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  1. Took out the two other heads. Then it just kept ground pounding. Infestation was also stuck at 66%.
  2. 100% soft lock rate. This is worse than the jackal now.
  3. When CDPR said refunds were available for cyberpunk on Playstation before asking sony, they banned the game until it was in an acceptable condition.
  4. Bought it. Bought the art book. Bought wisp prime access. I'm finally making good money after ten years in retail. I'm treating myself.
  5. Went to undercroft. Host leaves forcing host migration. Spawn back in as host but the objective is now reconnect power lines instead of void flood. Finish the void flood part. Get back to duviri. One guy is stuck in undercroft. Fine. Try spawning the orowyrm. Take out the towers and enter the arena. White screen. Host migration. WHEN I'M ALREADY THE HOST. spawn back in arena. No wyrm. Just an empty arena. 20 minutes wasted.
  6. Entered the undercroft. Then nothing happens. Loading icon just keeps spinning.
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