  4. Any fix on Excal Umbra ability reset after tranference?
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