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Everything posted by SJK150

  1. Interesting. Alright, I shall do so. Hopefully it fixes it
  2. Please DE, fix this. It happens on PC, it happens on PS5, fix this please. I want to play warframe again
  3. You know what? No. I'm not dealing with this anymore If you want me to play more warframe then fix host connection bugs because I HATE it when I do an arb and the host hops in extraction with another player at the last second and leaves then I fail to connect to the new host I lose EVERYTHING I GOT THAT MISSION WITH NO HOPE OF GETTING IT BACK so no, I'm not playing warframe anymore till this is fixed
  4. Around 80% to 90% of the games I try to join publicly it fails to connect to host and I'm either kicked out (losing all the loot dearing inf missions) or it just doesn't join the party and gives me the host disconnected message. I really REALLY hope it's fixed in the next update because if it isn't then it's just better to run solo void fishers then have 30 attempts at joining another party just to crack 1 relic
  5. I just did a netracell mission after completing all 5 yesterday so I expected to not get the netracell loot but we found a killed a book so I expected to get the book loot and walked away with neither, no netracell nor book loot. You should atleast get the book loot from "expired" netracell missions ya? I get book loot from eveywhere else but not finished netracells?
  6. Fix, I fixed it by turning off my NAT and leaving my UPnP on Don't pay any mind to this
  7. I agree, It would be nice if the push to talk was replaced with a toggle mute instead so I don't have to give up a finger just to talk while fighting
  8. Every time I try to play public matches I always get the message The connection to multiplayer host has been lost. You will be returned to multiplayer menu I've tried lowering my graphics and re installing the game but nothing fixes it hitting ok just returns me back to my ship
  9. Ok, I have a question. Not sure this goes to the Warframes section or not but I have a question. Why doesn't the Amar set bonus stack with Rift Strike? I mean they both tp you to the target when you heavy attack so why don't they go together? (With the Amar mod set) All other weapons have 20 meter range (unless I'm missing a few) Twin Basolk has Rift Strike for 25 meters and dual daggers has 30 with the full set. So why doesn't the 2 Amar Warframe set mods stack with Rift Strike for a max of 45 meters for Twin Basolk? Why don't they go together? TELL ME WHY???
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